What Is Atom

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What is Atom?

-is the smallest particle and builing block of a


-is the smallest constituent unit of

ordinarymatterthat has the properties of
achemical element.Everysolid,liquid,gas,
andplasmais composed of neutral
orionizedatoms. Atoms are very small;
typical sizes are around 100picometers(a
ten-billionth of a meter, in the short scale)
Where Can You Find
Every single matter on the
universe is composed of atom.

Even every single one of us are

composed of idefinite number of
Parts of Atom

1. Nucleus- central part of an atom,

which consists of:
a) Proton- have positive charge.
b) Neutron- have neutral or no

2. Electrons- have negative charge.

Parts of Atom
Elements and Compounds
1. Elements
-each of more than one hundred substances
that cannot be chemically interconverted or
broken down into simpler substances and
are primary constituents of matter.

2. Compounds
-Acompoundis a substance formed when
two or more chemicalelements are
chemically bonded together.
Daltons Atomic Theory
John Dalton(6 September 1766 27 July 1844) was
an Englishchemist,physicist, andmeteorologist. He is
best known for his pioneering work in the
development of modernatomic theory; and his
research intocolour blindness, sometimes referred to
asDaltonism, in his honour.

Democritus first suggested the existence of the atom

but it took almost two millennia before the atom was
placed on a solid foothold as a fundamental chemical
object by John Dalton (1766-1844)
Daltons Atomic Theory States That:

1. All matters are made of tiny indivisible

particles calle atoms.
2. The atoms of one kind of element are alike in
size, mass, and structure.
3. The atoms of different kinds of elements are
different in size, mass, and structure.
4. Atomic particle of one element combine with
those of another element forming another
kind of particle called molecule.
5. Atoms are not broken during ordinary
chemical reaction.
6. Only atoms unite with one another.

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