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Week 3

Commercial Vs Non Commercial

Commercial Vs Non Commercial

Commercialization: converting to commercial use (sale, use or
exchange), including preparation or positioning for such use with
patenting, licensing or advertising.
Commercial research: research undertaken in order to acquire
new knowledge directed primarily towards a potential commercial
use, including preparation or positioning for such use that demands
a return on investments

Legal base: intention: good faith.


Exemples : Education dveloppent in Rural areas


Intellectual input: Academics/Education authorities etc


Exemple : Construction of Building

input : Customer requirent

involement: builders, legal authorites,

contracts etc
provide funds for (a project or activity
or the person carrying it out.
Funds for mainly commercial Project
Able to provide financial support to
the project/business project/
Need to know the business plan?
A researcher is someone who
conducts research, i.e., an organized
and systematic investigation into
something. Scientists are often
described as researchers.
Characteristics of Commercial
Interested party (stakeholders)
Project feasibility Plan
By Laws (contract, patents etc)
Financial Returns (profit/sharing %)
Closing the project
APPLE and its commercial
Products-Case study
Discuss the commercialization of
Apple Products and services.
Critically analyze the Apples seven
steps to success
How you see the competitors
standing against Apple. Inc.
Feasibility of a Commercial
Research Project
What is feasibility Study
Problem oriented
Exploratory oriented
Feasibility Study
will help you understanding the
concept of a feasibility analysis and
what it means for business
development/Research Project
Mainly the commercial research are
related to financial returns for
IPL 20/20 cricket is commercial project
Feasibility Study
The basic premise of a feasibility
study is to determine the potential for
success of a proposed business
Information building tool
Description of the Project Identication and
exploration of business scenarios

Description of the Project Identication

and exploration of business scenarios
Identify alternative scenarios or
business models of what the project
will entail, how it will be organized,
and how it will generate prots. These
may come from the idea assessment
or market assessment that you may
have already completed.
Dene the project and
alternative scenarios
Eliminate scenarios that dont make
Flesh-out the scenario(s) that appear
to have potential for further
Dene the project and
alternative scenarios
Describe the type and quality of
product(s) or service(s) to be
New model of car (fund by sponsor)
An Event leading to high endorsement of
the products/services/companies (EXPO
Dene the project and
alternative scenarios
Outline the general business model
(i.e. how the business will make
Include the technical processes
including size, location, kind of
inputs, etc.
Dene the project and
alternative scenarios
Specify the time horizon from the time
the project is initiated until it is up and
running at capacity. Relationship to
the surrounding geographic area
Outline the economic and social
impact on local communities.
Describe the environmental impact on
the surrounding area.
Market Feasibility
Market Feasibility This can be based on a
market assessment that you may have
already completed.
Industry description
Describe the size and scope of the industry,
market and/or market segment(s).
Estimate the future direction of the
industry, mar- ket and/or market
Market Feasibility
Describe the nature of the industry,
market and/ or market segment(s). Is it
stable or going through rapid change
and restructuring?
Identify the life-cycle of the industry,
market and/ or market segment(s). Is it
emerging, growing, mature, declining?
Example: Construction, Robotics,
Gaming etc
Industry competitiveness
Describe the industry concentration.
Are there just a few large producers
or many small producers?
Describe the major competitors? Will
you compete directly against them?
Analyze the barriers to entry of new
competitors into the market or
Industry competitiveness
Can new competitive enter easily?
Analyze the concentration and
competitiveness of input suppliers
and product/service buyers.

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