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Directional reference systems
The Magnetic Compass
Magnetic Error (Variation and Deviation)
Compass Conversion (T M) -True to Magnetic
The Gyrocompass
Gyrocompass Error
Applicable reading: Hobbs chapter 9.
Learning Objectives
1. The student will comprehend the basic
principles of the operation of the gyrocompass and its
advantages and disadvantages.
2. The student will apply correct procedures in
determining and correcting for gyrocompass and
magnetic error.
3. The student will comprehend the differences
between true, magnetic, gyrocompass, and relative
direction reference systems, and apply proper
procedures to make direction conversions from any one
system to any other.
4. The student will comprehend the basic
principles of operation of the magnetic compass and its
advantages and disadvantages.
5. The student will comprehend the reasons for
variation and deviation and how these affect the
magnetic compass.
6. The student will apply proper procedures in
converting from true direction to compass direction and
vice versa.
7. The student will apply correct procedures to
determine variation using navigation charts.
Directional Reference Systems
Ships Head ( or heading)

a special bearing denoting the direction in which the ship is pointing.

Directional References

Relative Bearings (R) = bearings measured with reference to the ships longitudinal axis

Magnetic Bearings (M) = bearings measured with respect to magnetic north.

True Bearings (T) = bearings measured with respect to true of geographic north.
Magnetic Compasses
Magnets within the compass tend to align
themselves with the earths magnetic lines of force.
The compass consists of a circular card, graduated
with 360 degrees around the face.
A pair of magnets is attached to the underside of the
card, beneath the north-south axis.
The card floats in the fluid to reduce friction and
dampen the vibrations caused by ships movement.
Advantages of Magnetic
Little maintenance required
No power source required
Disadvantages of Magnetic
Does not seek True North
Affected by surrounding materials
Cannot be used near the poles
Magnetic Compass Error:
Variation: the angle between a magnetic line of force
and a geographic (true) meridian at any location on the
Variation exists because the earths magnetic and
geographic poles are not in the same location.
Magnetic anomalies in the earths crust also contribute
to variation.
Magnetic Compass Error:
Variation also changes from year to year as the earths
magnetic poles tend to wander.
Variation is printed inside compass roses on all
navigation charts.
Always use the compass rose nearest your current DR
Magnetic Compass Error:
Deviation: the angle between the magnetic meridian
and the north line on the compass card.
Deviation is caused by the interaction of the ships
metallic structure and electrical systems with the
earths magnetic field.
Magnetic Compass Error:
Deviation can be compensated for but never eliminated.
A compass table is used, which provides the value of
deviation for every 15 degrees of ships head.
Entering argument for the table is M and degaussing
on or off (DG ON/DG OFF)
Swinging Ship
Swinging ship is the process used to determine the
ships magnetic table.

Swing ship around 15 degrees to measure the magnetic

deviation with each ships heading.

Done when the deviation on any heading exceeds 3

Compass Conversions
Converting Compass to True
->C D M V T (AE)
[Can dead men vote twice (at elections)?]

Converting True to Compass

-> T V M D C (AW)
[True virgins make dull companions (at weddings)]
A north-seeking gyroscope
The gyro spins at a very high velocity, and its spin axis
remains aligned with terrestrial meridians.
The gyro has three axes:
spin axis
torque axis
precession axis
Seeks geographic (true) north instead of magnetic
Can be used near the earths magnetic poles, where
magnetic compass is useless.
Unaffected by surrounding material.
Signal can be fed to other systems (INS, fire control,
automatic steering)
Intricate electronic instrument.
Requires a constant source of electrical power and is
sensitive to power fluctuations.
Requires periodic maintenance by highly skilled
Gyrocompass Error
Although the gyrocompass is a very accurate
instrument, it normally has a small error associated with
its readings. (normally less than 1)
Like the magnetic compass, this error is expressed as
east or west.
Gyrocompass Error
To remember how to use the gyro error,
two memory aids are commonly used:
->If Gyro is best (higher), error is west;
If Gyro is least (lower), error is east.
G.E.T. -- Gyro + East = True
Determining Gyro
Methods of determining gyro error:
Celestial Methods (to be discussed later)
Observing a visual range.
Observing bearing to an object while at a known
Heading while pierside
Trial and error adjustment of three or more
simultaneous LOPs.
Compare to gyrocompass of known error.

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