Manager On Cloud: Chapter Eighteen Challenges of Cyberage

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Cases as eye openers

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When they do what they do


Oxford University Press 2009. All rights reserved.

Case: Hacking
A Russian teenager hacks into an US company selling CDs online
He accessed thousands of credit card numbers and blackmailed the
company for a ransom
The company ignored the threat that numbers would be released on
the Internet
But the kid did as he said he would
The credit card companies were shell shocked
They had to replace tens of thousands of credit cards
The customers as well as the companies had harrowing time.
It is true that the teenager was wrong and was dealt with.
Why did the manager of the CDs selling company doing even after
the threat why did he not show any sensitivity towards the
tens of thousands of customers
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TT (not real name) is a reputed financial company
The vice-president of the company himself posted anonymous
messages on the internet belittling the competitors
The competitors were far too small in comparison with this company
The messages did not even spare the founders of these companies
from personal attacks rubbishing their integrity
The competitor companies tried their best and were able to prove
with incontrovertible evidence that the messages were traced back
to the vice-president
Why on earth would a vice-president of the most powerful and
reputed company do such a thing to such small competitors
who were really not significant?

Oxford University Press 2009. All rights reserved.

Case: Identity theft
There was an international news where a journalist entering her own
name got a shock of her life to find all about her personal details
such as date of birth, profession, income, hobbies; her journalistic
beats, scoops and other information
It has been unearthed that for a fee there are professional hackers
who sell the details of credit cards and other details which helps the
buyers of this information steal not only the identities but also
withdraw money from ATMS or do shopping on the Internet
Hackers also sell information that they have hacked from the
company data bases. Industrial espionage has taken the virtual
route making companies most vulnerable.
What would you do to safeguard the identity and security of your

Oxford University Press 2009. All rights reserved.

Challenging Task


Oxford University Press 2009. All rights reserved.

Managing Virtual Reality
Internet is the area of virtual morality
One deals with cyber objects and images
It is not everyday that someone runs amuck in a business
But the most unassuming hacker is able to cause incalculable
damage to the private lives and finances of millions of customers
The volume of information is just spectacular
All the information flies around instantly @ of Internet around the
The challenge is not only for managers to manage information but
also manage ethics without boarders, peoples and time zones
The selling portals, for instance, do not know what is being sold on
their portal
Oxford University Press 2009. All rights reserved.
Customer on Internet
A customer is wary of doing business on the Internet he will do
business only if:
Requisite information is needed
Ensured how such information is used
Given choices in the use of information
Means are provided for the customer to verify the information
Clarity over redressal of grievances

What else can a manager undertake to reassure a customer about

the safety of doing business on the Internet?

Oxford University Press 2009. All rights reserved.

The HR Manager and Internet
Internet issues in HR
Several thousand employees around the world get dismissed for
some of the following: personal email, send sexist, racist and
threatening email, view pornography, gambling, selling products
online and running any of the Internet businesses as a second
The most serious breach has been stealing of company data and
selling it to competitors
The computers in workplace are a big real (as against virtual) is a
health hazard for eyes, wrists and back and other problems
Environmental hazard: The manufacture of computer chips involves
toxics; their disposal is not easy
How should the employees use Internet is a real serious problem
for the HR managers
Oxford University Press 2009. All rights reserved.
Virtue is what virtue does


Oxford University Press 2009. All rights reserved.

Virtual Values of a Company
A strong statement of company values, an ethical framework applied to all
business decisions, and an explicit acknowledgement that all aspects of
business operations, including ethical values, apply in cyberspace.
Effective, ongoing communications and training that address the special
ethical challenges of operating in cyberspace
Helping resources to support employees in making good and timely
Clear rewards and sanctions that hold people accountable, and some
system of stakeholder engagement to ensure that you are adequately
addressing and balancing the ethical concerns of all those impacted by your
Explore ways they can harness new information technologies to promote
ethical behavior not simply to build a firewall against the risks that
technology creates.

Oxford University Press 2009. All rights reserved.


The governments should not

legislate Internet: It should
be allowed to regulate itself

Oxford University Press 2009. All rights reserved.



Oxford University Press 2009. All rights reserved.


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