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Evaluation Activity 2

How does your media product represent

particular social groups?
Social Groups
A social group is a collection of people who interact with each other
and share similar characteristics and a sense of unity. Our production
Karma is based on demonic activities and the Ouija Board due to
the horror and how the film is made to get a reaction out of the
audience our social group was aged at 15-30.

Within this part of my evaluation I will have to compare in terms of

similarities and differences, with the characters from my prodcution
to other characters from real media products. For example,
established films.
Our Character Kristela
Kristela our main character in our production is in the social
group of young adults. She is shown to be a stereotypical
victim as she is young, innocent and scared looking. Also she is
around the age of our audience, who also fall in the social
group of young adults. This helps the audience imagine
themselves in our main roles situation to see how they would
react as they are the similar age and can relate to them. We
chose a victim who likely has the same lifestyle as our
audience so its better for them to relate.
What Films Inspired us?
When doing the planning and research of our production as a group we
took inspiration from some of our favourite horror films and ones that
seemed similar to the idea of our production. We chose to do this to
achieve an insight into what kind of film we would like to produce and
what type of film our target audience may be hooked by. By doing this
we found out that all the films focused on a certain social group during
their production.
Ouija (2014)
Firstly, both this and our production have the same main prop and idea
behind the film which is the legacy of the Ouija Board and how it links
to demonic spirits. The antagonist in Ouija and our production Karma
are both young adults that are women which shows that women are
usually used as the weaker roles and it represents how the main gender
in each film is female. Also women usually being emotional and
vulnerable is a stereotypical representation which we highlighted in our
narrative, similar to that of Ouija. As well as this Ouija is similar to our
production Karma in terms of age group as both main characters are
young adults, which makes it easier to allow our audience to relate to
our characters as they are in a similar age group. In addition to this
both our antagonists share similar features as they both are vulnerable
but they are also brave enough to experience the dangers of the Ouija
Board. This mainly inspired us to make out production similar due to
the fact the storyline was very interesting and hooks the same target
audience that we are trying to attract.
Paranormal Activity (2007)
Similar to our production the way the product is filmed in a way
which there are several cameras around a house inspired us to
film our production in a similar way. This allows our audience to
see all the movement and actions that are taking place in the
scene in different places as well as follow our characters around
the house to create suspense and tension of when Kristela is
possessed and Alannah is in the house. As well as this our
production is based on the fear of the unknown as we do not know
exactly what has possessed Kristela this is similar to Paranormal
Activity as their film is based on the fear of the unknown due to
the fact the family starts to experience unusual and demonic
activities in their home. Paranormal Activity in terms of the age
they target at is similar to the age group we targeted our
production at young adults.

The Conjuring (2013)

The Conjuring is a film about a family who move into a new
house, not knowing that it is haunted. Strange things start to
happen to youngest member of the family. This links to our
production as it helped us to decide our social group would be
targeted at young adults as our audience could relate to our
main character. As well as this The Conjuring brings out the
fear of the unknown to the audience which is what our
production is aiming to do to. Also the fact The Conjuring is
about a family moving into a new home that is haunted some
what links to our production as Kristela starts to conjure spirits
using the board and is successful.
How our media product represents
particular social groups?

Originally, when planning our film we wanted to make the genre clear
to our audience. We decided to do this by taking common and
recognisable stereotypes from already well known film products in the
horror genre and adapting them to our characters in our production.

For example, we used a typical young innocent teenage girl for our
victim as mainly in other productions girls that are young are seen to
be weak and the victims in productions.

As the main proportion of our target audience was largely teenagers,

we decided that this was the best social group we could aim to
represent. As we did not even have many characters we did not
represent any other social group as much as we would have liked to

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