Managing Conflict

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Managing Conflict

Two Theories of Conflict Management

The traditional theoryis based on the assumption that

conflicts are bad, are caused by trouble makers, and
should be subdued.

Contemporary theoryrecognizes that conflicts between

human beings are unavoidable. They emerge as a
natural result of change and can be beneficial to the
organization, if managed efficiently.
Response Styles (according to
Turner and Weed,1983)
1. Addressersare the people who are willing to take
initiatives and risk to resolve conflicts by getting their
opponents to agree with them on some issues.
First-steppersare those who believe that some trust has to be
established to settle conflicts.
Confrontersthink that things are so bad that they have
nothing to lose by a confrontation.
2. Concealerstake no risk and so say nothing. They
conceal their views and feelings. Concealers can be of
three kinds:
Feeling-swallowersswallow their feelings. They smile even if
the situation is causing them pain and distress.
Subject-changersfind the real issue too difficult to handle.
They change the topic by finding something on which there
can be some agreement with the conflicting party.
Avoidersoften go out of their way to avoid conflicts.
3. Attackerscannot keep their feelings to themselves.
They are angry for one or another reason, even though it
may not be anyone's fault.
Up-front attackersare the angry people who attack openly,
they make work more pleasant for the person who is the
target, since their attack usually generates sympathy, support
and agreement for the target.
Behind-the-back attackersare difficult to handle because the
target person is not sure of the source of any criticism, nor
even always sure that there is criticism.
Ways to resolve conflict (De Bono,

1. Fight
2. Negotiate
3. Problem solve
4. Design
Conflict-Resolution Behavior
(Thomas and Kilman, 1976)
1. Competitionis a win-or-lose style of handling
2. Collaborationaims at finding some solution that can
satisfy the conflicting parties.
3. Compromiseis a common way of dealing with
conflicts, particularly when the conflicting parties have
relatively equal power and mutually independent
4. Avoidanceis based on the belief that conflict is evil,
unwanted or boorish.
Strategies for managing conflict
1. Styles.Conflict handling behaviour styles
2. Improving organizational practices.After identifying the reason for
the conflict situation, suitable organizational practices can be used to
resolve conflicts, including:
- establishing superordinate goals,
- reducing vagueness,
- minimizing authority- and domain-related disputes,
- improving policies, procedures and rules,
- re-apportioning existing resources or adding new,
- altering communications,
- movement of personnel, and
- changing reward systems.
Special roles and structure. Amanager has to
- initiate structural changes needed, including re-
location or merging of specialized units,
- shoulder liaison functions, and
- act as an integrator to resolve conflicts.
Confrontation techniques.Confrontation techniques aim
at finding a mutually acceptable and enduring solution
through collaboration and compromise
How to Manage
1. Accept the inevitability of conflict in
2. Dont be a conflict-avoider.
3. Stay calm
4. Maintain the moral high ground
5. Partner with HR
6. Document meticulously
7. constructively resolving
Accept the inevitability of conflict in
management As mentioned above, just recognize
that addressing it is part of the job. Dont waste
energy ruminating about it, and dont feel bad you
feel bad about it. Just accept it for what it is: It
comes with the managerial territory.
Dont be a conflict-avoider. Difficult interpersonal
workplace problems wont disappear by ignoring them;
theyll only get worse. Chronic conflict-avoiders will
end up losing the respect of their employees and their
own management.
Stay calm Even when provoked, keep a close hold on
your temper; stay as calm as you possibly can.

Maintain the moral high ground A close cousin to

the point directly above.
Youremanagement.Yourethe voice of reason. Dont
lose control or pull rank or cede the moral high ground
calm control is a much more advantageous position to
manage and negotiate from.
Partner with HR- Never hesitate to call on them
when you face difficult employee conflicts. They are
unfailingly an objective third party, a sounding board, a
valuable source of reasonable counsel.In delicate
situations, get all the help you can.
Document meticulously When serious conflict
occurs, as a manager youll need accurate records of it.
During employee performance appraisals, youll need
clear documentation to avoid discussions dissolving into
he said/she said disputes.
Dont think in terms of winning, so much as
constructively resolving No point winning the battle
but losing the war. Managements role is not to defeat
the enemy (even though that may feel cathartic at
times!), but to elicit optimal performance from the area
youre managing.

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