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The Roman Persecution

The missionary
enthusiasm that started
in Pentecost reached its
bloodiest period with
the persecutions of
Christians in the Roman
Basis of the
Basis of the persecutions
Refusal to participate in the official pagan
Reason: Christians exclusive monotheism
Christians denial of recognition of worship to
Note: The Roman Empire was generally
tolerant of alien religions, as in the case of
the Jews. But why such the fuss against the
Reason: Jews involved a small number
of adherents and confined to particular
national group. Christianity, however,
was supra-national and universal.
Though still a minority until the middle
of 3rd cent., the universal appeal
The course of
persecution is
understood in
three stages
The course of persecution is
understood in three stages

Second Third
Period Period
(100 (250
250 311
The course of persecution is
understood in three stages
First Period (until about 100 AD):
Understood as a Jewish sect, Christianity was
tolerated just like Judaism (religio licita).
Neros burning of Rome put the blame to the
Christians. A great number of Christians were
killed and made a public spectacle out of it.
Among the victims were Peter and Paul.
Second Period (100 250 AD):
Understood as a religion itself (religio illicita), a
more organized and direct persecution was set
By simply being a Christian was punishable.
Third Period (250 311 AD):
Getting bolder and wider, Christianity was now
thought of as a threat to the Empire.
Christian Persecution
Christians used catacombs, an
underground cemetery for the
Jews to celebrate the Eucharist

They adorned the walls & ceiling

with pictures of Jesus, the Apostles
& the saints
To protect themselves from
Roman spies they used secret
signs like the Greek word for fish

I= Jesus
C= Christ
Th= Theos (God)
U= Uious (Son)
Effects of Christian Persecution
A strong theology Liturgy was
of suffering were developed; Eucharist
developed in Christian was given central
writings; extolling attention
martyrdom as ideal of
Christian discipleship

Veneration of the Christian signs &

saints & feast of the symbols as well as
martyrs were Christian arts were
celebrated; they ask developed
them for intercessions
for divine aid &
The truth of Christianity
opens the Romans to:
Christian respect
The spirit of for the rights of
Fundamental others regarding
worth & dignity the goods of the
compassion for
of the person earth and the
the poor & the beliefs in the
(dignity of
sick & everlasting
abandoned treasure of the next

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