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Ident Analysis

Chris Haisell
BBC 3 ident
I chose to analyse a BBC 3 ident from
2008. The length of the ident is 20
seconds. Throughout the 20 seconds
the ident is displayed, the ident is
rather dense and consists of a lot of
different animated images, which
makes it appealing for the viewers
and eye catching.
The ident consists of an animated
world with abstract people, trees,
buildings, cars, etc. People on top of
the world are shown inserting a plug
and then a pan camera view begins
zooming out of the world then
showing the whole world with the
BBC three ident shown.
BBC 3 is a mixed genre channel for young
audiences. BBC 3s ethos and priorities are
to focus on youth audiences aged from 16 to
34 and are young in spirit and mindset.
BBC 3 claim they are never afraid to try
new things and prioritise innovation and
forward movement. The abstract, innovative
design of the ident appeals to young
audiences, helping BBC 3 to fufil their aims
to target to interest young audiences.
ITV ident
I chose to annotate the ITV Rescue Boat
Ident from 2013. The ident is 20 seconds long
which consists of a pan shot moving from left
to right. The camera shot captures a clear
shot of the picturesque lake then the life boat
bypassing. ITVs target audience are British
families. They display programmes that
appeal families such as Harry Hills TV Burp
and Youve Been Framed, then later leads to
programs for the adults (parents) such as Take
Me Out and The Jonothan Ross Show.
The TV ident relates to ITVs target
audience as they claim that their
ethos are modern and unifying
and this applies to ITVs rescue boat
ident as the rescue boat can be
interpreted as the personality traits
ITV claim to have such as unity and
relaxation. The music and voiceover
in the back of the ident is also
soothing and calm.
I chose to annotate a Film4 ident from 2015. the
ident displays a corridor and the camera moves
downwards, slowly at first then speeding up. Its
filmed as if they are different floors going
downwards, however they are all identical. This
corridor image is reocurring in E4 idents,
however have a different feature to each. For an
example, some have an earthquake going on,
some show a fire breaking out, some have
suspense music in the background and
mysterious activities happening.
The reoccuring theme of the same
corridor makes it easy for the
audience to remember and identify
Film4 when their idents come on. The
corridors always present a clear
image of the Film4 logo also making
it clear to the audience of what
channel theyre watching.
The differentiation between the
slightly different aspects of the
idents are to present the variety of
different movies and movie genres
the channel shows. E.g. the scary
ident presents the horrors they show,
the balloons ident possibly
symbolises clown or children films,

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