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Team Project

Business Data Analysis Team Project

Allows to understand how data can help in the decision
Provide experience in
Data collection and questionnaire design
How to explain data analysis results
Team work, leadership, presentation skills
20% of your course grade

Business Data Analysis Team Project
Team Size:
Maximum of three students.
Help you know how to do a real-world statistical
analysis including
the process of coming up with a relevant research question,
obtaining and working with data,
conducting descriptive analysis, and
drawing conclusions.
There will be a Project Guidelines and
Expectations document on SUcourse.

Business Data Analysis Team Project -
Project idea (by March 20th)
Doable within the given time frame
Unique (not similar or equal to past or current projects).
2-3 paragraphs
Oral presentation:
10-minute presentation followed by a 5 minute Q&A.
Every team member must present part of the presentation.
Project report:
The report should be written in the format described in the
project guidelines (on SUCourse).
Submitted as a MS Word file through SUCourse.
Turnitin will be used to prevent plagiarism.

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