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Exit Polls BFI

Amber Waldron
Stories not stars sell specialised films,
BFI polls show

Essentially, the article discusses how the exit polls from BFI show that the
actual story lines make audiences want to go and watch the film rather than
the stars who are going to be in the movie.

Polling problems:

The exit polls ask four questions based:

Baits to attendance (What attracted them to the film)
Source of information (Where did they hear about the film)

Analysing this data can be tricky. The polls dont conform to a standard
template, and the multiple choice options can differ from film to film. Some
polls, for example, ask whether audience members are aged 35 or over, while
others if they are 25 or over.
We Need To Talk About
Kevin (Thriller/drama genre)
The article would prove right to an exit poll on
the film We Need To Talk About Kevin. The
percentage of under 35 going to watch the film
was 55% whilst the percentage of over 35 year
olds was 45%.
As for gender, the percentage of males who
watched the film is 46% and females is 54%.
Majority of these people found out about the film
from Cinema trailers and this was a percentage
of 39%.
In addition the percentage of people wanting to
go and see the film because it starred John
OReilly was 5%. Considering how big the film is,
this is a very small percentage of people wanting
to see it just because it stars this specific
celebrity. Moreover, the percentage of people
wanting to go and watch the film because of its
story was 33%.
In addition, based from the percentages show
that most people were interested to see the film
based on the award winning book by Lionel
Therefore, this shows that audiences appealed
more to the story of this film rather than the
The Skin I Live In
(Thriller/drama genre)
Firstly, the percentage of people under 35
going to watch this film were 51% and the
percentage of over 35 year olds going to
watch the movie were 63%.
In addition, the percentage of males who
watched this movie was 49% whilst the
amount of females was 51%. Furthermore,
the highest percentage as to where people
found out about the movie was from
mag/news reviews at a percentage of 42%.
The people wanting to go and see the film
because of the cast/Antonio Banderas was at
a percentage of 20%. Further to this, the
percentage of people wanting to go and
watch the film because of the story was
27%. Therefore, this once again shows that
the story appealed more to audiences rather
than the famous stars who are in the film.
Moreover, it clearly shows that people were
mostly wanting to go and watch the film
The Girl Who Kicked the
Hornets Nest (Thriller/drama)
The percentages show that the amount of
males who saw the film was 49% whilst the
amount of females were 51%. As for ages, the
percentage of people who watch the film that
were under 35 was 33% whilst the
percentages of people over 35 was 67%.
In addition, the percentages show that people
mostly wanting to watch the film is because it
has been seen in the pervious films in this
People mostly wanting to go and watch this
film because they had heard about the book at
a percentage of 30%.
In all essence, this shows that the article is
wrong since neither the stars or the story had
appealed to audiences enough to watch the
film and that it fell into a different category.
Let The Right One In
The percentage of males who watched the film was ranked
at 97% in comparison to females which was 80%. This shows
that the proportion of males watching the film was higher
than the females percentage. Moreover in terms of ages, the
percentage of under 35 year olds who watched the movie
was 100 whilst the amount of over 35 year olds was 77. This
shows it appealed more to younger audiences rather than

People mostly found out about the film through reviews

which was at 36%. Also, a lot of people found out about the
trailer through word of mouth and this was ranked at 34%
which is only a small amount apart from the reviews as a
source of information.

The highest percentage for baits to audience was placed in

the category other at 72%. The percentage of people who
watched the film because the story appealed to them was
46%. This shows that despite the article neither the director
or story line had enticed audiences to watch the film.

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