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Failure is the foundation of success,

and the mean by which it is

attained.( if one plan doesnt work,
change the plan but never the goal)
1.Planning can be defined as the
process by which managers sets
objectives, assess the future ,and
develop course of action designed to
accomplish objectives .It also a
continuous function of determining
1. A goal- What do you want to do attain?
2. Course of action-how do would you
reach your goal?
3. Implementing group-who is tasked to
do the actions?
4. Resources needed-what is needed to

planning will result in the development of
a blueprint describing the means to
accomplish objectives .It is best to solve a
problem before it happens .A plan which
Planning and decision making
Decision making is a process of identifying
option and choosing those courses of actions
necessary to perform a given task .It triggers
actions designed to keep plans in action moving.
Plans-are detailed expressions of actions
necessary to accomplish stated organizational
objectives. Once plans are formulated and
implemented, they are evaluated to determine
their success, in moving the organization in the
direction of its stated goals .Plans and
decisions made in advance.

Plans can be classified in three dimensions
1. Time
2. Use
TIME Brief description Examples
Short range covers a time Patrol plan
period of 1 year or
Intermediate Covers a time Constructio
period of between 1 n of PNP
and 5 years Police
Long range
Scope or breathCovers a time PNP
plan range or strategic
Long period of 5 plan
above ion
all objectives ;position the organization in terms
of its environment ;can be short or long term
Example . Patrol plan 2030
Medium term implementation of activities
and resource allocation ;typically short term
2.Example-Anti Criminality Campaign plan
(Sandigan ) It relates to plans, which
determine quantity and quality efforts and
accomplishments. It refers to the process
of determining the contribution on efforts
that can make or provide with allocated
Example: 6 Masters Plans:
Master Plan Sandigan-Milenyo (Anti-Crime
Master Plan)
Master Plan Sandugo (Support to Internal
Security Operations Master Plan)
Master Plan Banat (Anti-Illegal Drugs
Master Plan)
Master Plan Sang-ingat (Security
Procedures- guides to actions that specify in
detail the manner in which activities are to be
performed, that tend to be narrower in scope
than policies and are often intended to be used
in implementing policies.
Example- PNP FIELD MANUAL, field Operation
Rule-Simplest type of standing plans .They are
statement of actions that must be taken or not
taken in a given situation .Rules are guides to
behavior. Example PNP Ethical Doctrine
Manual, 2007 PNP Disciplinary Rules of
Summary Procedure
Three basic types of planning according
to scope:
Strategic planning
Strategies- The major course of action that an
organization takes to achieve its goal in taking in
consideration the opportunities the organization
may exploit and the threats must address
PNP PATROL PLAN 2030-Strategic objectives
of a safer place to live,work and do bussiness
Strategic plan technologies
1.SWOT technique
Strengths- refer to the elements in the
organization which give advantage or make strong
and capable of accomplishing its mission. Ex. A
responsive and dynamic PNP members
Weakness- refer to the elements which constraints
the organization from effective and efficiently
attaining its objectives. Ex. Unscrupulous and
corrupt PNP members and officials
Opportunity-refer to the elements which can be
2.Vision,mission and goals
Mission: the organizations purpose. It
addresses three important issues:
1.What organization are we in?
2.Who are our clients?
3.What good or service will we offer?
-Ex. to maintain peace and order, to
serve and protect
Vision:the dream or the aspiration of
the organization: A long lasting
peace and order
Goals: The desired target of the
Components of strategic planning:
1.Strategic alternatives set or strategic
options from which an organization can
derive their preferred choices.
2.Strategic choice-It is the preferred
choice taken from strategic alternatives.
Tactical planning-emphasize how this
will be accomplished.It refers to the
implementation of activities and
allocation of resources necessary to
achieve the organizations objective.
In a nutshell, strategic planning
answers the question Where are we
going? While tactical planning
Operational planning- The final step in
the planning hierarchy is operational
planning which is coordinating the work
standards and the appropriate
individuals to implement tactical plan. It
is stated in terms of quotas, schedules or
standards. Ex. Oplan exodus
Contingency plans- is an alternative
plan that will be implemented should
certain events occur or alternative
scenario for use in case of deviations
from expected trends that can be
devised to address crises. Three benefits
of Contingency plans
Police planning is defined as the process of
contributuing all aspects of the public safety
and the realistic anticipation of future
-The act of determining policies and guidelines
for police activities and operations
-Providing controls and safeguards for such
activities and operation In the police service.
Police planning is deciding in advance on
what is to be done and how it is to be
accomplished .It is in essence, preparations for
Importance of and significance of police
-Operations in the organization need the
-Police planning is the key to
administrative process of combining all the
aspects of public safety activity and the
realistic anticipation of future problems,
analysis of strategy and the correlation of
strategy to detail and the use of rational
design or pattern for all the public safety
It is a long term planning and with a far
reaching impact and the commonly agreed
timeline for these type of police planning is
more than five years.
Tactical planning is short term and
usually has limited impact. This is
also referred to as near term plan
and commonly agreed timeline is
less than one year and it is usually
done at the ground level.
Four stages of tactical planning
1 .Identify major tasks to achieve
strategic goals
2. Assign persons responsible for
tasks and prepare specific plans
3. Allocate resources
Tactical planning
1.Policies and programs- A policy is a verbal,
wriiten or implied statement that guides
decision making while program is a list of
interrelated projects and activities.
2.Quantitative plans-Cash flows,budgets,
financial statements.scheduling plans
1.Field procedures-are procedures used in all
situations which are outlined as a guide to
officer and men in the field
2.Headquarters procedure-are procedures
used in the headquarters such as the duties of
the administrative personnel, finance
officer,desk officer,radio operator and other
3.Special operating procedure-
Are procedures used in certain
special operations unit as their
guides and reference
Ex. soco manual,
Operational plans-Are plans for
the operations of special divisions
like the patrol, detective,traffic and
juvenile divisions. It is considered as
the most primary police tasks
2 types of plans for operation of
special division
1. Regular Operating Procedure-the
2. Meeting the unusual needs-the
unusual needs may arise in any field of
police activity and is nearly always met
in the detective, vice and juvenile
divisions by temporary readjustment of
regular assignments.

Extra office plans- are plans that

continuously seek to motivate, promote
and maintain an active concern in its
affairs. It shall be made to organize the
community in the accomplishment of
objectives in the field of traffic control,
organized crime and juvenile
1.Frame of reference-is based on
the review of the problem of the
matters relating to the situation for
which plans are being developed.
Cause of
2.Identfing the problem-
identification of the problem and
understanding both the problem and
the recommended solution
3.Collecting all pertinent facts-All
facts relating to the issue must be
gathered before the development of a
4.developing alternative plans-As the
alternative solutions are evaluated, one of the
proposed plans shall usually prove more logical
than other.
Selecting the most appropriate alternative- A
careful consideration of all facts leads to the
selection of the best alternative.
Selling the plan-A plan to be effectively carried
out must be accepted by persons concerned at
the appropriate level of the plans development
Arranging for the execution of the plan-
Requires the issuance of orders and directives
to units and personnel concerned, the
establishment of a schedule and the provisions
of manpower and equipment for carrying out
the plan.
1.Discovery or identifying of the problem
2.Frame of reference isolation and
classification of the problem
3.Colllection and analysis of pertinent
facts, data and opinions
4.Developing alternative plans through
identification and evaluation
5.Selection of the most appropriate
alternative and subsequently
6.Selling the plan to persons concerned for
arrangement of its execution and
evaluation of its effectiveness
1.Know your situation
What are your problems, why are you in your
present situation? Make an analysis of your
obtaining situation, talk with the people and your
own organization
2.know what you want to do-
What is your purpose or goal? determine when,
where and how your tasks will be finished.
3.Breakdown your goals into smaller tasks
Make your actions steps forward your goal.
Reaching a big goal is a result of accomplishing
small connecting tasks. Know the first steps
towards your goal
4.What resources are needed
Pinpoint what needs to be done(action steps),
what is needed to do and who is best person to do
the job.
7.Implement your plan- there will always be
critiques of your plan and find out the difficulties
and problems encountered by tasked resources
8.Evaluate your plan
Part of the plan are sets of success criteria
indicators and measure the impact through tools
like solution efficiency, crime reduction, citizen
feedback. media feedback and feedback from the
9.Document the experience
Keep a record of what is happening and a diary of
events and write down your thoughts about all
ideas relevant to the plan and the lesson you
learn will be valuable in teaching others what to
do or how not to do.
10.Report your experience
1.Clearly defined objectives or
2.Possibility of attainment
4.Provision for standards of
5.Economy in terms of resources
needed for implementation
6.Anticipated effect of effects on
Timeliness requires a commander
to be able to exploit the source
involved in time to be use to
requiring unit-his command
responsibility is the education of
the plan with the following
1.Protection of persons and
2.Preservation of the peace
5.Apprehension of criminals
6.Enforcement of laws and
ordinances and regulation
of conduct
7.Safeguarding of public
health and moral
8.Prompt execution of
criminal writs and process
of the courts
Categorization of PNP duties and
Primary-Line or operation tasks which
include patrol, investigation, traffic, vice
and juvenile control. The accomplishment
of these task shall achieve the main
objectives and mission of police
Secondary- are auxiliary or service tasks
which include record. poverty, jail, crime
laboratory, transportation and
communication and will support the and
assist the primary tasks in the
accomplishment of the objective and
mission of the police.
Police operations comprise the
mission critical aspect of a police
It refers to the activities conducted in
the field by law enforcement officers
as they serve and protect. This
includes patrol, traffic,investigation
and general calls for service
Police operations have changed for
the past years from traditional
policing to community oriented
policing system.
Community policing- is defined as an
organization wide policy and management
approach that promotes community,
government and police partnerships,
proactive problem solving and community
engagement to address the cause of crime,
fear of crime and other community issues.
Police operation proved to be successful
with the cooperation of the community in
the area.
What is the most basic police operation?
Patrol operations-
It has been said that patrol operations are
the backbone of a police department and
the most important component in any
The basic functions of police
patrol are as follows
1.Preventive enforcement
2.Selective enforcement
3.Traffic enforcement
4.Responding to emergency
calls for service
5.Routine calls for service
6.Courtesy calls
7.General information
9.Preservation of evidence
What is an operation
It is a subject of strategic work
plan. It describes short term
ways of achieving milestones and
explains how or what portion of a
strategic plan will be put into
operation during a given
operational period
It also addresses four questions:
Where are we now?
Who prepares an operational
The operational plan must be
prepared by the people who will
be involved in the
The Philippine national police as a
police organization has
established six (6) master plans
master plan for anti
criminality-The PNP Shall
implement a responsive
and holistic anti crime
strategy in order to
prevent, control and
suppress the
1.To reduce index crime
2.To improve response
3.To improve crime
solution and efficiency
4.To increase conviction
5.To operationalize COPS
2.SANDUGO-PNPs internal
security operation (ISO)
master plan It serves as the
long range and holistic master
plan of the PNP in waging an
internal security operations
nationwide and prescribes the
counter-insurgency support
strategy, scheme of
implementation, service
1.TO support the capability of field units to
fully operationalize this ISO support plan
for the government and AFP in particular.
2.To support the AFP in the isolation of the
underground infrastructure and front
organizations of the insurgents in the
towns and cities from the geenarl
3.To enhance intelligence activities of
illegal activities against the insurgent
4.To enhance the conduct of legal offensive
against the insurgent
5.To support the governments National
Peace and Development Plan to include
Internal security-refers
to the wide range of
measures taken by the
government to free and
protect its society from
subversion, lawlessness
and insurgency
Internal security
master plan to help protect
and preserve our
environment, cultural
properties and natural
Objectives: to protect,
conserve and develop our
environment and natural
master plan for the
campaign against illegal
This master plan sets
forth the concept the
concept of operations,
operational guidelines
Operational objectives:
1.Supply reduction-Arrest of drug
personalities and seizure of illegal
drugs through intensified police
2.Demand reduction-Implementation
of preventive education and public
information campaigns to increase
awareness of the ill effects of
prohibited drugs. It also includes
treatment and rehabilitation of drug
3.Inter agency cooperation-Promote
1.Full service policing
2.Problem solving
3.Community partnership
cooperation- to turn after
the transnational drug
syndicates and plug?
Minimize the drug traffic to
and from the Philippines
5.SANG-INGAT-PNPs master plan
on security operations
This master plan sets conduct of
police operations and the
strategic concepts and
operational guidelines as well as
contingency plan to ensure the
maintenance of peace and order
during year round observance of
holidays which involve great
concern on movement of the
6.SAKLOLO-PNPs master plan for
disaster preparedness. It sets
forth the strategic concept,
operational guidelines and
coordinating instructions to be
undertaken by PNP offices and
personnel on disaster
The PNP as the disaster
coordinating council operating
unit, conducts preparedness
Regardless of the type of
function to be performed and
or police operations to be
conducted, all PNP personnel
must know by heart and shall
comply with the following
A police blotter is a 18 by 12 logbook
with hard bound cover that contained
the daily register of all crimes and
incident reports, official summary of
arrests and other significant events
reported in a police station, however a
separate blotter shall be maintained in
crime incident reports involving
violence and against women and
children and those cases involving a
child in conflict with the law to protect
their privacy.
Team leaders of local police
units operating outside
territorial jurisdiction and
national support units shall
coordinate properly to
through an official
representative with the
concerned territorial police
office within whose
Shall mean an immediate recent
chase or follow-up without
material interval for the purpose
of taking into custody any person
wanted by virtue of a warrant or
one suspected to have
committed a recent offense while
fleeing from one police
jurisdictional boundaries that will
normally require prior official
Basic requirements of police
intervention operations
1.with a marked police vehicle
2. Preferably led by a
commissioned officer
3.with personnel in a proper police
During actual police interventions
operations, the team leader shall
use any peaceful means including
The police shall not use warning shots
during any police interventions
because of the danger posed to life
and property especially in crowded
The excessive use of deadly force is
prohibited. The use of weapon is
justified if the suspect poses imminent
danger causing death or serious
physical injuries to the policeman or
other persons. The supreme court
The elements of imminent
are the following:
1.Intent of the suspect to harm
the policeman
2.The capability of the suspect to
harm the policeman or other
3.Accesibility or the proximity of
the suspect in harming the
policeman and other persons
The use of weapon so also
During an armed
confrontation, the police shall
use reasonable force only to
overcome the threat posed
by the suspect. The officer, in
charge of the operation shall
at all time exercise control
over his men in the area, and
shall ensure that no innocent
Moving vehicles shall not be fired upon
except when its occupants poses
imminent danger of causing death to the
policeman or other persons, and the use
of firearm does not create a danger to the
public that far outweighs the likely
benefits of its use.
In firing upon a moving vehicle, the
following parameters should be
1.Intent of the fleeing suspect/s to harm
the policeman or other persons.
2.The capability of the fleeing suspect/s
to really harm the policeman or other
1.Secure the site of
2.Take photographs;
3.Check whether the situation
still poses imminent danger;
4.Evacuate the wounded to the
nearest hospital; and
5.Take proper action for the
killed, wounded and arrested
Arrest is the taking of a person into
custody in order that he may be bound to
answer the commission of an offense.
Time of Arrest As a general rule,
arrests may be made on any day of the
week and at any time of the day or night.
Modes of Arrest An arrest may be
made by virtue of a Warrant of Arrest, of
Warrantless Arrest as hereinafter provided.
Warrant of Arrest It is an order in
writing issued in the name of the People of
the Philippines, signed by a judge and
directed to a peace office, commanding
Who Issues a Warrant of Arrest Only
judges are authorized to issue Warrant of
Arrest and Search Warrant pursuant to
Section 6 of Rule 112 of the Revised Rule
on Criminal Procedures.
When warrant of Arrest not necessary
A Warrant of Arrest is no longer needed if
the accused is already under detention.
Execution of Warrant The head of the
office to whom the warrant of arrest has
been delivered for execution shall cause
the warrant to be executed within ten (10)
days from receipt. Within ten (10) days
after the expiration of such period, the
Procedures in Serving Warrant
of Arrest
1.Verify the validity of the warrant
and request for an authenticated
copy to issuing court;
2.In serving the warrant, the police
officer should introduce himself and
show proper identification.
3.Make a manifestation of authority
against the person to be arrested;
4.If refused entry, the police officer
may break into any residence, office,
building, and other structure where
5. The police officer need not have the copy of
a warrant in his possession at the time of the
arrest, if the person arrested so requires, the
warrant shall be shown to the arrested person
as soon as practicable.
6. Secure the person to be arrested;
7. Inform the arrested person of the Miranda
Doctrine as provided for in the Constitution.
8. Conduct thorough search for weapons and
other illegal materials;
9. In all cases, no force, violence a shall be
used in making an arrest.
10. Confiscated evidence shall be properly
11. Bring the arrested person to the Police
Station documentation;
Duties of Arresting
1. It shall be duty of the
officer executing the
warrant to arrest the
accused and deliver him
without delay to the
nearest police station or
Lawful Warrantless Arrest A peace
officer or a private person may,
without a warrant arrest a person.
1.When, in his presence, the person to be
arrested has committed, is actually
committing, or is attempting to commit an
2.When an offense has just been
committed and he has probable cause to
believe, based on personal knowledge of
facts or circumstances, that the person to
be arrested has committed it; and
3.When the person to be arrested is a
prisoner who has escaped from a penal
Medical Examination of Arrested
In cases where the arrested person
obviously requires medical attention he
shall be subjected to medical examination
and treatment by a medico legal officer or
any government physician prior to
Record Check The investigating officer
shall conduct a record check of the
arrested person to determine the
possibility that he is wanted for other
crimes than that for which he was
High Risk Arrest shall mean the actual
restraint of armed persons following a high
risk stop.
Necessary and Legal means as used
in the definition shall include, but not
limited to the employment of appropriate
number of troops, armor assets and
tactical or special units of effectively and
permanently quell the threat or present
danger, or to swift restrain or arrest the
suspect or suspects.
Stopping Zone shall mean strategic
predetermined area strongly sealed off
barricaded and occupied by tactical forces
Pre-Determined Area shall
mean the specific or projected spot
where the armed and dangerous
person or persons would pass or
likely to pass and so tactically
located to gain calculated
advantage against said person or
Search defined
It is a thorough examination of; look
over carefully in order to find
Search Warrant Defined It is an
order in writing issued in the name of
the People of the Philippines, signed by
a judge and directed to a peace officer,
commanding him to search for personal
property described therein and bring it
before the Honorable Court.
Requisites for issuance of Search
Warrant A search warrant shall be
issued only upon probably cause in
connection with one specific offense to
be determined personally by the judge
after examination under oath or
Time of Making Search The warrant
must direct that it be served in the
daytime, unless the affidavit asserts that
the property is on the person or in the
place ordered to be searched, in which
case a direction may be inserted that it
be served at any time of the day or
Authority Given to Officers in the
Conduct of Search In the conduct of
search, if after giving notice of his
purpose and authority, the officer is
refused admittance to the place of
search, he may break open any outer or
Validity of Search Warrant
The search shall be valid for ten
(10) days from date of issuance
and may be served at any day
within the said period.
Thereafter, it shall be void.
Valid Warrantless Searches
and Seizures
1. Search made incidental to a
valid arrest. A person lawfully
arrested may be searched for
2. Search of moving vehicles. Carroll
v. United States, 267 U.S. 132, 153
(1925) says the guaranty of
freedom from unreasonable
searches and seizures is construed
as recognizing a necessary
difference between a search of a
dwelling, house or other structure in
respect of which a search warrant
may readily be obtained and a
search of a ship, motorboat, wagon,
or automobile for contraband goods,
3. Seizure of goods concealed to
avoid Customs duties. Persons
exercising police authorities under the
customs laws may effect search and
seizure without a search warrant in
the enforcement of custom laws
(Papa vs. Mayo, 22 SCRA 857). A
search, seizure and arrest may be
made even without a warrant for
purposes of enforcing customs and
tariff laws (Rieta vs. People, 436
SCRA 273 [2004]).
4.Seizure of evidence in plain
Requirements of Plain View Doctrine
1.The law enforcement officer must
have prior justification for an intrusion
(i.e., he is not a trespasser) or,
otherwise, must be in a position from
which he can view a particular area;
2.The discovery of the evidence in
plain view is inadvertent (discovery
by chance);
3.It is immediately apparent to the
officer that the item he observes (i.e.,
open to the naked eye and hand) may
be evidence of a crime, contraband,
Searches Under Stop and Frisk Rule The
designation of the right of a police officer to
stop a citizen on the street, interrogate him,
and pat him for weapons whenever he
observes unusual conduct which leads him to
conclude that a criminal activity may be afoot.
Stop and Frisk Situations If the search being
assailed search and seizure may still be
justified as akin to a Stop and Frisk or to
maintain the Status quo momentarily while
the police officer seeks to obtain more
Emergency and Exigent Circumstances In
cases of exigent and emergency situation (ie.
Coup detat) and the police operatives has
reasonable ground to believe that a crime was
Raid Defined
A raid is surprise invasion of a
building or area. It is small-scale
attack of a limited territory.
Legal Basis
A raid must be legal, having its
basis in lawful process and
conducted in a legal manner.
This will be in a form of a search
warrant or warrant of arrest. The
raid may be in pursuit of a
1.Effect an apprehension
2.Obtain evidence of illegal
activity by surprising the
offenders in fragrante delicto; or
3.Recover stolen property.
Factors Affecting Success of
Effectiveness of a Raid:
1.Size of raiding party.
Donts in a Raid:
1.Dont take unnecessary chances.
2.Dont underestimate the ability or courage
of the subject(s)
3.Dont raid when not properly prepared.
4.Dont endanger the live of bystanders.
5.Dont use raiders not well-acquainted with
each other.
6.Dont forget gas masks when employing

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