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Unit 8

Muscle Physiology
Chapter 9
Muscle Tissue
Muscles are responsible for all types of body
4 Major Functional Characteristics of Muscle Tissue
1. Contractility
Capacity of muscle to contract forcefully
2. Excitability
Responds to stimulation by nerves and hormones
3. Extensibility
Can be stretched
4. Elasticity
If muscle is stretched, it can recoil to its shape at rest
Muscle Tissue

Muscles contract forcibly and relax passively

Contractions are responsible for body
Each skeletal muscle cell is a muscle fiber!
Types of Muscle Tissue
3 Types of Muscle Tissue Exist
1. Skeletal Muscle
Moves the body by pulling on bones of the skeleton
2. Cardiac Muscle
Helps push blood through the circulatory system
3. Smooth Muscle
Peristalsis pushes fluids & solids along the digestive
Regulates the diameters of small arteries
5 Functions of Skeletal Muscle
Skeletal muscle contractions pull on tendons and move
the bones of the skeleton
The effects range from simple motions such as extending
the arm or breathing to highly coordinated movements of
swimming, skiing, or typing
Body Position
Tension in our skeletal muscles maintains body posture
Example: holding your head in position when you read a book or
balancing your boyd weight above your feet when you walk
Withouth constant muscular activity, we could not sit upright
or stand
5 Functions of Skeletal Muscle
Support Soft Tissues
The abdominal wall and the floor of the pelvic cavity consist
of layers of skeletal muscle
These muscles support the weight of visceral organs and
shield internal tissues from injury
Guard Entrances and Exits
The openings of the digestive and urinary tracts are
encircled by skeletal muscles
These sphincter muscles provide voluntary control over
swallowing, defecation, and urination
5 Functions of Skeletal Muscle
Body Temperature
Muscle contractions require energy
Whenever energy is used in the body, some of it is
converted to heat
The heat released by working muscles keeps our body
temperature in the range required for normal functioning
Characteristics of Muscles
Muscle cells are elongated
Muscle cell = muscle fiber
Contraction of muscles is due to the movement of
All muscles share some terminology
Prefix myo means muscle
Prefix mys means muscle
Prefix sacro means flesh
Skeletal Muscle
Most are attached by tendons to bones
Cells are multinucleate
Striated have visible banding
Voluntary subject to conscious control
Cells are surrounded and bundled by connective tissue
Epimysium blends into a connective tissue attachment
Tendon cord-like structure
Aponeuroses sheet-like structure
Sites of muscle attachment
Connective tissue coverings
Organization of Connective
Three layers of connective tissue are part of each
The entire muscle is surrounded by the epimysium
a dense layer of collagen fibers that covers the entire
skeletal muscle
Around a fascicle (bundle) of fibers
Divide the skeletal muscle into a series of compartments
each containing a bundle of muscle fibers called fascicle
Also contains blood vessels and nerves
Organization of Connective
Around single muscle fiber
Surrounds the individual skeletal muscle cells or fibers and interconnects
adjacent muscle fibers
1. Capillary networks that supply blood to the muscle fibers
2. Satellite cells embryonic stem cells that repair damaged muscle tissues
3. Nerve fibers that control the muscle
The collagen fibers of the endomysium and perimysium are
interwoven and blend into one another at each end of the muscle
known as a tendon or a broad sheet called an aponeurosis
Tendons and aponeuroses usually attach skeletal muscle to bones
Muscle Tissue
Levels of Functional Organization in Skeletal
Muscle Fascicle Fiber Myofibril
Myofilaments Sarcomere
Surround epimysium & contains fascicles
Surrounded by perimysium & contains fibers
Surrounded endomysium & contains myofibrils
Surrounded by sarcoplastic reticulum & sarcomeres
Actin & myosin
Thick & thin filaments; the basic unit of muscle contraction
Skeletal Muscle Fibers
Skeletal muscle fibers are enormous in size up to 30
cm in length!
Because they are multinucleated have multiple nuclei
Embryonic cells that fuse to form muscle fibers
Each nucleus of a single fiber is from a myoblast
Cell membrane
Surrounds the cytoplasm (sarcoplasm) of muscle fibers
Skeletal Muscle Fibers
Transverse Tubules (T Tubules)
Tubes for calcium
Conducts the signal given to a fiber to contract
Because fiber size is so large, the cell must contract
T tubules assure it does by conducting action potential or
electrical impulses
Bundle of myofilaments
Cylindrical sutructres inside the fiber that travel the whole
length of fiber
Hundreds to thousands found in each cell
Skeletal Muscle Fibers
Actin thin and myosin thick
Protein filaments bundled together in myofibril
Skeletal Muscle Fibers
Membrane complex
like endoplasmic
A network of
membrane channels
in the cytoplasm that
transport, store,
synthesize, package,
and secrete
Skeletal Muscle Fibers
Remember the myofibrils thick & thin protein filaments?
These filaments are arranged in repeating units called sarcomeres
Myofibril consists of about 10,000 of these laid end to end
Contain thick filaments, thin filaments, proteins that stabilize these
filaments, and proteins that regulate activity between the thick & thin
A (Anisotropic) Bands
Thick filaments
Give dark appearance
I (Isotropic) Bands
Thin filaments
Give light appearance
Skeletal Muscle Fibers
Sliding Filament Theory Intro
When skeletal muscle contracts:
1. H zones & I bands get smaller
2. Zones of overlap get larger
3. Z lines move closer together
4. A band width remains unchanged
This sliding occurs in every sarcomere in the
myofibril, so it gets shorter
Unit 8
Muscle Physiology
Skeletal Muscle Contraction
The Process of a
Skeletal Muscle
Neural stimulation of
Causes excitation-
contraction coupling
Cisternae of SR
release Ca+2
Triggers interaction of
thick and thin filaments
Consuming ATP (energy
molecule) and
Neuromuscular Junction
Location of neural stimulation
Motor neurons are specialized nerve cells that
propagate action potentials (electrical signal) to
skeletal muscle fibers
Each axon branch of the nerve projects to one muscle
fiber and forms a neuromuscular junction (synapse)
Each muscle fiber receives a branch of an axon
Each axon innervates more than one muscle fiber
Neuromuscular junction is formed by an enlarged
nerve terminal that rests in invaginations of the
Neuromuscular Junction
Neuromuscular Junction
Presynaptic Terminal
Enlarged nerve terminal
Synaptic Cleft
Space between pre and post synaptic terminals
Motor Endplate
Muscle cell membrane in the area of the junction or the
postsynaptic terminal
Synaptic Vesicles
Spherical sacs in the presynaptic terminal containing
acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter)
Neuromuscular Junction
A substance released from a presynaptic terminal that
diffuses across the synaptic cleft and stimulates (or inhibits)
the production of an action potential in the postsynaptic
Neuromuscular Junction
Action potential reaches the presynaptic terminal which
causes calcium ion (Ca+2) channels in the axons cell
membrane to open
Ca+2 diffuse into cell and cause synaptic vesicles to secrete
acetylcholine by exocytosis from the presynaptic terminal into
the synaptic cleft
Acetylcholine molecules then diffuse across the cleft
Acetylcholine binds to receptor molecules within the
membrane of the postsynaptic terminal which increases the
permeability of the membrane that allows Na+1 to diffuse into
the cell producing a local potential that is great enough to
exceed the threshold and an action potential in the muscle
fiber is produced
Neuromuscular Junction
Rob stark smells..GOOD!
Neuromuscular Junction
Acetylcholine is rapidly broken down to acetic acid and
choline by acetylcholinesterase
Acetylcholines rapid degradation in the neuromuscular
junction ensures that one presynaptic action potential
yields only one postsynaptic action potential
Choline molecules are actively reabsorbed by the
presynaptic terminal and then combined with the acetic
acid produced within the cell to form acetylcholine
Recycling choline molecules requires less energy and is
more rapid than completely synthesizing new
acetylcholine molecules each time they are released
from the presynaptic terminal
Neuromuscular Junction
Excitation Contraction
The mechanism by which action potential production causes
contraction of a muscle fiber
Action potential is propagated along the sarcolemma and
penetrates the T tubules
T tubules carry the action potentials into the muscle fibers
Action potentials reach the area of the sarcomeres
Sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes increase their permeability
to Ca+2
Ca+2 rapidly diffuse from the sarcoplasmic reticulum into the
Excitation Contraction
Ca+2 bind troponin of the actin myofilaments and
causes the troponin-tropomyosin complex to move
deeper into the groove between the 2 F-actin
This exposes active sites on the actin
Exposed active sites bind to the heads of the myosin
molecules to form cross-bridges
Excitation Contraction
When the heads of the myosin molecules bind to actin,
a series of events resulting in contraction proceeds
very rapidly
The myosin heads bend at their hinged area, forcing
the actin to slide over the surface of the myosin
After movement, each myosin head releases from the
actin and returns to its original position
It can then form another cross-bridge
Events of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
Before contraction, ATP is stored in the head of the myosin
Ca+2 are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum in
response to an action potential
Ca+2 bind to troponin
The troponin-tropomyosin complex moves to expose active
sites on actin
The myosin heads combine with active sites to form cross-
The hinged areas of the myosin moves, causing the actin to
slide past the myosin
The energy stored in the head of the myosin is used for
cross-bridge movement
Events of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
ATP binds to the head of the myosin and is broken town to ADP
Energy is needed to release actin from myosin
Energy causes the hinged ara of myosin to return to its original
The remainder of the energy is stored in the head of the myosin
As long as actin-active sites are available the process continues
resulting in further contraction
If no additional action potentials are produced in the skeletal
muscle fibers, Ca+2 are taken up by the sarcoplasmic reticulum
Ca+2 unbind from the troponin & the troponin-tropomyosin
complex covers the actin-active series
Relaxation then occurs
Energy Requirements for Contraction
1 ATP energy molecule is required for each cycle of cross-bridge
formation, cross-bridge movement, and cross-bridge release
After a cross-bridge has formed and movement has occurred, ATP binds
to the head of the myosin molecule allowing its release from the actin
The ATP is broken down by ATPase in the head of the myosin and
energy is stored in the head of the myosin molecule
The cross-bridge is then released and the myosin head is restored to its
original position Figure A
When the myosin molecule binds to actin to form another cross-bridge,
much of the stored energy is used for cross-bridge formation and
movement Figures B & C
Before the cross-bridge can be released for another cycle, once again,
an ATP molecule must bind to the head of the myosin molecule
Energy Requirements for Contraction
Power Stroke
Movement of the myosin molecule while the cross-bridge is attached
Recovery Stroke
Return of the myosin head to its original position after cross-bridge
Many cycles of power and recovery strokes occur during each
muscle contraction
While muscle is relaxed, energy is stored in the heads of the
myosin molecules and held in reserve until the next contraction
When calcium is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum in
response to an action potential, the cycle of cross-bridge
formation and release (which results in contraction) begins
Muscle Twitch
Muscle Twitch
Contraction of a whole muscle in response to a stimulus that
causes an action potential in one or more muscle fibers
Lag or Latent Phase
Time period between application of the stimulus to the motor
neuron and the beginning of contraction
Contraction Phase
Time during which contraction occurs
Relaxation Phase
Time during which relaxation occurs
The action potential is an electrochemical event but
contraction is a mechanical event
Muscle Twitch
Muscle Twitch
Law of skeletal muscle contraction
An isolated skeletal muscle fiber either contracts maximally or does not
contract at all
Stimulus does not produce an action potential and no muscle contraction
Submaximal Stimuli
Activates additional motor units until all the motor units are active
Threshold Stimuli
An action potential that results in contraction of the muscle fiber
Maximal Stimulus
Contracts all motor units
Muscle Twitch
Supramaximal Stimulus
An action potential of the same magnitude as the threshold
stimulus and therefore produces an identical contraction
Multiple Motor Unit Summation
As the stimulus strength increase between threshold and
maximum values, motor units are recruited and the force of
contraction produced by the muscle increases in a graded
A whole muscle contracts with either a small force or a
large force, depending on the number of motor units
recruited, but each motor unit responds to an action
potential either maximally or not at all
Stimulus Frequency & Muscle
Stimulus Frequency & Muscle
Incomplete Tetanus
Muscle fibers partially relax between contractions
Complete Tetanus
Action potentials occur so rapidly that there is no muscle relaxation
between the action potentials
Multiple Wave Summation
Tension produced by a muscle increases as the stimulus frequency
A second contraction produces greater tension than the first and the
third produces greater tension than the second
After only few stimuli, the tension produced by all the contractions is
Stimulus Frequency & Muscle
Isometric Contractions
The length of the muscle does not change but the amount of tension increases
Isotonic Contractions
The amount of tension is constant during contraction, but the length of the muscle
Concentric Contractions
An isotonic contraction that is big enough to overcome the opposing resistance
and the muscle shortens
Eccentric Contractions
An isotonic contraction that maintains tension while the muscle increases in
Most muscle contractions are a combination of isometric and isotonic
Muscle Tone
Muscle Tone
Constant tension by muscles of the body for long periods of
Muscle tone is responsible for keeping the back and
legs straight, the head in an upright position, and the
abdomen from bulging
Length vs. Tension
Active Tension
Force applied to an object when a muscle contracts
Passive Tension
The tension applied to a load when a muscle is stretched but
not stimulated
Muscle Fatigue
The decreased capacity to do work following a period
of activity
Psychologic Fatigue
Person perceives that more muscle work is not possible
Most common type
Muscular Fatigue
Depletion of ATP
Synaptic Fatigue
Acetylcholine synthesis cannot keep up with muscle usage
Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibers
Slow-twitch muscle fibers contract more slowly
Smaller in diameter
Have a better developed blood supply
Have more mitochondria
Are more fatigue resistant than fast-twitch muscle
Aerobic metabolism is the primary energy soruce
Large amount of myoglobin
Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers
Break down ATP more rapidly than slow-twitch muscle fibers
Cross-bridges that form, release, and reform more rapidly than those
in slow-twitch muscles
Less well-developed blood supply than slow-twitch muscles
Very little myoglobin
Fewer and smaller mitochondria
Large deposits of glycogen and are well adapted to perform
anaerobic metabolism
Contract rapidly for a short time and fatigue relatively quickly
Training causes fast-twitch muscles to improve their ability to carry
out aerobic metabolism
Trained fast-twitch muscles are called fatigue-resistant fast-twitch
Muscle Atrophy &
Muscle disorders are caused by the disruption of normal
innervation, degeneration and replacement of muscle cells,
injury, lack of use, or disease
Exercise causes muscular hypertrophy
Disuse of muscle results in muscular atrophy
Extreme disuse of muscle results in muscular atrophy in
which there is a permanent loss of skeletal muscle fibers and
the replacement of those fibers by connective tissue
Immobility caused by damage to the nervous system or by
old age may lead to permanent and severe muscular atrophy
Muscle Atrophy &
When motor neurons innervating skeletal muscle fibers are
severed, the result is flaccid paralysis
If the muscle is reinnervated, muscle function is restored and
atrophy is stopped
However, if skeletal muscle is permanently denervated, it
atrophies and exhibits permanent flaccid paralysis
Muscles that have been denervated sometimes are stimulated
electrically to prevent severe atrophy
The strategy is to slow the process of atrophy while motor neurons
slowly grow toward the muscles and eventually reinnervated them
Neither cardiac muscle or smooth muscle atrophies in response to

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