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~Luis E.

~By:Marleeny Gomez~
~Short Luis E. Miramontes was born on March
16, 1925. His father,and his mother,
Biography~ were living in Tepic, in the state of
Nayarit, Mexico when Miramontes was
born.By the time he was a teenager, he
was enrolled at the Preparatory National
School of Universidad Nacional
Autnoma de Mxico (UNAM). He
remained at UNAM for his
undergraduate work in chemistry and
chemical engineering from 1945~1949.
In 1948, he began graduate courses
although he was still required to
complete an undergraduate thesis
~Continue Biography....

His name may not be familiar, but Mexican chemist (Luis Miramontes) was
instrumental in a discovery that changed the course of human history:( the birth
control pill). This module traces the life and achievements of Miramontes, not only in
the area of hormone synthesis, but in other areas of chemistry as well.On October 15,
1951, under the direction of Djerassi and Rosenkranz, Miramontes worked out the final
step in the process to create a synthetic progestin (a progesterone-like harmone. The
synthetic progestin was called norethindrone for short . The expected application of
norethindrone was contraception to replace natural progesterone. Experiments with
laboratory animals and then humans showed norethindrone to be eight times more
potent than natural progesterone, and that was not the only advantage. Unlike natural
progesterone, which had to be injected, norethindrone retained its potency when taken
The chemical structure of
norethindrone, a synthetic
version of the hormone

"Luis E. Miramontes." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 17 Mar.

2017. Web. 19 Mar. 2017.

Posted by Carlyo of USA Science & Engineering Festival on

December 15, 2012. "Role Models in Science & Engineering
Achievement: Luis Ernesto Miramontes Cardenas Mexican
Chemical Engineer." USA Science and Engineering Festival: The
Blog. N.p., 14 Dec. 2012. Web. 19 Mar. 2017.

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