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A2 Media

How did you use media
technologies in the
construction and
research, planning and
evaluation stages?
I used many media technologies in the research stage
of our stop motion animation short film. We used
animation companies websites to research the most
popular genre and technology used, an example of a
company we looked at was Aardman, we looked into
the type of software they used to produce successful
stop motion animation films. I also looked at a few
amateurs stop motion animation short films. I
analyzed camera angles they used, lighting,
storylines and characters , this gave us a rough idea
of what we did and didnt want to produce.
In terms of planning we used again a lot of
media technologies. We used online services
such as scribd and storyboardthat to produce a
script and storyboard. I used powtoon to
produce a slower, non perfected version of a
few scenes to show how the stop motion
We used a lot of software for different scenes.
We used paint and Photoshop to edit images
and erase any imperfections and we used
iMovie to edit the entire thing together. We
used media technologies and a lot of trial and
error to find what worked best for us and our
short movie, we also wanted it to be as
affordable and efficient as possible.
Media technologies were crucial to this part of
production. They allowed us as the producers
to focus on what we did and how we could
have approached it differently or our strengths
in creating our short film. Ive used a lot of
medias to produce evaluations, examples
include, powtoon, canva and even PowerPoint.
I believe these technologies allowed me to
create the best evaluations I could.

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