Deep Web: Presented By: Ankur Anurag 1403213015

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Presented By:
The surface Web is that portion of the World Wide Web that is
indexable by conventional search engines.

It is also known as the Clearnet, the visible Web or indexable Web.

Eighty-five percent of Web users use search engines to find needed

information, but nearly as high a percentage cite the inability to find
desired information as one of their biggest frustrations.

Under constant surveillance of government and ISPs.

Deep Web:-
The Deep Web is World Wide Web content that is not part of the
Surface Web, which is indexed by Standard search engines.

It Is also called the Deep net, Invisible Web or Hidden Web.

Largest growing category of new information on the Internet.

400-550X more public Information than the Surface Web

Used by all sorts of people to stay anonymous, including

Journalists and politicians.

Jill Ellsworth used the term Invisible Web in 1994 to refer to websites
that were not registered with any search engine.

Mike Bergman cited in January 1996 article by Frank Garcia:

It would be a site thats possibly reasonably designed, but they didnt

bother to register it with any of the search engines. So, no one can
find them! Youre hidden. I call that the invisible Web.

Another early use of the term Invisible Web was by Bruce Mount and
Matthew B. Koll of Personal Library Software in 1996.

You may wonder how any money-related transactions can happen when
sellers and buyers cant identify each other.

Thats where Bitcoin comes in.

Bitcoin, its basically an encrypted digital currency

Like regular cash. Bitcoin Is good for transactions of all kinds, and notably,
it also allows for
anonymity; no one can trace a purchase, illegal or otherwise.

When paired properly with TOR, its perhaps the closest thing to a
foolproof way to buy and sell on the web.

Instead of seeing domains that end in .com or .org, these hidden sites
end in .onion.

The most infamous of these onion sites was the now-defunct Silk Road,
an online marketplace where users could buy drugs, guns and all sorts
of other illegal items.

Tor is the result of research done by the US Naval Research Laboratory,

which created Tor for political dissidents and whistleblowers, allowing
them to communicate without fear of reprisal.

Tor was so effective in providing anonymity for these groups that it

didnt take long for the criminally-minded to start using it as well.
The Brighter Side of Darkness:-

The deep Web is home to alternate search engines, email services, file
storage, file sharing, social media, chat sites, news outlets and
whistleblowing sites, as well as sites that provide a safer meeting ground
for political dissidents and anyone else who may find themselves on the
fringes of society.

In an age where NSA-type surveillance ls omnipresent and privacy seems

like a thing of the past, the dark Web offers some relief to people who
prize their anonymity.

Bitcoin may not be entirely stable, but it offers privacy, which is

something your credit card company most certainly does not.

For citizens living in countries with violent or oppressive leaders, the dark
Many of the pages on the Dark Web display illegal content.

Most of the products on Deep Web sites violate the copyrights and can
land you in jail.

Presence of child pornography and restricted contents.

Hitman agencies are there to kill people on contracts.

Drugs, guns, and weapons are easily available.

The lines between search engine content and the deep Web have begun
to blur, as search services start to provide access to part or all of once-
restricted content.

An Increasing amount of deep Web content is opening up to free search

as publishers and libraries make agreements with large search engines.

In the future, deep Web content may be defined less by opportunity for
search than by access fees or other types of authentication.

The deep web will continue to perplex and fascinate everyone who uses
the internet.

It contains an enthralling amount of knowledge that could help us evolve

technologically and as a species when connected to other bits of

And of course, its darker side will always be lurking, too, just as it always
does in human nature.

The deep web speaks to the fathomless, scattered potential of not only
the Internet, but the human race, too.

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