Spirits of The Earth

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Spirits of the EARTH

Bobby Lake - Thom

Native Symbolic Thinking

Circle of Life
To the Native American, the symbol represent
something that is sacred and holy.

It represents unity, strength, protection, infinity, and

This symbol is sued in rituals, religion, art, architecture,
ceremony, and social interaction.
The above depicts how Native myth and rituals function
according to the cycles of Nature and life.
THUNDERBIRD as a Native American
Eagles are always very special and good
signs. The represent protection, wealth,
wisdom, foresight, strength, and spirituality.

If one or more should approach while you

are praying or performing a ceremony, then
you know your prayers have been
Native American bird - Magpie

The Magpie is a good bird and a good sign. He is a

messenger and tells us the road up ahead is clear of
danger while we are traveling.
He can tells us that company is coming for a visit.
Sometimes when we are sad and depressed, he will
come to listen to our problem, and tell us how to resolve
The elders say that Magpie is wise, that he knows
things; that he is clever, and can figure out how to solve
problems easily. He represents intelligence.

Turtles of all kinds, both water and land Turtles, are

good signs and very good powers. The Turtle is
consider very sacred to most Native American cultures.
The Turtle is a healer and protector. It can grant long
life, wisdom, and good health. Our elders tell us never
to eat Turtle because doing so can bring bad luck and
sickness. Turtle shells are made into dance regalia, and
some whole Turtles sacrifice themselves to be used a
power rattle in healing.


All Owls are a bad sign, but different kinds bring somewhat different
messages, and different degrees of power and knowledge.
Western people believe in the wise old owl image, which is
partially correct because the Owl symbolically has this kind of
power, but it can be used in a negative way. The Owl is a favorite
ally of sorcerers who have clairvoyant powers but use them for
selfish desires: for ego, for profit, or to control and manipulate
The Owl is considered a bad sign and bad power by most Native
American tribal groups. It is a messenger of evil, sickness, or a
fatal accident.

The coyote is one of the most ancient mythic symbols for most
Native tribes. He is often portray as the creature or the
trickster. He is full of magic, special powers, and teachings.

Depending upon the circumstance or situation in your life, the

sign of the coyote can either be good or bad.

Within my Navajo tradition, coyotes are a bad sign, and usually

an individual will wait for another person to pass before
preceding on their way. The path is usually blessed with
Spirits of the Earth

All information is provided by Bobby Lake-Thom

A PLUME book
Spiritualilty/Native American Studies Z7650

All pictures were found at the following website:


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