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1) Developing effective team
2) Creating team player
1.Muhammad Zaid Zafri Bin Zulfakhar (244146)
2. Nur Syafiqah Binti Muhamad Akhiruddin
3. Nur Athirah Binti Mohamed Ali (239036)
4. Nurul Farhana Binti Jalaluddin (242882)
5. Norsazalina Binti Sapri (247705)
The Characteristics of Effective
1. Team context : what factor that determine whether team are successful or not ?

Adequate Resources :
Timely information, proper equipment, adequate staffing,
encouragement and administrative assistance.
Leadership and structure :
Need to agree on who is doing what
Climate of trust :
Facilitates cooperation; increases willingness to take risks
Performance evaluation and rewards :
Hybrid systems that reward team and individual effort

2. Team Composition
.Abilities of members :
High ability teams are more able to apply existing
knowledge to new problems
.Personalities :
Personal organization, cognitive structuring,
achievement orientation, and endurance
Allocating of roles :
Most able, experienced, and conscientious workers
in most central roles
Diversity :
Demographic diversity is unrelated to team
Turnover is greater among those with dissimilar
experiences because communication is more
difficult and conflict occurs
Size of teams :
Smaller teams (5-9 members) are more effective
Member preference :
High performance teams are likely to be composed
of people who prefer working in groups

2. Team Process
Common Plan and Purpose
Teams who have clear sense of what needs to be
done and how consistently perform better
Effective teams show reflexivity means that they
reflect on and adjust their purpose when necessary
Specific goals :
Consistent with individual goal setting:
specific, measurable, challenging but realistic
Team efficacy :

Effective teams believe they can succeed

Mental model :

Members share accurate mental

representation of key elements
Conflict level :
Moderate level of certain types of conflict are
Social loafing
Effective teams make members individually and
jointly accountable for purpose, goal and approach
1. Selecting: 2. Training:
hire team create team
players players

ns Can 3. Rewarding:
Create Team incentives to
Players? be a good
team player
1. Selecting: Hire Team Players
Technical skills and the interpersonal skills.
Example, face with job candidates who lack team skills, managers have 3 options :
1.Dont hire them.
2. Assign them to tasks or positions that dont require teamwork.
3.Undergo training to make candidates into team players.

2. Training: Create Team Players

Provide training that involves employees in learning the behaviors
required to become team players.
Example, workshop on problem solving, communication skill, negotiation, conflict-management
and coaching skills help build team members.

3. Rewarding: Providing Incentives to Be a Good Team Player

To encourage cooperative efforts rather than competitive ones.
Intrinsic rewards such as personal achievement, professional growth,
sense of pleasure and accomplishment.

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