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Project work on

Submitted by:
Munish , Ritick, Rishi

Submitted to:
Ms Ashima Mam
Roll no=8,2,4
Computer is an electronic device that takes data [i.e.
input], processes it according to given instruction and
gives information [i.e. output].. In addition, it can
store data, instruction, and information.
Computer has three
main components.

[1] Input unit [ or input device].

[2] Central processing unit [CPU].
[3] Output unit [or output device].
Parts of computer
1. Input Unit : Input unit ( or device ) is a device
through which we enter data and instruction to
2. Central processing unit (CPU) : CPU is device that
performs all processing work of computer system.
CPU is further divided into three main parts.
Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU).
Control unit (CU).
Memory (or main memory).
Output unit : output unit (or device) is a device
through which result are displayed to user.
Data and information
Data : Data is a collection of facts and
figures in raw ( i.e. unorganized) form
and is not in directly useful form.
Data is also termed as input.
Information : Information is final
result which is an directly useful form.
Information is also termed as output.
Difference between
data and information
Data Information

1. It is a collection of facts 1. It is collection of final

and figures. results.
2. It is in raw (i.e. 2. It is in organized form.
unorganized ) form. 3. It is in directly useful
3. It is not in directly form.
useful form. 4. It does not need any
4. It needs processing. processing.
5. It is also termed as 5. It is also termed as
input output.
Hardware and
Hardware : Physical part of
computer that can be seen, felt and
touched is termed as hardware.

Software : Software is a program

(or set of programs ) designed to control
to control and conduct all the function of
computer it self or to perform the specific
task desired by the user.
Difference between hardware
and software
Hardware software

It is physical unit of It is set of programs.

computer. It can be seen but cannot
It can be seen as well can be touched.
be touched. It instructs hardware to
It performs processing. process.
It consists of electrical and It consists of alphabets,
mechanical components. digits an special symbols.
Example of hardware are : Example of software are :
Keyboard, mouse. MS-WORD, MS-EXCEL.
Characteristics of computer
1.Speed: computer is a very high speed
electronic device.

2.Accuracy: computer is quite

accurate device.

3.Storage: One of the most important

characteristics of computer is its storage
4. Automation : Once a set of instructions is
given to a computer, it can perform the task
5. Versatility : Versatility means the ability to
perform variety of tasks. Computer is a
versatile machine.
6. Diligence : Diligence means the capability to
perform continuously with same efficiency.
Limitation of a Computer
Major limitation of a computer are:
1. Not Intelligent : It can perform only those
tasks for which it is programmed. To perform
even a small task, it requires proper
instructions from human being.
2. Human Dependency : Computer is human
dependent in the same sense that it needed
instructions from human.
3. No feelings : Computer has no feelings. It
has no heart or soul and is free from
4. No Heuristics : Heuristics means learning
from past experiences. Computer does not
learn from past experience. If It has perform
a error in past, it will perform the same in
Classification of Computer
Computer can be classified into various types :
1. According to Technology.
2. According to size and storage capacity.
3. According to historical advantages.
4. According to modern Classification
Classification According
to Technology
On the basis of Technology Computers can be divided
into three types.
1. Digital Computers : Digital Computers are
general purpose computers that represent, store data in
the form of numbers, letters and special character.
2. Analog Computers: Analog computers are
special purpose computers that represent and store data
in the form of continuously varying physical quantities.
3. Hybrid Computers : Hybrid computers are the
computer that combine the feature of both : digital as
well as analog.
according to size and
Storage capacity
On the basis of size and storage capacity,
computers can be divided into four types:
Micro Computers
Mini Computers
Mainframe Computers
Super Computers
According to Historical
According to historical advancement
Computers can be classified into five
First Generation Computers
Second Generation Computers
Third Generation Computers
Forth Generation Computers
Fifth Generation Computers

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