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for Technical Subjects

Alignment with
Common Core Standards: Reading
(4 Domains, 10 Standards)

Reading: Key Ideas and Details

1. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make
logical inferences from it; development; cite specific textual evidence
when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.
2. Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their
development; summarize key supporting details and ideas.
3. Analyze how and why individuals, events, or ideas develop and
interact over the course of a text.
Reading: Craft and Structure
4. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including
determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and
analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.
5. Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences,
paragraphs, and larger portions of the text relate to each other and the
6. Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a
Common Core Standards: Reading
(4 Domains, 10 Standards)

Reading: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

7. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and
media, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.
8. Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a
text, including the validity of the reasoning as well as the relevance
and sufficiency of the evidence.
9. Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics
in order to build knowledge or to compare the approaches the
authors take.

Reading: Range of Reading and Level of Text

10. Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts
independently and proficiently.
Common Core Standards: Writing
(4 Domains, 10 Standards)

Writing: Text Types and Purposes

1. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts
using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and
Information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and
analysis of content.
3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective
technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.

Writing: Production and Distribution of Writing

4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and
style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
5. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting,
or trying a new approach.
6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to
interact and collaborate with others.

Common Core Standards: Writing

(4 Domains, 10 Standards)

Writing: Research to Build and Present Knowledge

7. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on
focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under
8. Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess
the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information
while avoiding plagiarism.
9. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis,
reflection, and research.
Writing: Range of Writing
10. Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection,
and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a
range of tasks, purposes, and audiences

Common Core Standards: Speaking/Listening (2 Domains, 6 Standards)

Speaking and Listening: Comprehension and

1. Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations
and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others ideas and
expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
2. Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and
formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.
3. Evaluate a speakers point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence
and rhetoric.

Speaking and Listening: Presentation of Knowledge

and Ideas
4. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that
listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization,
development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience .
Common Core Standards: Speaking/Listening (2 Domains, 6 Standards)

Speaking and Listening: Presentation of

Knowledge and Ideas
5. Make strategic use of digital media and visual
displays of data to express information and
enhance understanding of presentations.

6. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and

communicative tasks, demonstrating command of
formal English when indicated or appropriate.
Common Core Standards:
(3 Domains, 6 Standards)
D1. Language: Students use structures
to communicate
(sound/parameters/writing systems,
word/sentence formation or text

D2. Language Comparisons: Students

demonstrate understanding of the
similarities and differences in the
structures of the languages they know.

D3. Language beyond the classroom:

Standards Organizer/Organizadora para las Normas
Unit/Text: Juan Darin

First Standard: Content

A1. Knowledge: Students acquire information, recognize
distinctive viewpoints and further their knowledge of other
Activities: 1) La geografa de Uruguay: dibujar la isla y ubicar
ciertos puntos de inters: ciudades, las aguas y bahas, los ros,
vecinos, y montes; 2) Investigar Uruguay: bandera, escudo,
clima, productos principales, poblacin, deportes, personajes
importantes, y datos histricos; 3) Los poetas: leer sobre sus
vidas y la poca en que vivan???
Common Core SS: Reading: Writing: 2. -6. -7;
Speaking and Listening 1. -2. - 4. -5; Language: 1.

Standards Organizer/Organizadora para las Normas

Unit/Text: Juan Darin

A2. Topics: Students address discrete elements of daily life,

topics related to self and the immediate environment,
concrete and factual topics related to the immediate
and external environment or complex concrete, factual and
abstract topics related to the immediate and external

Activities: 1) Mirar los animales de la selva (ppt); 2) Discutir

la importancia del medio ambiente en la selva tropical; 3)
Discutir los temas expresadas en la msica y las imgenes

Common Core SS: Reading 1. -2. -3. -7;

Speaking and Listening 4. -5. -6.
Standards Organizer/Organizadora para las Normas
Unit/Text: Juan Darin

Second Standard: Communication

B1. Interpretative Communication: Interpret written, spoken, or
signed (ASL) language as a real-world activity.

Activities: 1) El Arte: Dibujar las dos caras de Juan Darien;2) La

msica: escuchar, visualizar, y analizar la msica de la selva y las
canciones de Man y Julio Iglesias; 3) La historia y cultura:
Discutir como los dibujos de las cartas se comparan con la novela;
4) La literatura: Leer y analizar Los cuentos de la Selva y Juan
Darin por Horacio Quiroga y interpretar varias fbulas; 5) La
poesa: Escribir una lpida para Juan Darin
Common Core SS: Reading 1. -2. -3. -4. -7. -9;
2-10; Speaking and Listening 1, 2, 3, 4; Language:
1. -6

Standards Organizer/Organizadora para las

Unit/Text: Juan Darin
B2. Interpersonal Communication: Engage in oral, written, or signed
(ASL) conversations as a real-world shared activity with others.
Activities: 1) Group Brainstorming/TPR Team Drawing: Repaso del
mapa geogrfico de Uruguay y ayudar a ubicar localidades; 2) Clusters:
Formar grupos pequeos y aliar/relacionar las cartas sobre la selva; 3)
Paraphrase Passport y Line-up: parafraser y presentar informacin
sobre Uruguay; 4) Escritura Rpida: escribir la informacin que
acuerdan sobre la pfresentacin; 5) Jigsaw: leer, discutir, y compartir
tres fbulas de Los cuentos de la selva; 6) Reciprocal Reading: Las
medias de los flamencos; 7) Pairs: Leer, discutir, y resumir su captulo
asignado de Juan Darin; Repasar el cuento y el vocabulario en parejas

Common Core SS: Speaking and Listening 1.

-2. -3. -4.
(pg. 64); Reading 1.-2.-3.-7.-8.-10.
(pg. 63)
Standards Organizer/Organizadora para las
Unit/Text: Juan Darin

B.3. Presentational Communication: Students speak

(sign) and write for listeners, viewers and readers
in culturally appropriate ways.

Activities: 1) Los mapas de Uruguay; 2) Informacin

sobre los datos histricos y culturales importantes de
Uruguay ; 4) (La Foto Mental) Impresiones de y
reflecciones sobre las fotografas (ppt) y las estrofas y
letras de las canciones; 5) Explicar la significancia de los
dibujos de las caras.

Common Core SS: Speaking and Listening 1. -2.

- 4. -5; Language: 1.-6. Writing: 2. -6. -7.
Standards Organizer/Organizador para
las Normas
Unit/Text: Juan Darin
B4. Text-Types: Students comprehend and produce
learned words (signs) and phrases, sentences and
strings of sentences, paragraphs and strings of
paragraphs or coherent, cohesive multi-paragraph texts.

Activities: 1) El vocabulario: definir o ilustrar nuevas

palabras, hacer ejercicios; escribir oraciones y
utilizarlas en prrafos; 2) La gramtica: aprender el
uso correcto del Pretrito y el Imperfecto y utilizar las
formas correctas de los verbos en ejercicios y prrafos;
3) La estructura de composiciones: escribir
composiciones y narrativas
Common Core SS: Language Conventions 1. -2.
-3. -4. -5. Writing 3. -4. -5. -9. -10. (pg. 64)
Standards Organizer/Organizadora para
las Normas
Unit/Text: Juan Darin
Third Standard: Cultures
C1. Cultural Products, Practices, and Perspectives: Students demonstrate
understanding of the relationships between the products a culture
produces, the practices a culture manifests and the perspectives
(opinions, viewpoints) that underlie them.

Activities: Introduccin: (Common Core Anchor Standards)

a) Products: los productos de Uruguay investigado en la red;

la flora y fauna de la selva

Common Core SS: Speaking and Listening -1.- 4. -5. (pg. 64);
Language -1.-3. -6. (pg. 64); Reading -1. -2
(pg. 63)
Standards Organizer/Organizadora para
las Normas
Unit/Text: Juan Darin
b) Practices: 1) la vida cotidiana de lagente que vive en la
selva; 2) lo serpernatural: la transformacin del tigre
a Juan Darien y vice versa; 3) la muerte delhombre;
4) el abuso del domador
Common Core SS: Speaking and Listening 1.-2.- 4.-5.
64); Language: -1.-6. Reading 1. -3. -4. -6. (pg. 63)

C) Perspectives: 1) la profeca; 2) las canciones; 3) los recuerdos de

la selva de Juan Darin; 4) el terror de los poblanos; 5) las
fbulas uruguayas

Common Core SS: Speaking and Listening 1.-2.- 4.-5.

64); Language: 1. -6. Reading -3. -4. -6. (pg. 63)
Standards Organizer/Organizadora para
las Normas
Unit/Text: Juan Darin
C2. Cultural Comparisons: Students demonstrate
understanding of the similarities and differences within the
target culture and among the students own culture.

Activities: 1) Artculos y video, presentado por una uruguaya,

sobre la historia, los polticos, los productos, y la sociedad de
Uruguay; 2) las canciones; 3) You Tube sesmentos de La Muralla
Verde y Medicine Man; 3) las fbulas uruguayas; 4) el uso de
fuegos artificiales para las fiestas en la selva

Common Core SS: Reading: -1. -2. -4. -5. (pg.

Speaking and Listening -1. -2. - 4. -5. (pg. 64);
Language: -1. -6. (pg. 64)
Standards Organizer/Organizadora para
las Normas
Unit/Text: Juan Darin
C3. Cultures in Contact: Students demonstrate
understanding of the effects of culture in contact.

Activities: 1) Las canciones La Selva Negra y Vuela Alto;
2) La literatura de Horacio Quiroga (Los
cuentos de la selva y Juan Darin); 3) Escribir una lpida
personal para Juan Darin; 4) Dibujar las caras de
JD;5) la vida salvaje de los poblanos

Common Core SS: Reading 2. -4. -5. -6. -7. (pg. 63);
Writing 1. -4. 10. (pg. 63); Speaking and
Listening 1. -2. - 4. -5. (pg. 64); Language
Conventions: -1. -6. (pg. 64)
Standards Organizer/Organizadora para
las Normas
Unit/Text: Juan Darin
Fourth Standard: Structures
D1. Language: Students use structures to
communicate (sound/parameters/writing
systems, word/sentence formation or text
Activities: 1) Ultilzar las formas correctas de los
verbos del Pretrito y el Imperfecto en prrafos, en una
discussin oral o una composicin escrita; 2) Usar la
forma correcta de ciertas palabras en una discussion
oral o escrita; 3) Definir la palabras del vocabulario
Common Core SS: Language: -1. -6. (pg. 64);
Writing -5. -6. -9. -10. (PG. 63)
Standards Organizer/Organizadora para
las Normas
Unit/Text: Juan Darin
D2. Language Comparisons: Students
demonstrate understanding of the similarities and
differences in the structures of the languages
they know.

Activities: 1) El uso de las palabras de vocabulario

en forma escrita u oral; 2) los modismos de la
gente poblana
Common Core SS: Language
Conventions: -1. -4 -6. (pg. 64);
Writing -5. -10. (pg. 63)
Standards Organizer/Organizadora para
las Normas
Unit/Text: Juan Darin
Fifth Standard: Settings
EO. Language beyond the classroom: Students use
language in highly predictable daily settings, interpersonal
settings, informal or formal settings.

Activities: 1) Hacer investigaciones por la red sobre el autor; 2)

Hacer investigaciones sobreel pas; These are project-based
group presentations; 3) Preparar recetas uruguayas o visitar
un restaurante uruguayo
Common Core SS: Reading: -7.-9.-10 and Writing
-6. -9.
(pg.63) Language: -1. -6. and Speaking and
Listening: 1. -2. -3. -4. -5.(pg. 64)

Standards Organizer/Organizadora para

las Normas
Unit/Text: Juan Darin
E1. Lifelong Learning: Students recognize, participate in, initiate or
sustain language use opportunities outside of the classroom.

Activities: 1) Comunicarse por correo electrnico, Skype o Twitter con

alumnos uruguayos; 2) Continuar leyendo artculos periodsticos o por
la red sobre el ambiente poltico y social en Uruguay; 3) Entrevistar a
algunos vecinos o negociantes urugyuayos en la comunidad.

Common Core SS: Reading -8. -9. and Writing -6. (pg.
Speaking and Listening -1. -2. - 4. -5. and Language -1.
-2. 9. (pg. 64)

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