Project Study Presentation: Faculty Adviser - Dr. Kartik Dave

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Faculty Adviser Dr.

Kartik Dave

Project Study
Presented By- Mohammad Urooj
What I want to research

HO magnetise

NY stories of
other people
What is Humans oF New

Humans The initial To create

of New goal was an
York to exhaustiv
began as photograp e
a h 10,000 catalogue
photograp New of the
hy project Yorkers citys
in 2010. on the inhabitant
street s."
Since November 2010

20 million Followers

Total success!
of Jamia
A blog over a facebook
page for Jamia Millia
Since August 2014

Total success!
A story from Humans Since when you are working
of Jamia in the college canteen and
how has been your

"I have been working here

from last 7 years. I am here
to serve students and If they
talk to me affectionately I
reciprocate their warmth and
at times crack jokes but if
they turn out to be rude, I
just ignore and serve them. I
work here from 8 in the
morning till 10 at night but
never feel tired".
"As a kid I loved to study, I was a very
A story from Humans bright kid in school, I dreamt of
becoming a teacher. When I was in class
of Jamia 8th my Father and Brother were
wrongly convicted in a case, they were
arrested and as a consequence I had to
quit my study. 12 years back a man
from my village who was a security
guard in Jamia invited me here for
work. Since then a lot has changed,
even the logo of the security company
on my shirt but I have been here in a
very beautiful atmosphere, I see
students learning and that is a great
feeling, I would have not got that
feeling in a farmland or on a road. I
would like to mention one particular
case when there was a group of Jamia
students teaching all the poor kids of
the neighbourhood, I too participated in
it. They gave us quizes and puzzels and
if we were right we got chocolates.
Those were the best days in Jamia. I
have a dream of my Children studying
here and become teachers someday."
"What Jamia has given me, I dont think
any other university can give me that, I
A story from Humans was going through a very depressing
of Jamia personal crisis in the very beginning of my
Phd. I am the first generation in my family
with a status of a Phd, which is a very big
achievement for me and my family. I got
the scholarship at the time when I was
going through a personal crisis and I am
very grateful to Maulana Sahab (Maulana
Azad Scholarship), if it was not Maulana
Sahab, I would have been actually on the
streets and I really mean it.
In, 2011 I joined Jamia as a research
scholar and by the end of 2013 I had to
take very hard decisions, I had to put
myself in a schedule. My first cup of chai
would be with aleem (chacha) every single
day, his tea would be the starting of my
Talking of Jamia, this university gave me
the opportunity to read. Phd is no joke,
jamia has taught me to read. The space
you have got nobody will give you this, its
an opportunity every single day, seize
that. my mentor said that to me one day.
People dont understand Jamia. Its not just
Research Design

Qualitative Research
Qualitative research methodology gives an Why people behave the way they do
opportunity to learn a about a phenomenon How opinions and attitudes are formed
How people are affected by the events that
Qualitative research is concerned with
go on around them
developing explanations of social
How and why cultures and practices have
developed in the way they have
It aims to help us to understand the social
world in which we live and why things are
the way they are
In our Case

We have to understand
factors that motivates the
people to read the stories
of other people who are
not related to them.
Probable reasons why
people read these

People find these


The also inspire

reasers to pursue
what the person
in the story has
pursued but they
What method will I use
to find this?

Grounded theory
Why Grounded Theory

It will help us to understand the

Why people consume the
instances of some other person's
life through the write ups.

We will undertake Stratified sampling

People would be categorised as readers
and non readers.
These are usually people between the
age group of 17- 35 years.
They are college going people or pass-
Material/Instrument &
Data collection

Unstructured Interview
Data collection is done through doing
in-depth interviews with the readers of
the blog and personal observation of
the interviewer.
Data Analysis

All the interviews would be transcribed

Researcher went through all the
transcribes to come up with codes
These codes will be later made as
Finally we will anaylyse the data into
terms of these themes

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