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Seventh grade
Social Studies
First term 2017
Learning objective 2
Objective: Recognize the division of a country in
regions as part of a Gods plan and organization.

Learning objective: Identifying the states that

are part of the USA Southwest region and its
main features such as People and Economy.
Biblical Principle:
Let God organize your life

Joshua 11:23
So Joshua took the whole land, according to all that
the LORD had said to Moses; and Joshua gave it as an
inheritance to Israel according to their divisions by their
tribes. Then the land rested from war.
12 Tribes of Israel
Time to have fun!!!
My Album. The students will make an album with images
of their imaginary visit to the SW Region. They have to
write a short review about what they found there. And also
they have to write about how they preached the Gospel in
those places. It can be a digital or printed album
Group: 3 people
Due date: March 10th, 2017
Written quiz that may contain lexical cloze, open mazes,
completion questions, open questions, analysis of images
and matching regarding the people and the economy of the
Date: March 17th, 2016
LONG AGO The Comanche

They were great hunters and fighters

They lived in small groups

They moved to find food

In summer they hunted deer and buffalo; they dried some of

the meat to eat during the winter.

Fathers taught sons to hunt/mothers taught daughters to

prepare food and

clothing from buffalo and deer.
They arrived from Spain.
They came to raise cattle.

They brought horses to the Southwest.

Once the Comanche had horses, their way of

life changed they

became great riders, it
was easier to follow and hunt
the buffalo herds.
The Settlers

They wanted to build farms and ranches.

They came from Europe.
The Comanches tried to make them leave.
The soldiers attacked the Comanche camps
The Comanche were beaten by sickness. The
Settlers brought sickness.
A lot of Comanche died.
Who are the people of the
region now?
There are more American Indians and Mexican
Americans in this region than in any other region.
American Indians live on Reservations The
Navajo reservation covers parts of Arizona, New
Mexico and Utah Its the largest American Indian
Reservation in USA. The Navajo and Pueblo were
living in the southwest by the year 1300
Mexican Americans make up of the population
of the Southwest.
The Oklahoma Land Rush 1889 A race to claim
land that had once been Indian Territory.
Economy of the
Ranching --- first business in the region--- people from
Spain started raising cattle in Texas. And is an important
business in Texas today.
Oil ---around 1900 this business grew up in the region.
The states of Texas and Oklahoma produce a lot of oil.
Oil is used to make gasoline. Usually, oil is found far
under the ground. Special wells are needed to pump it
out. Then it must go to a place called a refinery.
In a refinery, the oil is cleaned and made into different
Today there are many jobs in the oil business.
New jobs usually come from research.
Research means studying things and finding out about
them. Research scientists often solve problems by
finding better ways to do things. For example, we know
we have to be careful with our natural resources.
One thing researches in the Southwest work on is new
ways to use less oil. They study other types of energy that
can be used.
Have you ever heard of Solar energy? Solar energy uses
the heat of the sun instead of oil to heat homes.
Read the passage: Job 28:1-17 so you can understand the
refinery process and compare the treasures we find deep
underground to wisdom.
Work in group of 3 so, talk and reflect on the refinery
process and wisdom. Later on, write down the ideas you
Class activity:
Make a graphic organizer in which you
sum up the Southwestern economy.
Principle of the month - March 2017:

Fear of the Lord

Proverbs 9:10
New King James Version (NKJV)
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of
And the knowledge of the Holy One is

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