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Project Title

To study Kiln system and Reduce false air across kiln


Prepared by
Manas Khatri

Guided by
Jayendra V. jadeja

Cement Production
Purpose and Scope of project
Learning kiln system in relation with material and air flow and
chemical changes.
Reduction in false air in kiln system
Reducing Coal consumption and heating of false air in kiln
Reduction in oxygen % in exhaust air at preheater outlet.
Reducing required fan steps
Reducing carbon di oxide emissions .
Making clinker production more cost effective.
Optimization of Kiln system air to optimize coal consumption and
Minimum Air flow to maintain required suspension of Material with
required temperature.
Methodology used and Time frame
Used zur strassen model empirical equation to initiate false air analysis and
moved ahead with collecting required data to find out false air and scope of

Plant round to find leakages by visual inspection and high noise in area,
locating all leakage spots and reporting to area incharge.
( one day for each section i.e. Preheater string , Calciner string and drier crusher )

Taking readings of Air flow rate, oxygen , temperature , Feed rate and various
dimensions required to perform calculation .
( At various times in a duration of one month with leakage arresting to see
improvements before and after arresting leakages )

Performing required calculation (3 days )

Performing all leakage arresting job (Jobs like bellow replacements and patching
are in progress in plant stoppage)
Leakages found to be repaired

Types of Leakages No. found

Leakage from manhole/poking hole 35

Crack or Joint leakage 26

Leakage near bellow / flap 16

Calculation of false air

Basis : 1 Ton of Clinker

Model used : Zur strassen empirical equation

Calculation excel sheet

Results found:

Theoretical Requirement
Heat (Kcal) Coal (indo) kg Coal (SA) kg Exhaust Air (m3/hr)
421723 43.5 37 74646
Calculated by plant readings
609504 62.9 53.5 452150
Excess than requirement
187781 19.4 16.5 377504

Excess Coal used : 35.9 kg

Losses cost : 143.96 Rs

Annual financial losses

Annual Production of clinker =
Annual financial losses due to excess coal consumption =
Oxygen Measurements Hot Air
duct Cake
coming conveyi
from ng belt
calciner from
To Chimney Top ESF to
6.0 Box


Before leakage arresting

After some leakage arresting
After reducing CD fan step from
3 to 1

Towards CF Slio
Excess CO2 Emission

Basis : 1 ton of clinker

Excess Coal Used :
Indo = 19.4 kg SA = 16.5 kg
Carbon % :
Indo = 83.54 SA = 74.51
Produced CO2 = ((19.4*0.8354)+(16.5*0.7451))/12 Kmol
= 2.38 kmol
Produced CO2 in kg = 2.38*44
= 104.5 kg/ton of clinker produced

Annual CO2 emission:

Annual production of clinker =

Annual CO2 Emission =
Benefits out of false air reduction

In terms of Specific Cost of production of clinker

Scope : 144 Rs/ ton of Clinker
Achieved : will be Calculated after plant stoppage

In terms of reduction in fan rpms

Scope : reduction in CD Fan Steps (Calciner String) and rpm of smoke gas fan (PH string )
Achieved : By temporarily leakage arresting with soda cement CD fan step reduced from 3
to 1 for same feed rate.

In terms of Emission of CO2 in atmosphere by burning more Coal

Scope : 104.5 kg CO2 / ton of clinker
Achieved : will be Calculated after plant stoppage.

Reducing false air will result into reduced coal requirement as

excess air is not needed to be heated from atmospheric temp to
above 300 C anymore.
Jobs for reducing false air entry points in kin system are in
progress and improvements were observed while temporarily
reducing false air entry.
Scope for improvements are in terms of cost saving and
environment benefits such as less CO2 emission.
Achieved results will be seen after plant resumes.

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