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Dynamic Line Change Management

As the seismic market becomes more competitive and the spread sizes
increase, it is crucial that we monitor the line change efficiency.

Schlumberger Confidential
A case study was done using various known techniques in the four point
broadband survey in the GoM (First 12.5km streamers). This survey showed
areas that needs improvement on line change planning.

This presentation will cover some of the examples where the user should use
an active approach with regards the line change design, in order to minimize
its length without sacrificing the towed gear safety.

View powerpoint in slide show for the animations

Excellence in Execution

This presentation will cover:

- Spread Safety + Data Quality
- Currents + Spread Dynamics

Schlumberger Confidential
- Line Change Scenario
- Current Pushing the Streamer to Outside of the Turn Scenario
- Current Pushing the Streamer to Inside of the Turn Scenario
- Head Currents and Shorter Run-in Scenarios
- Overshoot Technique to Control Bend / Feather and Reduce the Run-in

Excellence in Execution
Spread Safety + Data Quality
When planning a line change, the following topics must be considered,
with regards the safety of the spread and streamer noise at SOL:

The WSP Speed of the outer MW not exceeding 5kts

Schlumberger Confidential
WSP for the inner MW and the inner streamer not below Minimum
Streamer Tension within limit
Not running into own streamers
Straight streamer at the SOL

Excellence in Execution
Currents + Spread Dynamics
The Rate of Turn (ROT) is based on the BSP

The direction and strength of the current will dictate the bend on the
spread. This will influence:

Schlumberger Confidential
- The Aimpoint distance
- The Turn Radius

Sideways movement of the vessel (overshooting) can be used to induce

the desired streamer shape.

Excellence in Execution
Line Change Scenarios

Whether the vessel is facing a head or a tail current, or if the current is pushing the gear to
the inside or to the outside of the turn circle will have a direct effect on the line change

Schlumberger Confidential
Next we will have examples of these scenarios, with actions that need to be taken by the
user to minimize the line change.

Excellence in Execution
Current Pushing the Streamer to Outside of the
Turn Scenario

In this scenario the current is pushing the streamer to the outside of the turn. This
effectively reduces the bend on the streamers.

Schlumberger Confidential
This reduction in the bend of the streamer implies that the streamers are behaving
like they were in a bigger turn, with regards the tension and the minimum WSP
required for the inner streamers for the cable control.

This behavior allowed a reduction from the Turn Radius from 8000 m to 5000 m,
without any detrimental effect to the gear safety

Next slide contain an animation

Excellence in Execution
Current Pushing the Streamer to Outside of the
Turn Scenario

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Excellence in Execution
Current Pushing the Streamer to Inside of the Turn

In this scenario the current is pushing the streamer to the inside of the turn. This
effectively increases the bend on the streamers.

Schlumberger Confidential
If the reduction of the bend in the previous slide had a positive effect for the line
change planning, the increase is certain to have a detrimental one. The inner
streamer will have very low tension and hence cable control will be a challenge.

Depending on the strength of the currents it might be necessary to increase the turn
radius. Speed is crucial to maintain depth control.

Next slide contain an animation

Excellence in Execution
Current Pushing the Streamer to Inside of the
Turn Scenario

Schlumberger Confidential
Excellence in Execution
Head Currents and Shorter Run-in Scenarios
The length of the run-in is very important for the line change length, as it will always count
twice in a race track scenario.

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On a high head current scenario, the streamers will straighten up much earlier than on a tail
current scenario or even a low current scenario.

Hence the user must take advantage on these cases, and reduce the run-in to less than the
nominal values used on cases where the currents are negligible.

Next slide shows this.

Excellence in Execution
Head Currents and Shorter Run-in Scenario

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Excellence in Execution
Head Currents and Shorter Run-in Scenario

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Excellence in Execution
Overshoot Technique to Control Bend / Feather and Reduce
the Run-in

There is still the old trick of adopting short run-in and overshooting before coming to the
aimpoint distance.

Schlumberger Confidential
This is normally used to induce Feather at SOL in order to maximize coverage. Additionally,
this technique can be used to straighten up the steamer over a shorter run-in.

Next slide shows this.

Excellence in Execution
Overshoot Technique to Control Bend / Feather and Reduce
the Run-in

Schlumberger Confidential
Excellence in Execution

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