Disaster Resilient Solutions Edited

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Geophysical DisastersEARTHQUAKE
a sudden and violent shaking
of the ground, sometimes Seismic Invisibility Cloak -
causing great destruction, as a earthquake spreads on terrain as
result of movements within waves that create the vertical
the earth's crust or volcanic movement on the surface
action. making buildings sway.

Shock Absorbers - It
reduces the magnitude of
the shockwaves by
converting the seismic wave
energy into heat energy
which is then transferred
into hydraulic fluid.
Pendulums for
Skyscrapers - suspend a
large ball of huge mass with
steel cables in a fixed Worlds largest shake table tests
wooden 7 story houses resilience
structure at the top of the during an earthquake
building. So when the
building starts to sway
during earthquakes, the ball
acts like a pendulum.

Geophysical Disasters
TSUNAMI Example:
A long high sea wave This House is Built to
caused by an earthquake, Withstand the Force of a
submarine landslide or Tsunami
other disturbance.
SOLUTION: All items and materials kept below in
Mangrove swamps this flood room have been certified
waterproof.(Credit: Lucas Henning)
Reinforced concrete
structures instead of
deep foundations, braced
at the footings
Design with redundancy
Leave vegetation and
reefs intact The Tsunami House, on the
Orient the building at an northern end of Washington's
angle to the shoreline Camano Island, is designed to If the building was a solid wall instead of
Design structural withstand the impact of high- columns filled in with glass doors, the
connectors that can velocity wave walls with heights whole thing could collapse under the
absorb stress. momentum of the wave. We opted to
of up to eight feet.(Credit:
enable the building to stay intact by
Lucas Henning) letting the water move through along a
path of least resistance. Nelson explains.

Geophysical Disasters
Landslide Mitigation
Housing by Jared Winchester
LANDSLIDE and Viktor Ramos
the sliding down of a mass The idea seems to be to
of earth or rock from a slow down the movement of
mountain or cliff. the landslide by using these
housing units to provide a
SOLUTION: drag force. Presumably
Modification of slope therefore the cables are tied
geometry in below the shear surface
Retaining structures and the movement of the
Internal slope landslide then pushes
reinforcement against (and is impeded by)
Drainage the houses. Thus, the
landslide is partially
mitigated and the slope is
inhabited, but the natural
system continues to

Metrological Disasters
HURRICANE/TROPI Earth shelteringis
architectural practice of using
the Geodesic dome roofs for
buildings have low drag
CAL CYCLONE earthagainst building walls for
external thermal mass, to reduce
coefficients and can
withstand higher wind
Atropical cycloneis a rapidly heat loss, and to easily maintain a
forces than a square
rotatingstorm systemcharacterized by steady indoor air temperature.
alow-pressurecenter, a closed low-level Earth shelteredconstruction is building of the same
atmospheric circulation,strong winds, generally more resistant to the area.Even stronger
and a spiral arrangement strong winds and tornadoes than buildings result
ofthunderstormsthat produce heavy standard construction. Cellars and frommonolithic
rain. Depending on its location and other earth sheltered components domeconstruction.
strength, a tropical cyclone is referred of other buildings, can provide safe
to by names such ashurricane refuge during tornadoes.
Geodesic domeis
structure(lattice-shell) based on
ageodesic polyhedron.
Thetriangularelements of the
dome are structurally rigid and
distribute the
structuralstressthroughout the
structure, making geodesic domes
able to withstand very heavy loads
for their size.


Hydrological Disasters Suspended concrete floors are

stated as an option to be
FLOOD considered where ground
conditions or other site specific
an overflowing of a large amount of
water beyond its normal confines, issues dictate.
especially over what is normally dry Stiltsare poles, posts or
land. pillarsused to allow a
SOLUTION: structure or building to
a ground-bearing cast in-situ stand at a distance above
concrete floor remains the the ground. In flood plains,
recommended ground floor and on beaches or unstable
construction for buildings at risk ground, buildings are often
of flooding. This comprises a constructed on stilts to
minimum 150mm concrete slab protect them from damage
over a robust, continuous damp by water, waves or shifting
proof membrane with appropriate soil or sand.
closed cell insulation

Cavity walls are also a recommended

solution, with both inner and outer
leafs constructed in masonry and with
external render and internal render or
plaster. Specific guidance for material
selection and specification of the
details are provided including the use
of closed-cell insulation.
Examples of building structures that has disaster resilient

Storm Resistant
Taklo School from MAT-TER
Bambox Hut
An entry
from a trio of University of the
University of Santo Tomass architecture
Philippines architecture students Mervin Afan, California-based design and build
student Lara Therese Cruz house design won
Corenne Martin, and Rafael Khemlani, Taklob studio MAT-TER had proposed a new
first place for the piece called Bambox Hut, an
is a school which also doubles as an design for the Guiuan National High
amphibious house that floats on water.
evacuation center. School in Samar, one of the most badly
hit areas by Typhoon Yolanda.
welded metal drums attached to the
The school design ingeniously mimics the
concrete platform allows the house to float
concave, half-cylinder roofing structure of The design was a response to the
when there is flood.
airplane hangars designed to weather the challenge of an online course called
the structural concept is to resist the onslaught
pressure of plane streams. Designing Resilient Schools, which
of strong winds and earthquakes.
crowd sourced design ideas for schools
The roof shape offers an aerodynamic feature
the school is designed to survive strong affected by typhoons and other natural
that rides the wind while remaining firmly
typhoon winds and keep out from the storm disasters.
attached to the structural hollow steel frame.
surges by having steel framing system,
The frame is designed to hold the whole house
built-up arches, aerodynamic roof form, bamboo-based school design is
structure together without chances of the roof
and its 1-meter elevation from the elevated off the ground by a grid
tearing from the wall.
ground. of supporting concrete columns to
roll-down storm shutters and protect it from flood-waters.
The architect creatively combined local
retractable clerestory windows which The structural system supports the
materials such as bamboo, cocoboard,
provide cover against the typhoon up to fluid-form roofing with the exteriors
lumber, and abaca with steel, metal, and
ground level. . In action, they serve like a clad in lightweight skin.
reinforced concrete to produce not only a
movable cover or lid, which the Filipino word Courtyards are situated centrally and
disaster-resilient house but also a pleasing one
taklob means and from which the design is form inner pocket gardens.
to look at.
named after.

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