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MIME 419

Triangulation Modelling
Surface Mining
Series of 3D points linked together
Represent surface and volumes (when closed)
Stored as individual .00t files
Moved, copied and deleted individually using Vulcan

Triangulation Modelling
Surface triangulation
models may be created
using any object data, for
example points, lines or
Select Model > Triangle
surface > Create. The
Triangulation dialog box
will display.

Creating a surface
Data tab controls how the data is projected and where it is
located after it is created.
Boundary tab allows the use of polygons to limit the data
to triangulate.
Trending tab allows to apply overall geological trend to
the surface and build it into the triangulation model.
The Spurs tab allows to generate Spurs strings and save
them to a new or existing layer. Spurs are flat spots that can
occur where the surrounding data points have all the same Z
The Condition tab allows to perform some limitation or
Get the Surface topo.dxf on MyCourses
Import the .dxf
Triangulate the surface
Make another surface delimited by the property line

Assignment 2.e
A solid triangulation model is a closed 3D representation of
the data. Therefore, the model has no distinct edges and
must encompass a volume. Polygons and Boolean
operations are the most common techniques of creating a
solid model.
Solid triangulations are commonly used to represent
geological features and structures in 3D. They are also used
for underground mine development planning.
In Vulcan, to create a solid triangulation model use the
Model > Triangle Solid menu.

Triangulation solid
Use Create to build continuous solid triangulations from
strings or polygons representing a solid body, such as an ore
body, dump or stope. The option takes the perimeters or
strings selected from the Vulcan Envisage screen and builds
triangulation between them.
To ensure valid and accurate solids are created, ensure the
All strings are in the same direction (clockwise or conter-
No duplicate points exist
No overturns (bowties) exist
Select Model > Triangle Solid > Create
Building a solid triangulation:
1. Select Model > Triangle Solid > Create
2. Specify your settings in the Create 3D
Solid table
3. Click OK
4. When promted, pick the first string
5. From the Select triangulation colour
palette, color the triangulation. A
triangulation between the first two
strings will be generated.
6. Type a shell name
7. When promted, pick the next string to
8. When finished right click to exit the
Load the shapes made in the first tutorial
Make sure that the direction of each string is clockwise
(or counter-clockwise)
Create a solid using those polygons created.
Use the command End Plate to close the triangulation

Assignment 2.f
VULCAN Manual de Treinamento, 2008 Maptek
Computacin Chile Ltda.
Introduction to Vulcan Version 8, 2009 MAPTEK


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