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Name Num. matrix IC num.

Datchana Morgan BP15110057

Hernawati binti Lokman BP15110348

Mathanaah Velu BP15110145

Thurka Mogana Ravu BP15110300

Vimalesheni Kunasegaran BP15110307
First introduced to helping field by Ivey, Normington, Miller, Morill
and Hease (Evans, Hearn, Uhlemann & Ivey, 1998).
To encourage client to talk.
To reduce your own talk time and let the clients tell their stories.
4 dimensions of attending behaviours (3 Vs + 1B):
visual/eye contact
vocal qualities
verbal tracking
attentive and authentic body language
Allows the counsellor and client together to clear away some of the
less important surrounding material and concentrate on the central
issues of concern.
7 areas of focusing are:
Focus on Client
Focus on main theme or problem
Focus on Others
Focus on Family
Mutuality Focus
Interviewer Focus
Cultural/Environmental/Contextual Focus
Three Faces of
Suffering from headaches and inexplicable blackouts,
timid housewife Eve White (Joanne Woodward)
begins seeing a psychiatrist, Dr. Luther (Lee J.
Cobb). He's stunned when she transforms before his
eyes into the lascivious Eve Black, and diagnoses her
as having multiple personalities. It's not long before a
third, calling herself Jane, also appears. Through
hypnosis and continued therapy, Luther struggles to
help Eve recall the trauma that caused her identity to
fracture. Rest of it forms the story.
Ordinary People
Tormented by guilt following the death of his older
brother, Buck, in a sailing accident, alienated
teenager Conrad Jarrett (Timothy Hutton) attempts
suicide. Returning home following an extended stay
in a psychiatric hospital, Conrad tries to deal with his
mental anguish and also reconnect with his mother,
Beth (Mary Tyler Moore), who has grown cold and
angry, and his emotionally wounded father, Calvin
(Donald Sutherland), with the help of his
psychiatrist, Dr. Berger (Judd Hirsch).

Duration Attending Justifications
behaviour skills Dialogues Explanations

3.33 - 4.12 Body language The receptionist: Mrs. White? At the beginning of the
Nodding Mrs. White: Yes, I am. movie, Mr. White leads the
head Mr. White: (nods his head and way to Dr. Luthers room but
pushes Mrs. White in front to as soon as they reached Dr.
follow the receptionist in Dr. Luthers room, Mr. White let
Luthers room. He follows Mrs. Mrs. White to lead. This
White at back.) shows that Mr White is
uncomfortable going for a
psychology session.
Duration Attending Justifications
behaviour skills Dialogues Explanations

4.40 6.30 Eye contact Dr Luther: Let's see. He says you've Throughout the session, Mrs.
Breaks in eye been troubled with very bad White often tends to break in eye
contact headaches. contact with Dr Luther. She
Mrs White: Yes, sir, terrible ones. keeps on looking down while
Dr Luther: And some sort of spells? speaking to Dr Luther. This
Mrs White: Yes, sir. might be because of they are
Mr Luther: What kind of spell? discussing topics that
Mrs White: I don't know. Im not particularly distress her. She felt
exactly sure. uncomfortable talking about her
another self (Eve Black) because
Mrs. White suffers from
Multiple Personality Disorder.
Duration Attending Justifications
behaviour skills Dialogues Explanations

4.57 Verbal Mr White: Is it, uh, what they Dr Luther explains what is
5.07 underlining say, uh... amnesia? amnesia is about. He gives
Dr Luther: Well, amnesia vocal emphasis and increases
means loss of memory. Is that his voice volume so that Mr
what happens to you? White (Ralph) and Mrs
Mrs White: Yes, I guess thats White (Eve) could
it. understand about it.
Duration Attending Justifications
behaviour skills Dialogues Explanations

9.50 Vocal qualities Mr White: Shut that door. Hurry up. As Mr. White knows that Mrs.
10.41 High pitch of Come here (with anger). I got a White have spent 216 bucks on
voice good mind to slap your face. clothing, he cant hold on his
indicates Mrs White: What'd they say? furious. The changes in pitch,
anger Mr White: What kind of dope do volume or speech rate shows
you think I am? (with tensed face) that he is in angry state. Mr.
Mrs White: I don't know what White starts to yell to Mrs.
you're talking about. White as hes no longer in
Mr White: What did you think I was control of himself. He expressed
going to do? Nothing? Let you get his anger through his vocal
away with it? 216 bucks! (yelling) tones.
Duration Attending Justifications
behaviour skills Dialogues Explanations

11.58 Verbal Mrs White: I didn't do it. Mrs. White keep on repeating I
12.10 underlining Mr White: But I saw her. didn't do it to indicate that she
Mrs White: I didn't do it. really didnt do it. Dr Luther
Mr White: How can she say a thing aware of word emphasis in Mrs
like that when I saw her with my Whites voice. Therefore, he
own eyes? tries to narrow the question
Dr Luther: You mean you don't scope by asking You mean you
remember doing it. don't remember doing it which
Mrs White: I didn't do it. means he wants to know her
Duration Attending Justifications
behaviour skills Dialogues Explanations

15.20 The usefulness of Mrs White: Yeah, but what if Sometimes the most useful thing
15.46 silence sometimes it... it sounds like my to do as a helper is to support
own voice? client silently. Therefore, Dr
Dr Luther: Your own voice? Doesn't Luther just lets Mrs. White to
make any difference. cry her heart out so that Mrs.
Mrs White: Yes, it does. You just White will feel better. After Mrs.
don't want to tell me, but it does, I... White done crying, he starts with
(starts to cry). checking Mrs. White out so that
Dr Luther: (After a while) Mrs he knows the real condition of
White, are you fine? Mrs. White and whether to carry
on the session or postpone it.
Duration Attending Justifications
behaviour skills Dialogues Explanations

16.10 Negative N/A Dr Luther will try to smoke

16.30 attending in front of Miss Eve Black.
behaviour skills Although Miss Black doesnt
seem to mind it but still
attempt of smoking in front
of a client is appropriate.
Eventually, Dr Luther will
not smoke and focuses to
Miss Blacks story.
Duration Attending Justifications
behaviour skills Dialogues Explanations

16.40 Negative verbal Miss Black: I think l'll take them Dr Luther didnt stay with Mrs.
17.00 tracking skill off. You don't mind, do you? Whites topic. Dr Luther didnt
Dr Luther: If you like. encourage the full elaboration of
Miss Black: I think you'd better turn the narrative. People change
around, though. topic when they arent
Miss Black: You're kind of cute, but comfortable.
I don't think I know you that well.
Maybe some time, though, huh?
Hey, you like to go dancing?
Dr Luther: Sometimes.
Miss Black: Would you like to go
dancing with me?
Duration Attending Justifications
behaviour skills Dialogues Explanations

17.15 Body language Dr Luther: If youre not Eve Miss Black tried to tease the
17.25 Touches White, who are you? doctor with her mischief
hair Miss Black: Now what are you personality as she appears as
Seductive trying to do, kid me? other personality of Mrs. Eve
body Dr Luther: Seems more likely White. Miss Black uses her
language youre trying do kid me. hair to show the seductive
Miss Black: Im Eve Black, you body language. Miss Black
know that. used this skill to avoid
answering Dr Luthers
Duration Focusing skills Justifications
Dialogues Explanations
5.15 5.46 Focus on client Dr Luther: How often does this Dr Luther focused on the
happen? individual who is here to be Mrs.
Mrs White: Sometimes twice a White. You was used in
week now. specific because Dr Luther
Dr Luther: And the headaches, what wants to hear Mrs. Whites
about them? unique experience.
Mrs White: Same thing.
Dr Luther: They happen at the same
Mrs White: Yes, sir. First I get this
terrible headache and then I get this
Dr Luther: Now, when you say
spell, do you mean you faint or
anything like that?
Mrs White: No, sir, it's not like
fainting. It's more like...
Duration Focusing skills Justifications
Dialogues Explanations
5.45 Focus on Dr Luther: Who's Bonnie? Dr Luther wants Mrs. White
5.56 significant Mrs White: That's my little girl. to talk about significant
Dr Luther: How old is she? others which in this case is
Mrs White: She's four and a Mrs. Whites daughter,
half. Bonnie. Bonnie is not
Dr Luther: Your only child? present to this session and Dr
Mrs White: Yes, sir. I lost Luther talked to Mrs. White
another baby about four months bout Bonnie.
Dr Luther: I see.
Duration Focusing skills Justifications
Dialogues Explanations
16.10 - Focus on Dr Luther: What was it? Headache? The she in this context refers to
16.25 significant Miss Black: no, I didnt have a Mrs. White whom suffers from
headache. She had one, but I didn't. Multiple Personality Disorder.
Dr Luther: She? Therefore, during this session,
Miss Black: You got a nice place Miss Black will emerges and
around here. Oh, she always gets thats the first time Dr Luther
those headaches when I want to will get introduced to Miss Eve
come out. I think she's a real dope, Black. During this conversation,
don't you? Mrs. Eve White doesnt realize
Dr Luther: Who are you talking that she is having split
about? personality but Miss Black is
Miss Black: Eve White. aware of Mrs. Whites existence.
Duration Focusing skills Justifications
Dialogues Explanations

1.00.10 Focus on mutuality Jane: Sure. There are two others, you A mutual immediate focus often
1.00.45 know, and they're very different from emphasizes the we in a relationship.
me. And I don't even ever know when In this movie, Earl who is Janes
they're coming out. lover provides a sharing of
Earl: Holy Moses. So that's all there is to responsibilities. Jane who is the third
it. personality within Mrs. White loves
Jane: Oh, no, it isn't. Earl, a young fellow. Both of them
Earl: Oh, please. Not by a long shot. love each other and as soon as Jane
What I mean is, that doesn't scare me. I tells Earl about her multiple
feel just exactly the same. Exactly as I personality disorder, Earl accepts her
felt before. Maybe even more. Whatever unconditionally. Earl too works
it is, we can handle it together. together with Jane in their
relationship so that Jane can recover
Duration Focusing skills Justifications
Dialogues Explanations
1.12.45 Focus on Jane: Something's the matter. I don't Here Jane uses mutual
1.13.10 mutuality know what it is, but something's the immediate focus which
matter. You don't think we're ever emphasizes the we in a
going to get well, do you? relationship. She asked Dr
Dr Luther: Of course I do. Luther whether he believes or
Jane: Well, I don't. I think we're not Mrs. White or in this case
going to die, all of us. Jane has the chances to back to
normal. The we here shows
that both Dr Luther and Jane
shares their responsibilities so
that this can empower Jane.
Duration Attending behaviour Justifications
skills Dialogues Explanations

6.53 Vocal qualities Calvin: That's okay. Connie! Calvin called Conrad in normal voice.
Change in (Calvin goes to the stairs) However, Conrad never gives any
pitch, volume Calvin: Conrad! respond to Calvin. Calvin calls Conrad
or speech rate Conrad: Ill be right there! once again but this time there is a
(Calvin sits back at table. Conrad changes in his voice (tone increased).
finally appears at the bottom of the Conrad still never gives any reply. Calvin
stairs.) gets angry and went near staircase and
Calvin: Here he is! call Conrad once again. (This time the
tone is in high pitch and anger tone).
Finally, Conrad gives response to his
father. In this situation, we can see Calvin
gets angry when Conrad does not reply to
him. When he used higher tone, there are
responses from Conrad.
Duration Attending Justifications
behaviour skills Dialogues Explanations

8.35 Body language Calvin: Well. I don't see the Calvin and Conrad at the dining
A person old gang much anymore. I table having a conversation.
may move miss them. Bring them Calvin talking about his old
forward around... Phil, Don, and friend. He say that he missed his
when Dick Van Buren. We'll play old friends. In this situation, it
interested some touch football on the shows Conrad felt bored and
and away lawn. irritated. So, he does not speak
when bored Conrad: See you later. properly (never give a proper
or responses) and walk fast to
frightened. outside (get out from home).
Duration Attending behaviour Justifications
skills Dialogues Explanations

34.05 Vocal qualities Conrad: It wouldn't look good. When Dr Berger asks Conrad how does it
Changes in Dr Berger: Forget about how it feel, we can notice changes of voice
pitch, volume looks! How does it feel? quality when Conrad answers it. Conrad
or speech rate Conrad: How does it feel? How does keep on repeats the same sentences, how
Verbal it feel? does it feel and how does it feel, when
underlining Dr Berger: Yes! he mentioned this, there is verbal
Conrad: How does it feel?! underlining occurs.
Dr Berger: Yes! How does it feel? In this situation, Conrad feels uneasy
with this question because this question
brings back all his sad moments which he
want to erase from his memories. When
Dr Berger asks such a question, Conrad
started to get angry and use higher tone.
Duration Attending Justifications
behaviour skills Dialogues Explanations

45.55 Silence Conrad: And I knew I Silence is important skills to

should have felt something. make the client communicate
But I didn't know what to with us. If we listen carefully to
feel. I kept thinking what client conversation, client feel
they say on comfortable and share all his
TV, you know, stuff like.. stories without hide it. In this
(Dr Berger listens carefully) situation Dr Berger just supports
Conrad by listen to his
conversation without
Duration Attending Justifications
behaviour skills Dialogues Explanations

01.00.16 Vocal qualities Jeannie: Oh, you mean like Conrad and Jeannine having
Clearing ...tablespoon? Oh, dear! Why do conversation at the park. Suddenly
ones throat I ask dumb questions? I'm just Jeannine clears her throat and said
showing off. Why is it so hard... Why is it so hard the first time
the first time you talk to you talk to somebody?
somebody? (Conrad shrugs) When people feel embarrassed, they
cannot speak properly with that
person. The words would not come
out from the mouth easily. Actually
it shows Jeannine was too shy to
speak with Conrad and even Conrad
feels the same.
Duration Focusing skills Justifications
Dialogues Explanations

17.25 Focus on other Dr Berger: So how does it feel being Dr Berger asks few questions about his
How Conrad feel home? Everybodys glad to see you? friends and his teachers to Conrad. When
with friends and Conrad: Yeah. Dr Berger asks like so that he gets to
teachers? Dr Berger: Friends? know that the relationship between
Conrad: Yeah. Conrad and friend and teachers are
Dr Berger: OK? normal. All are communicating as usually
Conrad: Yeah. as they do. He does not have any problem
Dr Berger: Everything? with the environmental and people
Conrad: Yeah. surrounded with him. Its good that Dr
Dr Berger: You're back in school? Berger used this skill because Conrad
Everything okay at school? gets to know that he is the one having
Teachers? problem and not the surrounding people.
Conrad: Yeah.
Duration Focusing skills Justifications
Dialogues Explanations
19.47 Focus on Dr Berger: Well. That's a When Dr Berger found out Conrads
mutuality problem. How do we solve that? problem, he asks the ways to solve
Conrad: Guess I'll have to skip the problem. Conrad say that he
practice twice a week, and come want to skip the swimming class. So,
here. he planned to skip or dont want to
Dr Berger: Well. It's up to you. swim anymore. In this situation, its
good to use this skill because
Conrad found that he having
problem in swimming and Dr Berger
shared the responsibilities to help
Conrad in this.
Duration Focusing skills Justifications
Dialogues Explanations
33.44 Focus on other Conrad: Maybe I don't want to Conrad was afraid of swimming
swim anymore. You know, I mean after he lost his brother. He tried
my timing is for shit. You know, to face that but anger took over
hes got two guys that swim the him. He suppressed himself. Its
fifty, theyre better than me, and good counselor used this skills to
Dr Berger: Ha, ha. Conrad. Once he has a
Conrad: They're a bunch of boring conversation with Dr Berger, he
ass jocks. get to know that he really cannot
Dr Berger: Ha, ha. make it in swimming anymore.
Conrad: And him... I can't stand Later on he came to a solution
him. Hes a tight ass son of a bitch! which is to quit swimming.
Duration Focusing skills Justifications
Dialogues Explanations
34.40 Focus on others Dr Berger: How is it with Dr Berger is asking to Conrad
your friends? Is it getting about his friends. Dr Berger
any easier? wants to know about Conrad
Conrad: No. It's still hard. through his friends. Conrad say
he feel difficult to communicate
with friends. Its better
counsellor used this focusing
skill. This skill helps the
counsellor to get to know more
information about his
relationship with friends.
Duration Focusing skills Justifications
Dialogues Explanations

1: 16: 54 Focus on significant Calvin: Oh, I don't know exactly. Calvin was explaining how do Beth,
Being too much like her. People Calvins wife and Conrad react when
always think that she and Buck are... their first son passed away in an accident.
were ...were alike. But it's really she When the counselor tries to focus on the
and Conrad. They were the only two significant, he asked about Calvins wife
that didn't cry at the funeral, you and how does she reacting towards his
know? It's not easy for me to admit second son.
this but, uh she didn't... His
mother doesn't show him a great
deal of affection. I'm not trying to
put her down in any way at all. She
is a wonderful woman, huh
Dr Berger: Did she give Buck much
Duration Focusing skills Justifications
Dialogues Explanations
1: 42: 37 Focus on Conrad: That isn't it. I I feel On this part, the interviewer who is
interviewer bad about this, I feel really bad Dr. Berger have showed the focus on
about this. And just let me feel interviewer where he felt the painful
bad about this! moment as what Conrad feeling at
Dr Berger: Okay. Listen. I feel that time. This type of words could
bad about it too. make the client to trust the counselor
and tell about their problem more
clearly because they have the feeling
that their feeling understandable by
In both this movies, Three Faces of Eve and Ordinary People,
we can get a lot of attending skills and focusing skills.
These skills will help in future for a helper especially a
counselor on how to handle a clients.
Furthermore, cinema therapy in both these films can change
the way we think, feel and ultimately deal with lives ups and

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