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Singiresu S.
SI Edition
Chapter 2
Free Vibration of
Single Degree
Freedom Systems
Chapter Outline
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Translational System
2.3 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Torsional System
2.4 Stability Conditions
2.5 Rayleighs Energy Method
2.6 Free Vibration with Viscous Damping
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 2
Chapter Outline
2.7 Free Vibration with Coulomb Damping
2.8 Free Vibration with Hysteretic

2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 3

2.1 Introduction
Free Vibration occurs when a system oscillates
only under an initial disturbance with no external
forces acting after the initial disturbance
Undamped vibrations result when amplitude of
motion remains constant with time (e.g. in a
Damped vibrations occur when the amplitude of
free vibration diminishes gradually overtime, due
to resistance offered by the surrounding medium
(e.g. air)

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2.1 Introduction
Several mechanical and structural
systems can be idealized as single
degree of freedom systems, for example,
the mass and stiffness of a system

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2.2 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Translational System
Equation of Motion Using Newtons Second Law
of Motion:

If mass m is displaced a distance
x (t ) when acted
upon by a resultant force F (t ) in the same direction,

d dx (t )
F (t ) m
dt dt
If mass m is constant, this equation reduces to
d x (t )

F (t ) m 2
mx (2.1)
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2.2 Free Vibration of an Undamped
d x (t )

where x 2
is the acceleration of the mass
For a rigid body undergoing rotational motion,
Newtons Law gives

M (t ) J (2.2)

where M isthe resultant
moment acting on the
body and and d 2 (t ) / dt 2 are the resulting
angular displacement and angular acceleration,
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2.2 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Translational System
For undamped single degree of freedom system,
the application of Eq. (2.1) to mass m yields the
equation of motion:

F (t ) kx mx
mx kx 0 (2.3)

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2.2 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Translational System
Equation of Motion Using Other Methods:
1)DAlemberts Principle.
The equations of motion, Eqs. (2.1) & (2.2) can
be rewritten as

F (t ) mx 0 (2.4a )

M (t ) J 0 (2.4b)
The application of DAlemberts principle to the
system shown in Fig.(c) yields the equation of
kx mx 0 or mx kx 0 (2.3)
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2.2 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Translational System
2)Principle of Virtual Displacements.
If a system that is in equilibrium under the
action of a set of forces is subjected to a virtual
displacement, then the total virtual work done by
the forces will be zero.
Consider spring-mass system as shown in figure,
the virtual work done by each force can be
computed as:

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2.2 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Translational System
Virtual work done by the spring force WS (kx)x
Virtual work done by the inertia force Wi (mx)x
When the total virtual work done by all the forces
is set equal to zero, we obtain
mxx kxx 0 (2.5)
Since the virtual displacement can have an
arbitrary value, x 0 , Eq.(2.5) gives the
equation of motion of the spring-mass system as
mx kx 0 (2.3)
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2.2 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Translational System
3)Principle of Conservation of Energy.
A system is said to be conservative if no energy
is lost due to friction or energy-dissipating
nonelastic members.
If no work is done on the conservative system by
external forces, the total energy of the system
remains constant. Thus the principle of
conservation of energy can be expressed as:
T U constant
or d
(T U ) 0 (2.6)
dt 12
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd.
2.2 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Translational System
The kinetic and potential energies are given by:
1 2
T mx (2.7)
or 1 2
U kx (2.8)
Substitution of Eqs. (2.7) & (2.8) into Eq. (2.6)
yields the desired equation

mx kx 0 (2.3)
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2.2 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Translational System
Equation of Motion of a Spring-Mass System in
Vertical Position:
Consider the
configuration of
the spring-mass
system shown in
the figure.

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2.2 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Translational System
For static equilibrium,
W mg k st (2.9)
where W = weight of mass m,
st = static deflection
g = acceleration due to gravity
The application of Newtons second law of motion
to mass m gives
mx k ( x st ) W
and since k st W , we obtain
mx kx 0 (2.10)
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2.2 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Translational System
Notice that Eqs. (2.3) and (2.10) are identical.
This indicates that when a mass moves in a vertical
direction, we can ignore its weight, provided we measure x
from its static equilibrium position.

Hence, the general solution of Eq. (2.3) can be

expressed as i t i t
x(t ) C1e n
C2 e n
where C1 and C2 are constants. By using the
x(t ) A1 cos n t A2 sin n t (2.16)
where A1 and A2 are new constants.
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2.2 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Translational System
x(t 0) A1 x0
x (t 0) n A2 x 0 (2.17)

Hence, A1 x0 and A2 x 0 / n . Thus the solution of

Eq. (2.3) subject to the initial conditions of Eq.
(2.17) is given by
x 0
x(t ) x0 cos n t sin nt (2.18)

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2.2 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Translational System
Harmonic Motion:
Eqs.(2.15), (2.16) & (2.18) are harmonic functions
of time. Eq. (2.16) can also be expressed as:
x(t ) A0 sin(nt 0 ) (2.23)
where A0 and 0 are new constants, amplitude
and phase angle respectively:
2 1/ 2

A0 A x02 0 (2.24)
1 x0 n
0 tan (2.25)
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. x 0 18
2.2 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Translational System
The nature of
oscillation can
be represented
graphically as
shown in the

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2.2 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Translational System
Note the following aspects of spring-mass systems:
1) Circular natural frequency:
1/ 2
n (2.26)

Spring constant, k:
W mg
k (2.27)
st st
Hence, 1/ 2
n (2.28)
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2.2 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Translational System
Hence, natural frequency in cycles per second:
1/ 2
1 g
fn (2.29)
2 st
and, the natural period:
1/ 2
1 st
n 2 (2.30)
fn g

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2.2 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Translational System
2) Velocity x (t ) and the acceleration x(t ) of the
mass m at time t can be obtained as:
x (t ) (t ) n A sin(nt ) n A cos(nt )
dt 2
d 2x
x(t ) 2 (t ) n2 A cos(nt ) n2 A cos(nt ) (2.31)

3) If initial displacement x0 is zero,

x 0 x 0
x(t ) cos nt sin nt (2.32)
n 2 n

If initial velocity x 0 is zero,

x(t ) x0 cos nt (2.33)
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2.2 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Translational System
4) The response of a single degree of freedom
system can be represented in the state space
or phase plane:
x (t ) An sin(nt ) (2.34)
or x y
sin(nt ) (2.35)
An A
where y x / n
By squaring and adding Eqs. (2.34) & (2.35)
cos 2 (n t ) sin 2 (nt ) 1
x2 y2
2 1 (2.36)
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd.
A A 23
2.2 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Translational System

Phase plane representation of an undamped system

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Example 2.2
Free Vibration Response Due to Impact
A cantilever beam carries a mass M at the free end
as shown in the figure. A mass m falls from a
height h on to the mass M and adheres to it
without rebounding. Determine the resulting
transverse vibration of the beam.

2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 25

Example 2.2 Solution
Using the principle of conservation of momentum:
mvm ( M m) x 0
m m
x 0 vm 2 gh (E.1)
M m M m

The initial conditions of the problem can be stated:

mg m
x0 , x 0 2 gh (E.2)
k M m

Thus the resulting free transverse vibration of the

beam can be expressed as:
x(t ) A cos(nt )
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 26
Example 2.2 Solution

where 2 1/ 2


A x02 0

x 0
tan 1

k 3EI
n 3
M m l ( M m)

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Example 2.5
Natural Frequency of Pulley System
Determine the natural frequency of the system
shown in the figure. Assume the pulleys to be
frictionless and of negligible mass.

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Example 2.5 Solution
The total movement of the mass m (point O) is:
2W 2W
k1 k2

The equivalent spring constant of the system:

Weight of the mass
Net displacement of the mass
Equivalent spring constant
W 1 1 4W (k1 k 2 )
keq k1 k 2 k1k 2
k1k 2
keq (E.1)
4(k1 k 2 )
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Example 2.5 Solution
By displacing mass m from the static equilibrium
position by x, the equation of motion of the mass
can be written as
mx keq x 0 (E.2)

Hence, the natural frequency is given by:

1/ 2 1/ 2
keq k1k 2
n rad/sec (E.3)
m m(k1 k 2 )
1/ 2
n 1 k1k 2
fn cycles/sec (E.4)
2 4 m(k1 k 2 )
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2.3 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Torsinal System
From the theory of torsion of circular shafts, we
have the relation: GI 0
Mt (2.37)

Mt is the torque that
produces the twist ,
G is the shear modulus,
l is the length of shaft,
I0 is the polar moment
of inertia of cross
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. section of shaft 31
2.3 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Torsinal System
Polar Moment of Inertia:
d 4
I0 (2.38)
Torsional Spring Constant:
M t GI 0 Gd 4
kt (2.39)
l 32l

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2.3 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Torsinal System
Equation of Motion:
Applying Newtons Second Law of Motion,
J 0 kt 0 (2.40)
Thus, the natural circular frequency:
1/ 2
n (2.41)
The period and frequency of vibration in cycles per
1/ 2
second are: J0
n 2 (2.42)
1/ 2
1 kt
fn (2.43)
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 2 J0 33
2.3 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Torsinal System
Note the following aspects of this system:
1)If the cross section of the shaft supporting the
disc is not circular, an appropriate torsional
spring constant is to be used.
2)The polar mass moment of inertia of a disc is
given by: hD 4 WD 4
32 8g
where is the mass density
h is the thickness
D is the diameter
W is the weight of the disc
3)An important application: in a mechanical clock 34
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd.
2.3 Free Vibration of an Undamped
Torsinal System
General solution of Eq. (2.40) can be obtained:
(t ) A1 cos nt A2 sin nt (2.44)

where n is given by Eq. (2.41) and A1 and A2 can

be determined from the initial conditions. If
(t 0) 0 and (t 0) (t 0) 0 (2.45)
The constants A1 and A2 can be found:
A1 0
A2 0 / n (2.46)
Eq. (2.44) can also represent a simple harmonic motion. 35
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd.
Example 2.6
Natural Frequency of Compound Pendulum
Any rigid body pivoted at a point other than its
center of mass will oscillate about the pivot point
under its own gravitational force. Such a system is
known as a compound pendulum (shown in
Figure). Find the natural frequency of such a

2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 36

Example 2.6 Solution
For a displacement , the restoring torque (due to
the weight of the body W) is (Wd sin ) and the
equation of motion is
J 0 Wd sin 0 (E.1)

Hence, approximated by linear equation:

J 0 Wd 0 (E.2)

The natural frequency of the compound pendulum:

1/ 2 1/ 2
Wd mgd
n (E.3)
J0 J0
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Example 2.6 Solution
Comparing with natural frequency, the length of
equivalent simple pendulum:
l (E.4)
If J0 is replaced by mk02, where k0 is the radius of
gyration of the body about O,
1/ 2
n 2 (E.5)

k 02
l (E.6)
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd.
Example 2.6 Solution
If kG denotes the radius of gyration of the body
about G, we have:
k k d
and kG2
l d (E.8)
If the line OG is extended to point A such that
Eq.(E.8) becomes
l GA d OA (E.10)
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Example 2.6 Solution
Hence, from Eq.(E.5), n is given by
1/ 2 1/ 2 1/ 2

g g g
n 2 (E.11)

k0 / d

l OA

This equation shows that, no matter whether the

body is pivoted from O or A, its natural frequency
is the same. The point A is called the center of

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2.4 Stability Conditions
Consider a uniform rigid bar that is pivoted at one
end and connected symmetrically by two springs
at the other end, as shown in the figure. Assume
that the mass of the bar is m and that the springs
are unstretched when the bar is vertical.

2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 41

2.4 Stability Conditions
Thus the equation of motion of the bar, for rotation
about the point O, can be written as:
ml 2 l
2kl sin l cos W sin 0 ( 2.47)
3 2
For small oscillations, Eq.(2.47) reduces to:
ml 2 l
2kl W 0

3 2
or 12 kl 2
0 (2.48)
2ml 2

The solution for Eq.(2.48) depends on the sign of
(12kl 2 3Wl ) / 2ml 2
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd.
, is as discussed below:
2.4 Stability Conditions
Case 1. When (12kl 2 3Wl ) / 2ml 2 0 , the solution of
Eq. (2.48) represents stable oscillations and can
be expressed as
(t ) A1 cos nt A2 sin nt (2.49)
where A1 and A2 are constants and
1/ 2
12kl 3Wl
n 2
Case 2. When (12kl 2 3Wl ) / 2ml 2 0 , Eq.(2.48)
reduces to and the solution can be obtained
directly by integrating twice as
(t ) C1t C2 (2.51)43
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd.
2.4 Stability Conditions
For initial conditions (t 0) 0 and (t 0) 0 , the
solution becomes
(t ) 0t 0 (2.52)
Case 3. When (12kl 2 3Wl ) / 2ml 2 0 , we define
1/ 2
3Wl 12kl 2


2 ml
and express the solution of Eq. (2.48) as
(t ) B1et B2 e t (2.53)
where B1 and B2 are constants. For initial conditions
(t 0) 0 and (t 0) 0
(t ) 2

0 0 et, Eq.(2.53)
0 0 ebecomes
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2.5 Rayleighs Energy Method

The principle of conservation of energy, in the

context of an undamped vibrating system, can be
restated as
T1 U1 T2 U 2 (2.55)

where subscripts 1 and 2 denote two different

instants of time. If the system is undergoing
harmonic motion, then
Tmax U max (2.57)

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Example 2.8
Effect of Mass on n of a Spring
Determine the effect of the mass of the spring on
the natural frequency of the spring-mass system
shown in the figure below.

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Example 2.8 Solution
The kinetic energy of the spring element of length
dy is 1 m yx

dTs s dy (E.1)
2 l l
where ms is the mass of the spring. The total
kinetic energy of the system can be expressed as
T kinetic energy of mass (Tm ) kinetic energy of spring (Ts )
1 2 l 1 ms y 2 x 2
mx dy 2

2 y 0 2
l l
1 2 1 ms 2
mx x (E.2)
2 2 3

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Example 2.8 Solution
The total potential energy of the system is given by
1 2
U kx (E.3)
By assuming a harmonic motion
x(t ) X cos nt (E.4)
where X is the maximum displacement of the mass
and n is the natural frequency, the maximum
kinetic and potential energies can be expressed as
1 ms 2 2
Tmax m X n (E.5)
2 3
1 2
U max kX (E.6)
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Example 2.8 Solution
By equating Tmax and Umax, we obtain the
expression for the natural frequency:
1/ 2

n (E.7)
m ms


Thus the effect of the mass of spring can be

accounted for by adding one-third of its mass to
the main mass.

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2.6 Free Vibration with Viscous Damping
Equation of Motion:
F cx (2.58)
where c = damping constant
From the figure, Newtons law yields the equation
of motion:

mx cx kx
mx cx kx 0 (2.59)

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2.6 Free Vibration with Viscous Damping
We assume a solution in the form:
x(t ) Ce st (2.60)
where C and s are undetermined constants
Hence, the characteristic equation is
ms cs k 0
the roots of which are
c c 4mk 2
c c k
s1, 2 (2.62)
2m 2m 2m m
These roots give two solutions to Eq.(2.59)
x1 (t ) C1e and x2 (t ) C2 e
s1t s2t
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2.6 Free Vibration with Viscous Damping
Thus the general solution is:
x(t ) C1e s1t C2 e s2t
k 2
c c c c
t t
2 m 2 m m 2 m 2 m m
C2 e

where C1 and C2 are arbitrary constants to be

determined from the initial conditions of the

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2.6 Free Vibration with Viscous Damping
Critical Damping Constant and Damping Ratio:
The critical damping cc is defined as the value of
the damping constant c for which the radical in
Eq.(2.62) becomes zero:
cc k
2m m
cc 2m 2 km 2mn (2.65)
The damping ratio is defined as:
c / cc (2.66)
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2.6 Free Vibration with Viscous Damping
Thus the general solution for Eq.(2.64) is:
2 1 t 2 1 t
x(t ) C1e n
C2 e n

Assuming that 0, consider the following 3 cases:

Case1. Underdamped system ( 1 or c cc or c/ 2m k / m )

For this condition, (2-1) is negative and the roots


s1 i 1 2

s2 i 1 2

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2.6 Free Vibration with Viscous Damping
and the solution can be written in different forms:
i 1 2 t i 1 2 t
x(t ) C1e n
C2e n

e n t
C e1
i 1 2 n t
C2 e i 1 2 n t

e nt C1 cos 1 2 nt C2 sin 1 2 nt

Xe nt sin 1 2 nt

X 0 e nt cos 1 2 nt 0 (2.70)

where (C1,C2), (X,), and (X0, 0) are arbitrary

constants to be determined from initial conditions.
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 55
2.6 Free Vibration with Viscous Damping
For the initial conditions at t = 0,
x 0 n x0
C1 x0 and C2 (2.71)
1 2 n

and hence the solution becomes

n t
x 0 n x0
x(t ) e x0 cos 1 nt sin 1 nt
2 2
1 n

Eq.(2.72) describes a damped harmonic motion.

Its amplitude decreases exponentially with time,
as shown in the figure below.

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2.6 Free Vibration with Viscous Damping

The frequency of damped vibration is:

d 1 2 n (2.76)

Underdamped Solution

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2.6 Free Vibration with Viscous Damping
Case2. Critically damped system ( 1 or c cc or c/ 2m k / m )
In this case, the two roots are:
s1 s2 n (2.77)
Due to repeated roots, the solution of Eq.(2.59) is
given by x(t ) (C C t )e nt (2.78)
1 2

Application of initial conditions gives:

C1 x0 and C2 x 0 n x0 (2.79)
Thus the solution becomes:
x(t ) x0 x 0 n x0 t e nt (2.80)
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2.6 Free Vibration with Viscous Damping
It can be seen that the motion represented by Eq.
(2.80) is aperiodic (i.e., nonperiodic). Since
e t 0 as t , the motion will eventually

diminish to zero, as indicated in the figure below.

Comparison of motions with different types of damping

2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 59
2.6 Free Vibration with Viscous Damping
Case3. Overdamped system ( 1 or c cc or c/ 2m k / m )
The roots are real and distinct and are given by:

s1 2 1 n 0
s2 2 1 n 0

In this case, the solution Eq.(2.69) is given by:

2 1 t 2 1 t
x(t ) C1e n
C2 e n
For the initial conditions at t = 0,


x0n 2 1 x 0
2n 2 1


x0n 2 1 x 0 (2.82)
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 2n 1 2 60
2.6 Free Vibration with Viscous Damping
Logarithmic Decrement:
Using Eq.(2.70),
x1 X 0 e nt1 cos(d t1 0 )
x2 X 0 e nt2 cos(d t 2 0 )
n t1
e n d
n t1 d
e (2.84)
The logarithmic decrement can be obtained from
x1 2 2 c
ln n d n (2.85)
x2 1 2 d 2m
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2.6 Free Vibration with Viscous Damping
For small damping,
2 if 1 (2.86)

2 2 2

Thus, 1 x1
ln (2.92)
m xm 1
where m is an integer.
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2.6 Free Vibration with Viscous Damping
Energy dissipated in Viscous Damping:
In a viscously damped system, the rate of change
of energy with time is given by:
dW dx
force velocity Fv cv c
( 2.93)
dt dt

The energy dissipated in a complete cycle is:

( 2 / d ) dx 2
W c dt 0 cX d cos d t d (d t )
2 2
t 0
cd X 2 (2.94)

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2.6 Free Vibration with Viscous Damping
Consider the system shown in the figure below.
The total force resisting the motion is:
F kx cv kx cx (2.95)
If we assume simple harmonic motion:
x(t ) X sin d t (2.96)
Thus, Eq.(2.95) becomes
F kX sin d t cd X cos d t (2.97)
The energy dissipated in a complete cycle will be
2 / d
W Fvdt
t 0
2 / d
kX 2d sin d t cos d t d (d t )
t 0
2 / d
cd X 2 cos 2 d t d (d t ) cd X 2 (2.98)
t 0 64
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2.6 Free Vibration with Viscous Damping
Computing the fraction of the total energy of the
vibrating system that is dissipated in each cycle of
W cd X 2 2 c
2 2 4 constant (2.99)
W 1
m d2 X 2 d 2m
where W is either the max potential energy or the max
kinetic energy.
The loss coefficient, defined as the ratio of the
energy dissipated per radian and the total strain
energy: (W / 2 ) W
loss coefficient (2.100)
W 2W
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 65
2.6 Free Vibration with Viscous Damping
Torsional systems with Viscous Damping:
Consider a single degree of freedom torsional
system with a viscous damper, as shown in figure
(a). The viscous damping torque is given by:
T c t (2.101)
The equation of motion can be
derived as:
J 0 ct kt 0 (2.102)
where J0 = mass moment of inertia of disc
kt = spring constant of system
= angular displacement of disc
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 66
2.6 Free Vibration with Viscous Damping
In the underdamped case, the frequency of
damped vibration is given by:
d 1 2 n (2.103)
n (2.104)

and ct ct ct
ctc 2 J 0n 2 kt J 0

where ctc is the critical torsional damping constant

2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 67

Example 2.11
Shock Absorber for a Motorcycle
An underdamped shock absorber is to be
designed for a motorcycle of mass 200kg (shown
in Fig.(a)). When the shock absorber is subjected
to an initial vertical velocity due to a road bump,
the resulting displacement-time curve is to be as
indicated in Fig.(b). Find the necessary stiffness
and dampeing constants of the shock absorber if
the damped period of vibration is to be 2 s and the
amplitude x1 is to be reduced to one-fourth in one
half cycle (i.e., x1.5 = x1/4). Also find the minimum
initial velocity that leads to a maximum
displacement of 250 mm.
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 68
Example 2.11 Solution
Approach: We use the equation for the logarithmic
decrement in terms of the damping ratio, equation
for the damped period of vibration, time
corresponding to maximum displacement for an
underdamped system, and envelope passing
through the maximum points of an underdamped

2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 69

Example 2.11 Solution
Since x1.5 x1 / 4, x2 x1.5 / 4 x1 / 16 ,
Hence the logarithmic decrement becomes
x 2
ln 1 ln 16 2.7726 (E.1)
x2 1 2

From which can be found as 0.4037. The

damped period of vibration given by 2 s. Hence,
2 2
2 d
d n 1 2
n 3.4338 rad/s
2 1 (0.4037) 2

2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 70

Example 2.11 Solution
The critical damping constant can be obtained:
cc 2mn 2(200)(3.4338) 1.373.54 N - s/m
Thus the damping constant is given by:
c cc (0.4037)(1373.54) 554.4981 N - s/m
and the stiffness by:
k mn2 (200)(3.4338) 2 2358.2652 N/m
The displacement of the mass will attain its max
value at time t1, given by
sin d t1 1 2
This gives: sin d t1 sin t1 1 (0.4037) 2 0.9149

or sin 1 (0.9149)
t1 0.3678 sec 71
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd.

Example 2.11 Solution
The envelope passing through the max points is:
x 1 2 Xe t (E.2) n

Since x = 250mm,
0.25 1 (0.4037) 2 Xe ( 0.4037 )(3.4338)( 0.3678)
X 0.4550 m
The velocity of mass can be obtained by
differentiating the displacement:
x(t ) Xe nt sin d t
as x (t ) Xe nt ( n sin d t d cos d t ) (E.3)
When t = 0,
x (t 0) x 0 Xd Xn 1 2 (0.4550)(3.4338) 1 (0.4037) 2
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 1.4294 m/s 72
2.7 Free Vibration with Coulomb Damping
Coulombs law of dry friction states that, when
two bodies are in contact, the force required to
produce sliding is proportional to the normal
force acting in the plane of contact. Thus, the
friction force F is given by:
F N W mg (2.106)
where N is normal force,
is the coefficient of sliding or kinetic friction
is usu 0.1 for lubricated metal, 0.3 for
metal on metal, 1.0 for rubber on metal
Coulomb damping is sometimes called constant
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 73
2.7 Free Vibration with Coulomb Damping
Equation of Motion:
Consider a single degree of freedom system with
dry friction as shown in Fig.(a) below.

Since friction force varies with the direction of

velocity, we need to consider two cases as
indicated in Fig.(b) and (c).
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 74
2.7 Free Vibration with Coulomb Damping
Case 1. When x is positive and dx/dt is positive or
when x is negative and dx/dt is positive (i.e., for
the half cycle during which the mass moves from
left to right) the equation of motion can be
obtained using Newtons second law (Fig.b):
mx kx N or mx kx N (2.107)
x(t ) A1 cos nt A2 sin nt (2.108)
where n = k/m is the frequency of vibration
A1 & A2 are constants
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 75
2.7 Free Vibration with Coulomb Damping
Case 2. When x is positive and dx/dt is negative
or when x is negative and dx/dt is negative (i.e.,
for the half cycle during which the mass moves
from right to left) the equation of motion can be
derived from Fig. (c):
kx N mx or mx kx N (2.109)
The solution of the equation is given by:
x(t ) A3 cos nt A4 sin nt (2.110 )
where A3 & A4 are constants

2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 76

2.7 Free Vibration with Coulomb Damping

Fig.2.34 Motion of the mass with Coulomb damping

2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 77
2.7 Free Vibration with Coulomb Damping
Eqs.(2.107) & (2.109) can be expressed as a
single equation using N = mg:
mx mg sgn( x ) kx 0 (2.111)
where sgn(y) is called the sigum function, whose
value is defined as 1 for y > 0, -1 for y< 0, and 0
for y = 0.
Assuming initial conditions as
x(t 0) x0
x (t 0) 0 (2.112 )
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 78
2.7 Free Vibration with Coulomb Damping
The solution is valid for half the cycle only, i.e., for
0 t /n. Hence, the solution becomes the
initial conditions for the next half cycle. The
procedure continued until the motion stops, i.e.,
when xn N/k. Thus the number of half cycles (r)
that elapse before the motion ceases is:
2 N N
x0 r
k k
That is, r k (2.115)
2 N

2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 79
2.7 Free Vibration with Coulomb Damping
Note the following characteristics of a system with
Coulomb damping:
1. The equation of motion is nonlinear with Coulomb
damping, while it is linear with viscous damping
2. The natural frequency of the system is unaltered with the
addition of Coulomb damping, while it is reduced with the
addition of viscous damping.
3. The motion is periodic with Coulomb damping, while it
can be nonperiodic in a viscously damped (overdamped)
4. The system comes to rest after some time with Coulomb
damping, whereas the motion theoretically continues
forever (perhaps with an infinitesimally small amplitude)
with viscous damping.
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 80
2.7 Free Vibration with Coulomb Damping
Note the following characteristics of a system with
Coulomb damping:
5. The amplitude reduces linearly with Coulomb damping,
whereas it reduces exponentially with viscous damping.
6. In each successive cycle, the amplitude of motion is
reduced by the amount 4N/k, so the amplitudes at the
end of any two consecutive cycles are related:
4 N
X m X m 1 (2.116 )
As amplitude is reduced by an amount 4N/k in
one cycle, the slope of the enveloping straight
lines (shown dotted) in Fig 2.34.
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 81
2.7 Free Vibration with Coulomb Damping
Torsional Systems with Coulomb Damping:
The equation governing the angular oscillations of
the system is
J 0 kt T (2.117 )
and J k T 0 t (2.118)

The frequency of vibration is given by

n (2.119 )

2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 82

2.7 Free Vibration with Coulomb Damping
and the amplitude of motion at the end of the rth
half cycle (r) is given by:
r 0 r (2.120)

The motion ceases when

r (2.121)

2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 83

Example 2.14
Pulley Subjected to Coulomb Damping
A steel shaft of length 1 m and diameter 50 mm is
fixed at one end and carries a pulley of mass
moment of inertia 25 kg-m2 at the other end. A
band brake exerts a constant frictional torque of
400 N-m around the circumference of the pulley. If
the pulley is displaced by 6 and released,
determine (1) the number of cycles before the
pulley comes to rest and (2) the final settling
position of the pulley.

2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 84

Example 2.14 Solution
(1) The number of half cycles that elapse before
the angular motion of the pullet ceases is:
r (E.1)

where 0 = initial angular displacement = 6 =

0.10472 rad, kt = torsional spring constant of the
shaft given by
(8 1010 ) (0.05) 4
GJ 32 49,087.5 N - m/rad
l 1
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 85
Example 2.14 Solution
and T = constant friction torque applied to the
pulley = 400 N-m. Eq.(E.1) gives
r 49,087.5 5.926

49, 087 . 5
Thus the motion ceases after six half cycles.
(2) The angular displacement after six half cycles:
0.10472 6 2 0.006935 rad 0.39734
from the equilibrium posotion on the same side of
the initial displacement.
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 86
2.8 Free Vibration with Hysteretic Damping
Consider the spring-viscous damper arrangement
shown in the figure below. The force needed to
cause a displacement:
F kx cx (2.122)
For a harmonic motion
of frequency and
amplitude X,
x(t ) X sin t (2.123) Fig.2.35 Spring-Viscous damper system

F (t ) kX sin t cX cos t
kx c X 2 ( X sin t ) 2

2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. kx c X 2 x 2 (2.124) 87

2.8 Free Vibration with Hysteretic Damping
When F versus x is plotted, Eq.(2.124) represents
a closed loop, as shown in Fig(b). The area of the
loop denotes the energy dissipated by the
damper in a cycle of motion and is given by:
2 /
W Fdx kX sin t cX cos t X cos t dt

cX 2 (2.125)
Hence, the damping
c (2.126)

where h is called the hysteresis
damping constant. 88
2005 Pearson Education Hysteresis
South Asia Pte Ltd. loop
2.8 Free Vibration with Hysteretic Damping
Eqs.(2.125) and (2.126) gives
W hX 2 (2.127)
Complex Stiffness.
For general harmonic motion, x Xe , the force
is given by
F kXeit ciXe it (k ic) x (2.128)

Thus, the force-displacement relation:

F (k ih) x (2.129)
where k ih k 1 i k (1 i ) (2.130)
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd.
k 89
2.8 Free Vibration with Hysteretic Damping
Response of the system.
The energy loss per cycle can be expressed as
W kX 2 (2.131)

The hysteresis logarithmic decrement can be

defined as X
ln j
ln(1 ) (2.135)
j 1

Corresponding frequency

2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. Response of a hysteretically damped system90
2.8 Free Vibration with Hysteretic Damping
The equivalent viscous damping ratio
2 eq
eq (2.137)
2 2k

And thus the equivalent damping constant is

k h
ceq cc eq 2 mk mk (2.138)

2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 91

Example 2.16 Response of a Hysteretically
Damped Bridge Structure
A bridge structure is modeled as a single degree of
freedom system with an equivalent mass of 5 X
105 kg and an equivalent stiffness of 25 X106 N/m.
During a free vibration test, the ratio of successive
amplitudes was found to be 1.04. Estimate the
structural damping constant () and the
approximate free vibration response of the bridge.

2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 92

Example 2.16 Solution
Using the ratio of successive amplitudes, Eq.
(2.135) yields the hysteresis logarithmic
decrement as
ln ln(1.04) ln(1 )
j 1

1 1.04 or 0.0127

The equivalent viscous damping coefficient is
k k
ceq km (E.1)
2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 93
Example 2.16 Solution
Using the known values of the equivalent stiffness
and equivalent mass,
ceq (0.0127) (25 106 )(5 105 ) 44.9013 103 N - s/m

Since ceq < cc, the bridge is underdamped.

Hence, its free vibration response is
n t
x 0 n x0
x(t ) e x0 cos 1 nt sin 1 nt
2 2

1 n

40.9013 103
where 0.0063
cc 7071.0678 10 3

2005 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd. 94

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