1 Electricity

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Electricity Introduction


Identify the beginnings and discovery of

Identify some basic terms and effects.
Early scientists found it difficult to understand

You cant see electricity

And until you understand it, you cant even

measure it

To dispense draught products at the point of sale

Luigi Galvanni was a pioneer

Galvanni noticed that frogs legs hung by zinc wire on

copper pipe would twitch

Galvanni had in fact noticed the result of an

electrochemical process.
Galvanic action
This process occurs when two different metals..

in contact with a conductive liquid..

create an electric current.

Galvanic action
The metals were the Zinc and Copper

the conductor the salty fluids of the frogs leg.

(Salty liquid are good conductors).

Galvanic action
This current caused the leg muscles to contract

This same electrochemical process is in use today

in the form of the battery.
The first battery
Very soon after the first basic battery was invented.

It consisted of alternate layers of zinc and copper

separated by cloth soaked in brine.

(Brine is a salt solution)

Michael Faraday
Later work by
Michael Faraday
established a link
between magnetic
fields and electricity
Michael Faraday
This was the basis of
the generator
Generators & motors
An electrical current flowing in a wire creates a
magnetic field

This can work in reverse

A magnetic field can move a wire through which a

current flows
Some basics
Electricity is due to the flow of electrons

Electrons are negatively charged, sub-atomic


They are very, very small.

The electrons in an atom spin around the nucleus

a bit like planets around the sun

Some basics
We can think of electricity a bit like water in a pipe

Amps is the speed of flow, Volts the pressure and

Watts the amount of water
Some basics
We can think of electricity a bit like water in a pipe

The rate of flow (current) is measured as Amps

The energy level or potential difference at the
ends of the pipe is measured in Volts.
Electrical power is expressed as Watts and is
calculated as Volts x Amps
Andre Marie Ampere.
Devised the rule
governing the mutual
interaction of current-
carrying wires (Ampere's
Andre Marie Ampere.
Produced a definition of
the unit of measurement
of current flow, now
known as the Ampere
Alessandro Volta
Volts were named
after Alessandro
Alessandro Volta
He developed the
voltaic pile, a
forerunner of the
electric battery,
which produced a
steady stream of
George Ohm
Investigated the
relationship between the
current (Amps) and the
energy level or potential
difference (Volts).
George Ohm
Ohms Law stated that
that in any circuit, the
current was proportional
to the potential difference
George Ohm
or Volts are related to the
Amps by a constant.
George Ohm
This constant is the
resistance of the circuit
and is measured in Ohms
George Ohm
It is denoted by the Greek
letter in recognition of
Ohms work.
Ohms law is expressed mathematically as:



R= Resistance in Ohms

V= Potential difference in Volts

I= Current in Amps
If a current of 4 Amps is flowing in a circuit

with a potential difference of 12 V

there must be a resistance of 3




R = 12/4 3 Ohms

Insulators have very high resistance.

Conductors have very low resistance.


Power is the rate of doing work

It is measured in watts

Expressed mathematically: P = V x I

In a circuit with a potential difference of 12 volts

and carrying 4 amps

the power will be 48 watts

I =4


P= V x I

P = 12 x 4 48 Watts

the same power can be transmitted

by any combination of potential difference

and current.

48 watts will still be the power in a circuit carrying

40 amps at 1.2 volts
I =40


P= V x I

P = 1.2 x 40 48 Watts

and also in a circuit carrying 0.4 amps at 120 volts.

I =0.4


P= V x I

P = 120 x 0.4 48 Watts

Combined effects

Combining the power equation and Ohms law

gives an expression for the power in a circuit

in terms of the current and resistance:

P = I2 x R
Combined effects

In order to reduce power transmission losses

minimise current

Some materials permit the flow of electricity.

These are termed conductors

All metals are conductors of electricity

Copper, silver and aluminium are amongst the


Carbon although a non-metallic element

Also conducts electricity

Certain liquid solutions will also carry electricity

They are called Electrolytes


Water, brine and battery acid are typical

They all contain charged ions

It is these ions that carry the electricity

Pure water wont conduct electricity

It doesnt contain any charged ions

Charged ions
water is considered to
H H contain positively
charged hydrogen (H)
+ + ions

- -
Charged ions
H H and negatively charged
hydroxyl (OH) ions.
+ +

- -
Charged ions
When salt is dissolved

Na in water it dissociates
(breaks apart) into 2
Charged ions
1 positively charged

Na sodium atom and 1

negatively charged
Chlorine atom
Charged ions

It also forces the water molecule to do the same


This results in a solution containing electrically

charged atoms or ions

This ionisation enables an electric current to pass


Materials that do not conduct electricity are

termed insulators

Plastics, ceramics, glass and air are all good


The potential difference (energy level) of the

current will determine the amount of insulation
needed around a conductor.
An important feature of electricity is its
connection with magnetism
A current flowing in a conductor will cause a
magnetic field to exist around the conductor
A magnetic field is an invisible blanket of force
You can see their arrangement around a
permanent magnet by using iron filings
The iron filings line up with the lines of force.
The field may be induced by an electric coil

It can be enhanced by including an iron core

Used for solenoids, motors & transformers

Opposite poles of a magnet attract

The same poles repulse

Used for motors

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