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Electricity Generation


Identify the methods of electrical


Electricity generation involves the

conversion of another form of energy into
electrical energy.
Primary cell
The simplest form of electricity generation is
by chemical means

in a device referred to as a cell

The term battery is used for combinations of

Primary cell

When 2 different conductive materials are

placed in a conductive solution, (the
electrolyte), an electro-chemical potential
(Volts) is created between the conductors.
Primary cell

This potential difference is capable of driving a

current (Amps) through a conductive wire
connecting the 2 conductors.
Primary cell

As a result of the release of electrical energy,

one of the conductors undergoes a chemical
Primary cell

- +


Primary cell

A cutaway drawing of a
P o s it iv e t e r m in a l
modern manganese dioxide
Top cover

A s p h a lt s e a l
A ir s p a c e
C a rb o n ro d
M anganese
S e p a ra to r d io x id e

Z in c c a s e E le c tr o ly te

B o tto m c o v e r
n e g a tiv e te r m in a l
Primary cell

The chemical reactions that produce the power

in a dry cell are largely irreversible

(although modern technology has produced

some rechargeable small batteries).
Lead acid battery

There are reversible chemical reactions that

can be used in batteries to make them

These are rechargeable batteries, like the lead

acid battery
Lead acid battery

All lead acid batteries work on the

same set of reactions and use the
same active materials.
Lead acid battery

As a battery discharges, the lead

plates become more chemically
Lead acid battery

the acid becomes weaker, and the

voltage drops
Lead acid battery

Eventually the battery is so

discharged that it can no longer
deliver electricity at a useful
Lead acid battery

If you apply a current to the

battery then it can be recharged
Lead acid battery
_ C h a rg e r +

_ +
N e g a tiv e P la te P o s it iv e P la te
L e a d s u lp h a te c h a n g e s
L e a d s u lp h a te c h a n g e s
t o le a d o x id e .
t o s p o n g e le a d .
S u lp h a t e r e t u r n s t o e le c t r o ly t e
S u lp h a te r e t u r n s t o e le c t r o ly t e

When a battery is recharged

Lead acid battery
_ C h a rg e r +

_ +
N e g a tiv e P la te P o s it iv e P la te
L e a d s u lp h a te c h a n g e s
L e a d s u lp h a te c h a n g e s
t o le a d o x id e .
t o s p o n g e le a d .
S u lp h a t e r e t u r n s t o e le c t r o ly t e
S u lp h a te r e t u r n s t o e le c t r o ly t e

the current converts the lead sulphate back to lead

dioxide and sponge lead.
Lead acid battery
_ C h a rg e r +

_ +
N e g a tiv e P la te P o s it iv e P la te
L e a d s u lp h a te c h a n g e s
L e a d s u lp h a te c h a n g e s
t o le a d o x id e .
t o s p o n g e le a d .
S u lp h a t e r e t u r n s t o e le c t r o ly t e
S u lp h a te r e t u r n s t o e le c t r o ly t e

The sulphate combines back to Sulphuric Acid.

Lead acid battery

A lead acid battery

Lead acid battery
Potential is produced when current is drawn
from the cell.
Combining 6 cells of 2 volts makes the familiar
12Volt battery used in automotive applications.

There is no limit to this process

Forklift trucks typically use 72 Volts made up of

36 cells connected together
Batteries generate direct current.

It always flows in the same direction

If a graph is drawn of Volts with time,

it will be virtually constant

Direct current from a chemical battery

Volts (arbirary units)



0 10 20 30 40

Eventually one of the chemical components

will be depleted and the output will fall.
Battery safety
Lead acid batteries contain sulphuric acid

It is a highly corrosive poison

Batteries produce hydrogen when recharged

Hydrogen is violently explosive

Only work in well ventilated areas

Battery safety
Wear protective eyewear (safety glasses)

Wear protective clothing.

Exercise caution.
Battery safety
NEVER allow electrolyte to mix with salt water

This will produce Chlorine gas

It will kill you

Follow the manufacturer's instructions

Generators convert mechanical energy into
electrical energy.
Faraday discovered that when a conductor passed
through a magnetic field,
a potential difference is created at the ends of
the conductor.
The area around a magnet
where its force can be felt is
called a magnetic field.
To help describe a magnetic
field, we think of lines of force
going out from the north pole
of a magnet and returning into
the magnet at its south pole.
A simple generator would consist of a U-
shaped magnet and a single loop of wire.
If you rotate a loop of wire between the poles of
the magnet,

electricity is generated in the loop.

The stronger the magnet the higher the
The faster you turn the loop,

the stronger the generation.

If we rotate a coil within a magnetic field

It will cause a current to flow

first in one direction then the opposite direction

This is the result of the coils passing the
different magnetic poles.
This form of current is termed alternating

The machine is referred to as an alternator

AC generation
M a g n e t ic f o r c e lin e s

A rm a tu re
lo o p The wire or conductor is
N S called an armature or
armature loop.

B ru s h

S lip r in g s

V o lt M e te r
AC generation
M a g n e t ic f o r c e lin e s

A rm a tu re
lo o p The electrical energy is
N S taken from the rotating
coil by stationary
brushes in contact with
B ru s h

S lip r in g s

V o lt M e te r
AC generation
M a g n e t ic f o r c e lin e s

A rm a tu re
lo o p The brushes are usually
N S made from carbon which
is conductive yet provides
a low friction contact
B ru s h

S lip r in g s

V o lt M e te r
AC generation
M a g n e t ic f o r c e lin e s

A rm a tu re
lo o p Contact with the rings is
N S usually by a spring

B ru s h

S lip r in g s

V o lt M e te r
AC generation
M a g n e t ic f o r c e lin e s

A rm a tu re
lo o p This arrangement of slip
N S rings is called the slip-
ring commutator.

B ru s h

S lip r in g s

V o lt M e te r
AC generation
M a g n e t ic f o r c e lin e s

A rm a tu re
lo o p The output from the coil is
N S at a maximum as the coil
cuts the greatest number
of magnetic lines.
B ru s h

S lip r in g s

V o lt M e te r
AC generation
M a g n e t ic f o r c e lin e s

A rm a tu re
lo o p This is when it is
N S horizontal.

B ru s h

S lip r in g s

V o lt M e te r
AC generation
M a g n e t ic f o r c e lin e s

A rm a tu re
lo o p The armature loop spins
N S in the magnetic field.

B ru s h

S lip r in g s

V o lt M e te r
AC generation
M a g n e t ic f o r c e lin e s

A rm a tu re
lo o p As it rotates a Voltage is
N S generated

B ru s h

S lip r in g s

V o lt M e te r
AC generation
M a g n e t ic f o r c e lin e s

A rm a tu re
lo o p This flows out to the slip
N S rings where a brush picks
it up.

B ru s h

S lip r in g s

V o lt M e te r
AC generation
M a g n e t ic f o r c e lin e s

A rm a tu re
lo o p The current flows round
N S the circuit (to our
theoretical meter).

B ru s h

S lip r in g s

V o lt M e te r
AC generation
M a g n e t ic f o r c e lin e s

A rm a tu re
lo o p As the armature loop
N S spins it obviously
changes its position
relative to the magnetic
B ru s h

S lip r in g s

V o lt M e te r
AC generation
M a g n e t ic f o r c e lin e s

A rm a tu re
lo o p This means that the
N S potential difference
oscillates in direction.

B ru s h

S lip r in g s

V o lt M e te r
AC generation
Orange moving upwards:
current flows one way
AC generation
Coil reaches top centre.
No current flow.
AC generation
Orange moving
downwards: current flows
the other way
AC generation
Coil reaches top centre.
No current flow.
AC generation
C o il a t h o r iz o n ta l
The output follows a
wave pattern

C o il a t
to p c e n tre
AC Current
The voltage that a generator produces can be
increased by increasing:

The strength of the magnetic field

The speed at which the loop rotates

The number of loops of wire that cut the

magnetic field
DC generation.
Sometimes we need direct current (DC)

Where the current only flows in one direction

One way of doing this is to manually switch the

current on the commutator

This is called a split ring commutator

Split ring commutator
Split ring commutator
At the start of the
revolution the
brushes touch both
split rings.
Split ring commutator
Power is at its
Split ring commutator
As it rotates the armature
coil continues moving
through the field.
Split ring commutator
The force is slowly
decreasing as the coil
moves to the top.
Split ring commutator
The split rings are just
about to disengage from
the brushes.
Split ring commutator
The armature coil has
now reached top centre.
Split ring commutator
The split rings are not
touching the brushes.
Split ring commutator
Current is zero.
Split ring commutator
The coil continues
rotating and the split
rings start to touch
Split ring commutator
The current still travels
in the same direction.
Split ring commutator
Until the cycle is
DC generator output

C o il a t h o r iz o n ta l

C o il a t
to p c e n tre

Output from a DC generator

DC generator output

C o il a t h o r iz o n ta l

C o il a t
to p c e n tre

the output is always in the same direction

DC generator output

C o il a t h o r iz o n ta l

C o il a t
to p c e n tre

But it is not steady

DC generator output

C o il a t h o r iz o n ta l

C o il a t
to p c e n tre

The power output depends on the position

of the armature coil in the magnetic field.
Other DC generation
We can also convert AC to DC with a rectifier

A rectifier allows current in one direction only

The basic rectifier is the wave rectifier

Only the positive parts of the wave are allowed to

1/2 wave rectified direct current
Output from a wave
Volts (arbitrary units)



0 10 20 30 40
AC voltage can increased or decreased


By using a transformer!
Every time the
current changes
phase in the primary
coil it induces a
virtually identical
current in the
secondary coil.
A small transformer

C o ils
Output is proportional to the number of turns
the coil
Transformers can be made to reduce the voltage
(step-down) or to increase the voltage (step-up).
The current in Amps changes inversely to the
change in Voltage

If voltage goes up: Amperage comes down

If voltage goes down : Amperage comes up

The equation determining coil/voltage is as
Np = Vp
Ns Vs
Np = number of turns in the primary coil

Ns = Number of turns in the secondary coil

Vp = Voltage in the primary coil (in volts)

Vs = Voltage in the secondary coil (in volts)

If we have a primary voltage of 250 Volts

And we want to transform that to 500 Volts

What coils will we need?

Np Vp
Ns Vs


Np 250
Ns 500


Np 1
= = 0.5
Ns 2
Np = 0.5 * Ns


Np Ns

So if our primary coil was 100 turns

then the secondary must be 200.


The number of coils in the secondary

must be half the number of coils in the
primary to double the output voltage.
Commercial generation
3 phase

Generators containing 3 sets of coils

mounted around a rotating magnet

The magnet is actually a coil

Magnetised by a relatively small current.

3 phase generation

In each of the three coils

a sinusoidal current is
produced every
3 phase generation

There are three separate

windings, each producing
its own separate single-
phase voltage.
3 phase generation

Since these windings are

staggered around the
generator circumference
3 phase generation

each of the single-phase

voltages is "out of phase"
(by 120 degrees) with one
3 phase generation

That is, each of the three

currents reaches the
maximum and minimum
points in the AC cycle at
different times.
3 phase generation
3 P h a s e A lte r n a tin g v o lta g e

V o lt s ( a r b it r a r y )


-1 0

-1 5
0 10 20
T im e m s e c
N o te 1 , C y c le tim e fo r 5 0 H z s y s te m s is 2 0 m s e c .
N o te 2 , E a c h p h a s e is d is p la c e d b y 1 2 0
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