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Rizal In Hong Kong, Macao, Japan

February 3, 1888 Rizal left the country for for the

second time.


United States


Hong Kong
February 8, 1888 - Rizal arrived in Hong
February 18, 1888 Rizal visited Macao.
February 20, 1888 Rizal returned to Hong


Rizals experiences in Hong Kong:

Noisy celebration of Chinese New Year.
Boisterous Chinese Theatre.
The marathon lauriat party.
The Dominican Order was the richest

religious order in Hong Kong.

Of the Hong Kong cemeteries belonging to
the Protestants, Catholics, and Muslims,
that of the Protestants was the most
beautiful, Catholic cemetery was most
pompous, and Muslim cemetery was the

February 22, 1888 Rizal left Hong Kong

for Japan.

Rizals Romantic Interlude in Japan (February

28 April 13, 1888).
Rizals Impression of Japan
The beauty of the country its flowers,
mountains, streams, and scenic panoramas.
The cleanliness, politeness, and industry of

the Japanese people.

The picturesque dress and simple charm of

the Japanese women.

There were few thieves in Japan.
Beggars were rarely seen in the city

Rizals bad impression of
Rickshaws drawn by men as the popular
mode of transportation.
Rizal was disgusted at the way human

being was employed like horses.

O-Sei-San (Seiko Usui)
A Japanese samurais
daughter who taught
Rizal the art of
Rizal saw the qualities

of an ideal women in
Rizal was tempted to

stay and settle in Japan

but his strong desire to
help the Filipino people
was stronger and bade
her farewell.
Rizal on O-Sei-San
No woman, like you, has ever loved me.
No woman, like you has ever sacrificed for
me. Like the flower of the chodji that falls
from the stem fresh and whole without
falling leaves or without withering with
poetry still despite its fall thus you fell.
Neither have you lost your purity nor have
the delicate petals of your innocence
faded Sayonara, Sayonara!
Rizals Diary
Gregorio Zaide on Rizal
If he (Rizal) were a man of lesser
heroic mould, of lesser will power, he
would have lived permanently in
Japan and happily at that with O-
Rizals Visit to the United States (1888)
April 28, 1888 the steamer Belgic, with
Rizal on board, docked at San Francisco.

Rizals arrival in America was marred by

racial prejudice, for he saw the
discriminatory treatment of the Chinese
and the Negroes by the white Americans.

May 6, 1888 started travelling across the

American continent.
Across the American continent
(May 6-13, 1888)
New York


Denver, Colorado
Reno, Nevada
May 6, 1888 Rizal left New York for
Liverpool on board the City of Rome.

Rizals Impression of America

o The material progress of the country.

o The drive and energy of the American
o The natural beauty of the land.
o The high standard of living.
o The opportunities for better life offered to
poor immigrants.
Rizals Bad Impression of America

America lacks racial equality.

They do not have true civil liberty. In some

states the Negro cannot marry a White
woman, nor a White man a Negress. Hatred
against the Chinese leads to difficulty for
other Asiatics who, Like the Japanese, are
mistaken for Chinese by the ignorant, and
therefore being disliked, too.
(Rizal to Mariano Ponce, London: July
27, 1888)
In 1890, Rizal was asked by Jose Alejandrino
in Belgium of his impression of America.

Jose Alejandrino: What impressions do you

have of America?
Rizal: America is the land par excellence of
freedom but only for the whites.
(Jose Alejandrino, The Price of Freedom,
Rizal in London (1888-89)
Rizals reasons of his brief stay in London:
To improve his knowledge of the English

To study and annotate Morgas Sucesos

delas Islas Filipinas.

London was a safe place for him to carry on

his fight against Spanish tyranny.

May 24,1888- Rizal arrived at Liverpool,

Bad News from Home
Persecution of Filipino patriots who signed

the Anti-Friar Petition of 1888. The petition

was signed by 800 patriots requesting for the
expulsion of the friars, including Archbishop
Pedro Payo.
Persecution of the Calamba tenants,

including Rizals family and relatives, for their

courage to petition the government for
agrarian reforms.
Furious attacks on Rizal by Senators

Salamanca and Vida in the Spanish Cortes,

and by Wenceslao Retana and Pablo Feced in
Spanish Newspapers.
Rizals brother-in-law, Manuel T. Hidalgo, was
exiled by Governor General Weyler to Bohol
without due process of law.

Annotating Antonio Morgas book Sucesos delas

Islas Filipinas (Historical Events of the Philippine
Islands) was Rizals greatest achievement in

Rizal becomes leader of Filipinos in Europe

Asociation Solidaridad (Solidaridad Association)

patriotic society founded by Filipinos in Barcelona

unanimously voted Rizal as honorary president.
Rizal and The La Solidaridad Newspaper

La Solidaridad the organ of the Propaganda

Movement founded by Graciano Lopez Jaena
(Feb. 18, 1889).
Rizals advise to Graciano Lopez Jaena:

Be careful not to published exaggerations or

lies or imitate others, who avail themselves of
dishonest means and of vulgar and ignoble
language to attain their ends. See that the
periodical is just, honest, and truthful so that its
opinion may always be respected.
Los Agricultores Filipinos (The Filipino
Farmers) Rizals first article published in
the La Solidaridad.
In his article Rizal portrayed the deplorable

conditions in the Philippines which cause

the backwardness of the country.
The Filipino farmer has to struggle not only
against petty tyrants and robbers. After the
floods, locusts, fires, bad harvests, and the
like, the farmer capitalist has to deal with the
constable who takes away from him his
laborers for personal service, some public
works, repair of roads, bridges, and others;
with the civil guard who arrest them for various
reasons, sometimes for not carrying with them
their personal cedulas, for not saluting
properly, for being suspicious persons or for no
reasons whatsoever.. If not they take away
his carabaos, oxen, in spite of many protests.
Rizals Letter to the Young Women of
Rizal praise the young women of Malolos
for their courage to establish a school
where they could learn Spanish, despite the
opposition of Fr. Felipe Garcia.

Main points of the letter:

A Filipino mother should teach her children

love of God, fatherland, and mankind;

Filipino mother should be glad, like the

Spartan mother, to offer her sons in the

defense of the fatherland;
Filipino woman should know how preserve
her dignity and honor;
Filipino woman should educate herself,

aside from retaining her good racial virtues;

Faith is not merely reciting long prayers and

wearing religious pictures, but rather it is

living the real Christian way, with good
morals and good manners.
Rizals Romance with Gertrude
She showered him
with affection and
Rizal did not marry

her because he has

a mission to fulfill.
Rizal gave the

Beckett sisters a
group carving as a
sign of friendship.
March 19, 1889 Rizal bade goodbye to the
kind Beckett family and left London for
Rizals Second Stay in Paris
and the Universal Exposition
of 1889
Rizal and the Paris Exposition of 1889 (May 6,
International Art Competition
Felix R. Hidalgo, Juan Luna, Felix Pardo de

Tavera, and Rizal participated.

Hidalgos painting awarded second prize
Juan Luna and Felix Pardo de Tavera

paintings obtained third prize each.

Rizals entry a bust got no prize.
Kidlat Club a society founded by Rizal on
March 19, 1889) for the purpose of bringing
together the young Filipinos in the French
capital so that they could enjoy their stay in
the city during the Universal Exposition.
Will last only during the Universal


Indios Bravos (Brave Indians) a new

society of Filipino patriots founded by Rizal
replacing the Kidlat Club.
Why should we resent being called Indios
by the Spaniards? Look at those Indios
from North America they are not
ashamed of their name. Let us be like
them. Let us be proud of the name Indio
and make our Spanish enemies revise
their conception of the term. We shall be
called Indios Bravos!

Its members pledged to excel in intellectual

and physical prowess in order to win the
admiration of the foreigners, particularly the
R.D.L.M Society a mysterious society
founded by Rizal during the Universal

Aims of R.D.L.M
The propagation of all useful knowledge

scientific, artistic, literary and the like in the

Redencion de los Malayos
(Redemption of the Malays)
Annotated Edition of Morga
Published (1889)
Rizal dedicated his new edition of Morga to
the Filipino people so that they may know
their glorious past.

the necessity of first giving an

understanding of the past in order the
better to judge the present
o Annotated Edition of Antonio Morgas Sucesos
Delas Islas Filipinas

In this historical work, Rizal proved that the

Filipinos were already civilized before the
advent of Spain. They had clothes,
government, laws, writing, literature, religion,
arts, sciences and commerce with
neighboring Asian nations.

Rizal blasted the historical heresies of the

Spanish writers who claimed that the early
Filipinos were savages and were of low
Important Essays of Rizal
The Philippines Within a Century (Filipinas
dentro de Cien Aos)

In this work Rizal expressed his views on the

Spanish colonization in the Philippines and
predicted the tragic end of Spains sovereignty
in Asia.
He portrayed at the beginning of his article

the glorious past of the Filipino people, then

described their economic stagnation and
unhappiness under the harsh Spanish rule.
In order to read the destiny of a people, it is
necessary to open the book of its past.
Scarcely had they been attached to the Spanish

crown than they had sustained with their blood

and the efforts of their sons the wars and
ambitions, and conquest of the Spanish people,
and in these struggles, in that terrible crisis
when a people changes its form of government,
its laws, usages, customs, religion and beliefs;
the Philippines was depopulated, impoverished
and retarded caught in the metamorphosis
without confidence in their past, without faith in
their present and with no fond hope of the years
to come.
They (Filipinos) gradually lost their ancient
traditions, their recollections, - they forgot
their writings, their songs, their poetry, their
laws in order to learn by heart other doctrines,
which they did not understand, other ethics,
other tastes, different from those inspired in
their race by the climate and their way of
thinking. Then there was a falling- off, they
were lowered in their own eyes, they become
ashamed of what was distinctively their own,
in order to admire and praise that was foreign
and incomprehensible; their spirit was broken
and they acquiesed.
Of what use is life, if there is no security in
the home, no faith in justice and confidence
tranquillity of conscience?
What will become of the Philippines within

a century?
It is impossible to brutalize the inhabitants

of the Philippines!
When there are wealth and abundance,

there is less discontent, less complaint and

government itself wealthier, has more of
sustaining itself.
Transformation will be violent and fatal if it
proceeds from the ranks of the people, but
peaceful and fruitful if it emanates from the
upper classes.
A government that rules a country from a great

distance is the one that has the most need for a

free press more so even than the government
of the home country, if it wishes to rule rightly
and fitly.
History says; uprisings and revolutions have

always occurred in countries tyrannized over in

countries where human thought and the human
heart have been forced to remain silent.
Rizal peered into the future and warned
Spain of what would happen to her colonial
empire in Asia if she would not adopt a
more liberal and enlightened policy towards
the Philippines.
the Philippines will remain Spanish if

they enter upon the life of law and

civilization, if the rights of their inhabitants
are respected, if the other rights due them
are granted, if the liberal policy of the
government is carried out without trickery
or meanness, without subterfuges or false
The Indolence of the Filipinos (Sobre la
Indolencia de los Filipinos)

Is an able defence of the alleged indolence

of the Filipinos. Rizal made a critical study
on the causes why his people did not work
hard during the Spanish regime. His main
thesis was that the Filipinos are not by
nature indolent.
Long before the coming of the Spaniards

the Filipinos were industrious and hard

They were very active in agriculture, industries,
and commerce.
The Spanish conquest of the country brought

about a decline in economic activities because

the Filipinos had abandoned their pre-Spanish
industries and worked less that their ancestors.

Such decline in economic life was due to the

1. The native revolts and other internal disorders.

2. The wars which the Filipinos fought for Spain

against the Dutch, Portuguese, English, and
other enemies.
3. The frightful raids on the coastal towns and
village of Christian Philippines by the Muslim
pirates of Mindanao and Sulu;
4. The forced labor policy,
5. Lack of stimulus to work harder because
people could not enjoy the fruits of their labor;
6. Government neglect and indifference to
agriculture, industry and commerce;
7. The bad example shown by the Spaniards in
despising manual labor;
8. The teaching of Spanish missionaries that it
is easier for a poor man to enter heaven than
for a rich man;
9. Encouragement of and propagation of
gambling by the Spanish authorities;
10. System of Spanish education did not
promote economic enterprise and activity.

Rizal on Spanish Education

The education of the native was from his

birth until he sinks into his grave
brutalizing, depressive and anti-human and
deprives him of his dignity.
It is true that Filipinos are easy-going and do not
work so hard because they are wise enough to
adjust themselves to their warm, tropical
They do not have to kill themselves working

hard in order to live because nature gives them

abundant harvests by working less than those in
temperate and arid countries.
The fact is that in tropical countries violent work

is not a good thing, as it is death, destruction,

An hours work under that burning sun . is

equal to a days labor in a temperate climate; it

is, then, just that the earth yields a hundred fold!
Rizals Project for Filipino in Hong
Rizals magnificent project plan to establish a
modern college in Hong Kong.

Its aim was to train and educate men of good

family and financial means in accordance with the
demands of modern times and circumstances.
Rizals project failed to materialized.

Por Telefono a satirical work of Rizal which

ridiculed Father Salvador Font, attacker of the Noli
Me Tangere and masterminded as well its banning.

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