Intro To Evidence Based Medicine Resources: Nancy Clark

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Intro to Evidence Based

Medicine Resources
Nancy Clark
FSU College of Medicine

03/30/17 EBM Resources 1

Students will
Formulate a clinical question
Identify and utilize EBM online resources to
answer their questions
EBM Databases
Apply rules for levels of evidence to make
clinical decisions

03/30/17 EBM Resources 2

Triple Jump Exam, 2nd yr
1. Have a simulated patient or paper case
2. Go to your computer, the web or your Palm
for pertinent information
3. Present patient and information collected to

03/30/17 EBM Resources 3

The EBM Process

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The EBM Process
The patient 1. Start with the patient -- a clinical problem or
question arises out of the care of the patient
The question 2. Construct a well built clinical question derived from
the case
The resource 3. Select the appropriate resource(s) and conduct a
The evaluation 4. Appraise that evidence for its validity (closeness to
the truth) and applicability (usefulness in clinical
The patient 5. Return to the patient -- integrate that evidence with
clinical expertise, patient preferences and apply it to
Self-evaluation 6. Evaluate your performance with this patient
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Types of Questions
Therapy/prevention Question

Prognosis Question

Diagnosis Question

Harm Question

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Elements of a Good Question
Who? Write the question
What? Type of question?
Alternately? Type of Study?

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Type of Question Suggested best type of Study

Therapy RCT>cohort > case control > case series

Diagnosis Prospective, blind comparison to a gold standard
Etiology/Harm RCT > cohort > case control > case series
Prognosis Cohort study > case control > case series
Prevention RCT>cohort study > case control > case series
Clinical Exam Prospective, blind comparison to gold standard
Cost Economic analysis

03/30/17 EBM Resources 8

Evidence Pyramid


Systematic Review

Randomized Controlled Trial

Cohort studies

Case Control studies

Case Series/Case Reports

Animal research

03/30/17 EBM Resources 9

Levels of Evidence
Level 1: Randomized Clinical Trials
Level 2: Head to Head Trial or
Systematic Review of Cohort Studies
Level 3: Case-Control Studies
Level 4: Case-series
Level 5: Expert Opinion

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Levels of Evidence
Level 1: Highest:
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
Level 5: Lowestbut still evidence

03/30/17 EBM Resources 11

Purpose-specific resources
CDC Travel
Drug information resources
Patient Education handouts
Diagnostic Testing ARUP
Medical Search engines

03/30/17 EBM Resources 12

EBM Databases
Systematic Literature Searches
Cochrane Library (OVID)
Clinical Evidence
Systematic Literature Surveillance
ACP Journal Club (OVID)
Medical InfoRetriever
EMB Search Engine
TRIP Database

03/30/17 EBM Resources 13

National Guidelines Clearinghouse
ACP Journal Club
First Consult

03/30/17 EBM Resources 14

What is a guideline?
Guidelines may be
Explicit evidence-based
Research-based (highly referenced)
expert consensus

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National Guideline Clearinghouse
Primary Care Clinical Practice Guidelines
Agency/Association sites

03/30/17 EBM Resources 16

Cochrane Library
The current resource with the highest
methodological rigor
For each clinical question, all of the English
literature meticulously searched for randomized
Large systematic reviews with valid methods +
collaborative effort
Conclusions are based on all the evidence from
valid randomized trials

03/30/17 EBM Resources 17

Cochrane Library
Included in OVID subscription
limited to English
only addresses questions amenable to randomized trials
most of medicine has not been studied enough to allow
for conclusions
$235/year or abstracts only

03/30/17 EBM Resources 18

ACP Journal Club
About 100 journals systematically surveyed
Highest-validity articles abstracted
Structured abstracts to guide critical appraisal
Clinical commentary
Included in our OVID subscription

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ACP Journal Club
individual article summaries may not account for the
big picture
may have to read multiple items
No control over what is covered
$78/year ?

03/30/17 EBM Resources 20

Designed as entry point to information
Textbooks and Medline not efficient
Intuitive clinical organization
Brief summarized information presented
Links and references if more details needed
ICD-9 codes and links to patient
information handouts

03/30/17 EBM Resources 21

DynaMed format
Description Prognosis
Etiology Treatment
Increased Risks Prevention
Associated Conditions Screening
Complications References
History (cc, HPI, etc.) Patient Information
Diagnostic (including
Rule out, Tests to order)

03/30/17 EBM Resources 22

DynaMed Sources
18 primary journals e.g. BMJ, JAMA,
Lancet, NEJM, Pediatrics
12 secondary literature sources e.g.
Alternative Therapies, ACP Journal Club,
Cochrane Library, InfoPOEMs
4 drug info sources e.g. The Medical
Letter, FDA MedWatch

03/30/17 EBM Resources 23

variable quality
areas with a lot of research can get hard to
$200/year or effort

03/30/17 EBM Resources 24

First Consult/PDxMD
By MDConsult
Differential Diagnosis
Disease Information
Patient Education Handouts

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Medical InfoRetriever
104 journals surveyed for Evidence-Based
Practice Newsletter
Over 1300 article synopses/ POEMS
Cochrane abstracts
Selected evidence-based guidelines
Basic drug info
Clinical calculators/prediction rules

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Comes in web, desktop and PDA versions
individual article summaries may not account for the
big picture
may have to read multiple items
Optimized for use with Internet Explorer 5.x or
Netscape 6.x

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Hands-On Experience

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