Parag Project Report Presentation 10 Slides

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Summer Training Research Presentation on

Consumer Perception of PARAG Milk and its milk


Submitted by : guided by :

Sumant subhash Dr. c.k. tiwari

MBA IIND YEAR department of marketing

The significance behind the whole study to be made is mentioned

below point wise:

To create much awareness in the Market about the brand and its Image.

To understand the way of working in the Market by the Retailers for the

To understand the terminologies used in the market by the Retailers.

To know different selling skills at various situations in the market.

To learn different strategies which were used by the retailers in the Market to
convince their customers.

To know the psychological aspect which draws the customers to purchase the
product under the Brand Name.

To know how Parag has maintained such quality in their products for years and
still maintaining it.

The market research was done with primary objective of studying the
role of PARAG in providing PARAG products to the consumer easily and
according to their taste. Major objectives of my survey were:

To know the consumer perception about the PARAG products and know the
positive & negative aspects of organization.

To know what is its own image of organization in the market.

To determine whether the quality driven up by the company to their

consumers is the same or not.

To find satisfaction level of consumer with PARAG products.

Whether the recent price rise have created an impact on the sale of the milk
and milk products or not.

I have selected Consumer Perception regarding the Parags milk and milk products as the research problem for my
study for summer training project.

It is the demarcation of a problem area within a certain context involving the WHO or WHAT , the WHERE , the WHEN and the
WHY of the problem situation.


The objective of the project was to undertake a research work on the psychological mentality of the
consumers who used to intake regularly the milk or the milk products or both, just to know whether they are satisfied with the
quality and services provided by the company.


QUESTIONNAIRE : The term questionnaire usually refers to a self- administered process whereby the respondent himself read the
question and records without the assistance of an interviewer.

INTERVIEW : The interview method of collection data involves presentation of oral- verbal stimuli and reply in terms of oral- verbal


The term analysis refered to the computation of certain measures along with searching of
patterns of relationship that exists among the data group. Therefore, we used tabulation, graphs and charts in our
project work.

We used Simple Random Sampling technique in our project, as in it each item in

the population have an equal chance to be selected. In other words, it can be said that equal
opportunity has been there to get the resultant data without any conditions.


Data collected has been analyzed and interpreted by using simple percentage
method and finally the data is presented in graphs and charts.


Customers visiting PARAG parlours regularly .

Restaurants, Supermarket, Markets etc.


I took 85 random people as our sample size from different areas of the region, irrespective
of their age, caste, gender, income etc. The important thing before selecting the sample size was
that the people which I have selected for the survey have the consumption and usage of milk
and milk products on regular basis.


Microsoft Word


By the help of interpretations and analysis of the data I came up with some findings,
which are as follows :

PARAG has good market position in the regional market in Lucknow. It holds almost
half of market share of dairy industry in Lucknow. This shows the loyalty of customers
towards PARAG.

Most of the customers are satisfied with the availability of PARAG milk and milk

Increasing competition with the others diary companies like Amul ,Namastey India,
Gyan etc. are the biggest challenges for PARAG milk & other products.

Customers want to make the availability of the PARAG products nearer to their home.

Establishment of PARAG milk ATM gives the PARAG a competitive advantage and
enhance the availability among the customers.

Some customers wants that there should be an improvement in the packaging of

the PARAG Milk products .
Most of the consumers think that the company should improve and focus
on the marketing activities like advertising, distribution of pamhphlets,
rates lists etc. in order to attract more of its consumers in order to
increase sales.

Most of the customers are aware about the new PARAG products from the
retailer shops or from the Parag Parlour.

That is retailers are the main source of making the customer aware about
the PARAG products.

Many of the consumers are satisfied with the quality of the PARAG milk
and milk products.

Many of the consumers are unsatisfied with the recent price rise in the
PARAG milk and milk products.

Still most of the people thinks that the recent price rise in Milk and Milk
Products done is beneficial and are satisfied by the decision.

Also one of the important findings made when talked to the smaller shop
keepers for the dealership of PARAG Milk was that they find severe
There are some of the suggestions made from the consumer point of view, and which can be discussed are
mentioned below

More PARAG milk ATM should be established to enhance the availability of Parag milk.

Make the customers aware about the PARAG products through different mode of advertisement.

There should be no leakage in the liquid milk & if exists than these packets should be replaced. There is no
replacement policy exists according to the shop- keepers nowadays.

The company should focus on more opening of PARAG Booths and PARAG Parlours in order to make
availability of Milk Products especially, also in order to increase the productivity.

Online information about the PARAG products & trading should be facilitates by the company.

There should be regular visit for getting the customer feedback about the PARAG products. This helps
to know the changing demand of the customers.

For fulfilling the increasing demand of milk the company should try to increase the production.

The company should make strategies in order to face the competition from the other diary
companies like Amul etc. and should focus on various marketing strategies in order to counter them

In my view, the company should think from the grass root level i.e not only they should focus on big
shops and supermarkets, but they should focus on smaller shops especially kirana shops etc.

In my view, the problems faced by these shop- keepers and especially from the suppliers part should
be accessed and watched out, by listening their queries and giving appropriate solutions to them.

Based on the vast study and analysis I came up with the following
conclusion that there is no doubt that Lucknow Producers Co-operative Union and
PARAG have maintained their Quality in their Products for years, and because of
their Quality driven approach, PARAG have its own consumers , while the others
diary companies like Amul, Gyan, Namastey India focus on various strategies and
marketing activities in order to attract their customers

Seeing such competition in the Market, PARAG have never disappointed their
consumers and still it continues to give the value based quality in their products. But
what I think, that PARAG should really focus on the increase competition in the diary
industry and should also involve in certain activities of marketing .

The company not only should focus on Existing consumers but it should
also focus on new consumers, and hence it should focus on smaller shops and
markets and should think in grass root level for this. They should focus on
coverages by looking in lanes shops and like those types. Also still ,Rural Areas are
those areas where PARAG can focus more and have the opportunity, as of right now
smaller diary industries are prevailing themselves in those areas as there is no
competition in rural areas. Hence, PARAG can easily conquer the Rural Market very
well due to its versatility in its products and again the company can be in top of the
dairy market in Uttar Pradesh.

At last, I can only say that PARAG have done much, but still it has to do more and

There were certain limitations, which I have faced during the my work. These were as
follows :

Some of the respondents were not co-operative. They were not attentive and were
busy doing some other work during the survey.

Some of the respondents were hesitating in giving the details like if asked about their
income and all.

The sample covers comprises of respondents of an specific area of Lucknow. Hence,

one cannot come to an final conclusion of about something in general.

The reliability and scope of survey greatly relies on the co-operation of the

Due to scarcity of knowledge about some issues like marketing activities, quality etc.
some of our respondents, couldnt give the accurate answer of certain questions.
Hence, letting them answer was not too easily done.

Allinterview questions are undisguised or direct. Hence there is a scope for the
respondents to be biased.

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