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North Korea

Is North korea committing genocide?

Korea War
The Korean War was fought between South Korea and communist North
It was the major conflict of Cold War
The Soviet Union and Peoples Republic of china are supported North Korea
and the United State,Great Britain,and the United Nation are supported
South Korea
The countries are still divided today and North Korea is still ruled by a
communist regime
Is North korea
committing genocide?
Religious group
Before Korea was divided in 1948,there were millions of Christain who
lived in North Korea
About 25-30% of Pyongyangs population was Christain
Today all traces of this once-flourishing religious community and culture
have been obliterated
USA reported that about 200,000 North Koreans are currently held in the
concentration camps and about 50,000-70,000 of them are Christians
National and racial group
Many refugees are women and eighty percent of those who
remain in China are forced into prostitution or forced
China also returns North Korean women to North Korea even
if they are married to Chinese citizens.
They are usually executed or sent to concentration camps.
People suspected of holding non-communist political
opinions or who are not ethnically fully North Korean
are held in concentration camps or prisons.
Other possible manifestation of genocide
executions and state-sanctioned murders
the systematic use of torture
forcible abortions and infanticide
the forcible transfer and enslavement of children.
Concentration camps
KWAN LI SO - A place imprison political KYO HWA SO - A place imprison both political

prisoners who were sentenced to life prisoners and criminal prisoners ,but they

imprisonment (sometime arrested both 3 dont imprisonment for life. This prison

generation ; grandfather,father,son) called deadly prison labor because many

without having a trial. Everyone have to work prisoners often die before the due of

hard and not get enough food.This kind of punishment. In addition it has a special

camp has about 6-7 places in North Korea. detention center, other prisons,and the prison

only for people who are trying to escape to

China,and get caught.

The concentration camp
Wilderness area,far from civilization,and high security system.

It has a securely security check at the entrance doors and have an electrical

fence that is about 2.5 meters long bounding.

A trap with lots of porcupine thorn.

The components : Factories, locked rooms which are like prisons, tower, pig

stable, etc.
Living condition
Harsh, dirty, and stink

Very limited amount of food ; Salty soup, raw corn, corn porridge,pickled cabbage,etc

The prisoners only eat meat when they cathch by themself ; rat ,worm ,mud ,etc
Solitary cell
They are only 100 cm tall 120 cm wide. They can only sit in it, and when
you lose all your body fat your bone will schatch the wall .
Working condition
A typical male detainee in A typical female detainee
rags is characterized by on farm
skinny body and projecting
in the concentration camp of North Korea
The body is bent forward with the head hanging downward, the legs spread
apart, and the arms are pulled up from behind.
Despairing female
Scouring figernails

While being dunked, they have

needles pushed under their
Crane, airplane, and motorbike

Detainees must
maintain the postures
imitating crane,
airplane and motorbike
for hours while
continuously imitating
their sounds.
The detainees are
tormented by fleas
and lice. Skin
diseases caused by
bug bites can
develop into
serious scarring
all the way to the
References NR committing genocide?

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