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Who I Am

By Jesus Rodriguez
I am an ordinary man who worked hard to develop the talent I
was given. I believed in myself, and I believe in the goodness of

- Muhammad

This quote means a lot to me because of the significance it plays

in my life. This quote means that hard work and self-confidence
will take you far in life.
Primary Traits
I am humbly confident, ambitious, witty, calm, and athletic.

I believe in myself and know that as long as work hard, few

things are impossible. I am ambitious in my goals and do
whatever it takes to reach the goal in mind. Im calm under
pressure. Also, sports have always come natural to me. Lastly,
Ive been told Im a funny guy, but Im not sure how.
Strengths and Weaknesses
My strengths include my determination and work ethic. When
performing any task or wanting to accomplish any goal, I will
perform to the best of my ability. My weaknesses include my
procrastination and being too caring. Even now, Im
procrastinating on this presentation. As for being too caring, my
emotions tend to sometimes get the better of me, when it
comes to the people I care for.
Extracurricular Activities
In regards to my extracurricular activities, I play sports both for school
and outside of school. This year I plan to play baseball for El Capitan,
and I also plan to play in the NCAA either football or basketball. These
goals are rather difficult but I know if Im willing to put in the work I can
accomplish it. Other activities include being a part of both Leo Club and
Kiwins for several years. Lastly, during the summer I spent my time
being a P.A.L. for the special ed. Kids.
Volunteer And Work Experience
Acad Mentor: Ive tutored the young minds of El Cap for 3 years and as
a result it increased the number of kids in extended lunch.

Leo Club: 2 years of serving

Kiwins: 1 year of serving

PAL: 90+ hours

GPA: 4.32 (rank 3 of 381)

RYLA Candidate

Academic Achievement Award

I have two important motivations, the first is to
whatever it takes to be happy and provide for my
family in the future. My 2nd motivation are my
friends. There are some friends that push me to
better, as a result like of competition, like my friend
Sai and Nathan. Also, there are some friends that I
push myself to impress like Cassie and Nadar.
Personal Goals
Short Term - Graduate as valedictorian

- Get enough scholarships to pay for at least half of my tuition

- Compete in NCAA athletics

Long Term - Become a surgeon (or NBA/NFL Player)

- Create my own practice

- Cure a form of cancer

- Own a sports franchise

- Buy a Ferrari
Career Goals
Short Term - Graduate High School

- Get accepted into college

- Major in Bio and Minor in Business

- Earn part-time job to help with finances

Long Term - Apply for an internship at John Hopkins

- Start residency

- Become a surgeon

- Or enter the Draft after I get a degree

How Will I Get There?
Ive taken a plethora of advanced courses and excelled in them.
I have received nothing less than a B. As a result, many colleges
are open to accepting me. Also, Ive been involved in more
extracurricular activities in order to become more well-rounded.
Lastly, Ive continued to practice basketball/baseball for hours
after school hours in order to get prepared for the higher
Current Preparations
Currently, I am ranked 3rd in my class and Im
applying for many scholarships in order to make
college affordable. Also, Ive asked many other
athletes to help coach me in order to prepare for the
upcoming season. In doing so, I will be able to be
successful and go to college and eventually enter
medical school to become a cardiothoracic/orthopedic
I feel prepared for the academic part of the future.
However, I need to learn more life skills such as cooking to
survive on my own. Also, I would like to be get more work
experiences in order to get a job easier in the future.
The road is a long and tough one, but Im willing to put in
the work.

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