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Internal Training :
Communication Skills

15th November 2016


The importance of communication skills

Writing & replying emails Introduction, content & end

Phone conversations How to sound like a pro

To get what you want
and what you need
Representation of a from others
To get quality
persons personality information that
& attitude are USEFUL


To avoid Build better career
miscommunications path and prospects
Writing Emails : Introductory Part

# 1 : Choose a proper subject heading

Examples :
Request for Quotation
Request for Information
Request for Appointment
Appointment for Plant Site Visit
Confirmation on Appointment
Application for .
Writing Emails : Introductory Part

# 2 : Use the correct title to address your recipient

Case (i) : If you know the name of the recipient;

Dear Mr (name**) or Ms (name**)

** First names for Malay and Indian descents (Muhd. Ashraf, Syuhada, Ravi,
Vijay and etc.)
** Surnames (last names) for Chinese, Koreans, Japanese and Europeans (Lim,
Chung, Goh, Kazama, Tanaka, Jong, Park, Smith, Johnson, Weber)
Writing Emails : Introductory Part

# 2 : Use the correct title to address your recipient

Case (ii) : If you DONT know the name of the recipient;

To whom it may be concerned
Kind attention : Sales Department, Technical Department and etc.
Dear Sir / Madam (can be used but not recommended)

# 3 : Give greetings (especially first time emails)

Example : Greetings from Imandar Enterprise Sdn Bhd

Writing Emails : Contents (Body) Part

# 1 : Purpose of writing the email

Examples :
We would like to request (a quotation, some information, an
appointment and etc.)
We would like to confirm the following ..
We would like to apply for ..
Kindly provide us ..
Please assist / provide us ..
Writing Emails : Contents (Body) Part

# 2 : Email formatting

If the email contains a lot of information or sequence, list them out

in point forms for better understanding.
Avoid long emails in paragraphs some readers are just too busy
to read through the paragraphs
Best method : List in point forms to get your information forward to
the reader.
Writing Emails : Contents (Body) Part

# 3 : Informing the recipient of any attachment(s)

Examples :
Please find herein the attachments / documents (a)
Kindly refer / review the documents (a)
Please find attached documents (a)
Herewith enclosed is the documents / attachments (a)

Whereby (a) : for your reference / review / perusal

Writing Emails : Ending / Closing Part

# 1 : If you are requesting for quotation or information

Examples :
We look forward to receiving your ..(a)..(b)
We hope to receive ..(a)..(b)
Kindly revert (or reply) urgently

Whereby :
(a) offer / quotation / response / feedback / information
(b) soon / at the soonest / as soon as possible.
Writing Emails : Ending / Closing Part

# 2 : Informing the recipient their need for clarifications

Examples :
Should you require any clarifications, please do not hesitate to
reach /contact us.
Please feel free to contact / reach us if you need any clarifications.
If you need further clarifications, please do contact us.
Writing Emails : Ending / Closing Part

Meanwhile, we at IMANDAR will do our upmost to assist you and

your team.

The above sentence is ONLY applicable for the following :

When writing to clients not needed for suppliers
When writing first time emails not required for replies
When we are offering our services or assistance to those who
requires them
Writing Emails : Ending / Closing Part

# 3 : Signature ending

Best is to use your formal name (without last name)
Phone conversations : Answering calls

# 1 : Answer with greetings

Examples :
Good morning / afternoon, Imandar Enterprise
Imandar Enterprise, how can I help you?
Hello, Imandar Enterprise.

** Always answer with a friendly tone you wouldnt know who it may
be on the other side!
Phone conversations : Answering calls

# 2 : Transferring calls / putting on hold

Examples :
Please hold, I will transfer your call to his/her extension
Hold on please.

** Take your time to transfer the call.

** Be sure not to drop the line because sometimes people get offended if
their call is suddenly dropped.
Phone conversations : Answering calls
# 3 : If the person is unavailable to answer the call.

Sorry but he/she is not available at the moment

Examples :
Would you like to leave a message?
Can I get your message?
Have you tried to reach him/her on his/her mobile do you the
Maybe you can leave your number and I will get him/her to return
your call soon.
Phone conversations : Answering calls
# 4 : Before ending the call

Make sure you get the callers message and phone number before
you hang up.
Always double check the information with the caller especially the
phone number and name.
If you are not sure how to spell, you can ask them such as:
Can you please spell to me your name?
End your call with a simple Thank you or Have a nice day!
Phone conversations : Making outgoing calls

# 1 : Start with greetings and introduce yourself (if needed)

Examples :
Good morning / afternoon, I am (name) from Imandar Enterprise
Sdn Bhd. I would like to .
Good morning / afternoon (name), how are you today? I am calling
you to discuss / inform ..

** Always sound friendly with the person even though you know
he/she is not a nice person to talk to!
Phone conversations : Tips & Tricks
Always be nice whenever possible especially with your clients.
Try your best to speak and act professionally even when the
other person is being rude to you.
If you cannot hear or get the information clearly, always ask such
as :
Sorry, I did not get that. Can you please repeat?
If you are too busy to attend to a call, please let the other person
knows : Sorry, I am quite tied up now, can I call you back

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