MV Assignment 02 2015 Proforma v2

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This template PowerPoint presentation includes all the
relevant elements you need to cover in your Music
Video Assignment 02
It is suggested you save this PP in a different name and
share it with your group so you always have a copy
some sections require you to delete the information on
the slide and replace with your own work
Add more pages to each section where necessary [you
should be doing this!]
Add visuals as you see necessary
This document will be added to as you progress
through the pre-production phase.
TASK 1 Idea Generation and
Select a song/track that you like [or dont like!]
Generate three ideas for music videos employing
styles, techniques and conventions that we have
looked at in previous sessions. Explore how you could
interpret the song differently using different methods
You can add any extra info you think is relevant,
images, mind maps, etc
For quick mind maps you could use to
generate these
Two Door Cinema Club Sleep Alone
The song has a signification connection with the somebodies
subconscious and because of this I would like to create and
develop what people believe and think about this will be done
using a effects in order to create an idealism environment for
the viewers enjoyment. I could portray the song with the
complete opposite by using physical rather than a mental
element within the song, If this method is used, then mental
health could be a major theme throughout the video. The next
concept of the song is that the throughout the song there is a
description of solider and because of this it is could be used in
order to show a different aspect as well as helping the audience
gage a different understanding on the songs message. The
genre conventions which exist within the song are the use of
close ups on the main singer and this is important in allowing
the band.
Watch a selection of videos to get your ideas started,
make note of a minimum of 5 add extra slides,
screenshot the video and in bullet point note down info
in terms of camera, editing, art design, performance,
etc and how this might link to your production
- In the music video it solely based around two poles
and how they are manipulated with choreographed
movement based around the beats of the song. In the
song there contains many different camera shots of
the same movement, this is used to give the viewer a
better understanding on what is happening in the
song. The song also uses close up shots at the
beginning of the song and this is used to show the
viewer, what the people look like, whom are
manipulating the poles.
In the music video it uses reputation in the sense of
the music instruments being played, this is used to
progress the video by them moving throughout a city
landscape by the use of instruments, the instruments
are repeated on the beat of the song this is important
in establishing a more prominent connection between
the song and the video itself. In the music video they
also used the reputation in collaboration with the
camera shot this is used in order to create a more
atmospheric viewing experience.
In the music video there is a mass amount of robotic
chorography in which is done to the beat of the song,
in the music video it also uses flashing and bright lights
in order to emphasis the movement of the dancers.
Some parts of the video the movement is done by the
whole cast of dance this also give the robotic more
emphasis. Finally, the music video has a juxtaposition
of costume involved in the song this Is done in order to
increase the quirkiness within the song and therefore
the video.
In the music video for this song the use of reputation of
clips is done through the music video and the action
that are repeated are ones based around the work
place. The video tries to emphasis the menial task in
which people often do at work. Near the end of the
video, the repetition increases in speed, to the point
where it become flickering effect, this is important as
the song has a slight increase in tempo therefore to
emphasize this the repetition become much more
This Music video is based around somebody
subconscious in which is portrayed in a sort of folktale
way. The music video has effects that manipulate the
hands of the singer in the band this is used to
emphases that this is not real as well as the power of
somebody conscious. Near the end of the music video
there is effects in which change the colour of the
screen as well as this there is a series of close up shots
on the different aspects of the band. Close ups are also
used to give the viewer a clear understanding on when
they are switching in and out of consciousness.
Two Door Cinema Club Sleep Alone
Black Keys Lonely Boy
Now My only goal is to see When I'm only fast asleep, It takes more than strength to find, This
peace of mind, So I'll hold, hold, hold, Hold it close to my heart, Beating with every step, Hold,
hold, hold it close,
He sleeps alone, He needs no army where he's headed, 'Cause he knows, That they're just
ghosts, And they can't hurt him, If he can't see them, oh, And I may go, To places I have never
been to, Just to find, The deepest desires in my mind ,We, we only know what we see
'Cause we're always fast asleep, Is it so hard not to believe, That we'll never know?, Oh hold,
hold, hold, Hold me close, I've never been this far from home, Hold, hold, hold me close
He sleeps alone, He needs no army where he's headed, Cause he knows, That they're just
ghosts, And they can't hurt him, If he can't see them, oh
And I may go, To places I have never been to, Just to find, The deepest desires in my mind
's in my head, And I have said, That I must be like him now, He sleeps alone, He sleeps alone
And one last chance, To make sense, Of what has long escaped us, He sleeps alone, I sleep
He sleeps alone, He needs no army where he's headed, Cause he knows, hat they're just ghosts,
And they can't hurt him, If he can't see them, oh
And I don't know, If in the morning I will be here, And if so Let it be known, That I was worthy, I
was worthy, I was worthy, I was
- Visual Illusions
- Surrealism
- Unusual Transitions
- Manipulation Of Time
- Distortion
- Repetition
- Changes in Speed
- Movement Choreographed to Beat
- In Music Video there is a relationship between the
music and the video on screen, as well as this their is
often intertextuality references, this can be influences
from films, TV programs, fashion and other music
videos. Conventions also exist in music video
The Idea in which I have come up with involve are
based around the somebody subconscious, therefore
this allow the viewer to gage a different perspective on
a song.

5 opportunities of your ideas


5 restrictions to your ideas

Name of track / name of artist: Two Door Cinema Club-
Sleep Alone
Brief biographical background
Links to other artists
Genre info
Summary/analysis of track [consider meaning, content,
duration, pace and style of the song]
Your creative concept/video synopsis [describe your
interpretation, use of imagery or narrative, genre
conventions, etc]
TASK 2 Pre-production
You need to assess the viability of your production and
investigate what is required to enable you to make
your music video
Much of this task is hypothetical, which means you will
need to investigate standard costings for such a
production and apply these to your planned production
considering which equipment you would need and
resources, etc
Resources to support this are in the Pre-production
assessment folder on Blackboard
Delete the questions on each slide and insert your
You have provisionally given an outline target of 2000
to make your music video
This target should include a 10% contingency [that
means your budget should allow for 200 pounds
within the budget so realistically you aim lower than
Your budget should account for everything, except your
own time and input
Consider more than one option to solve a requirement
you may be able to balance your budget later, there
will have to be a compromise somewhere
You will need to plan a schedule for the pre-
Nominally you should work on 2 weeks pre-production,
1 week filming [2 college days Mon./Tues first week
after half term] and 2 weeks edit/post-production
Who is going to do what? How will you split the time?
When can you film? What is the availability of the
What problems can you foresee? How will you
overcome them?
Summary of intended production: I will be creating a music video for the song Sleep
Alone by Two Door Cinema Club.
Detail here what you are going to make and the intended outcome: The main
aspect of the music video will be themes of the sub conscious and how the brain think
when conjoined within the themes of the song. The outcome which want of the video
look like and gage the understanding that the perceptive of the video is told from within
somebodies conscious. The conscious is a very interesting theme in which can have
many different interpretations.
Detailed breakdown of the music track chosen and your interpretation of it
[remember the questions in the workbook, e.g. pace/mood/tone/structure]: The
song has many different themes and because of this the song can be interpreted in many
different ways, one of the most prominent themes is the one of the subconscious and the
fear in which exist in everyone. The song is fast paced as well as this the song Is quite
uplifting this gives the song the feel of overcome the fears in which exist within us. The
song is short and because of this the song are mainly made up of just the chorus.
Specific outline your intended technical/equipment requirements:
The technical requirements for my video will consist of many different technical
elements, one of these will be the use of different
Include any details that you think [you could use material from your pitch]
You need to identify locations and plan a recce.
What are the limitations and risks, eg distance,
access, cost, weather? How will you manage
The Filming of the music video will take place in my
home town of Pickering, there I will be filming
throughout the main town centre and because of this
there might be some restrictions one of these is that I
will need permission when filming as well as this there
can be many other restrictions one of these is the
weather as when creating my music video it will be
important in capturing the right atmosphere for my
music video. When filming I will be limited in many
other ways one of those being that in my local town
they have markets throughout the week therefore in
When filming a music video it requires many different types of equipment and this is
important in creating a visually stimulating video. There are many different types of
camera and the camera that I will be using to create my music video will be the Canon
C300, this will be important in capturing a good image. When hiring a camera the
price of this camera is around 95 per day, this will mean that I will need to make sure
that I plan my shots carefully before taking them, as without this means that I could
be wasting time with the camera equipment. When hiring a camera I will also need a
tripod, in order to capture stable video, a tripod is important in creating consistency
between my shots. Tripods can hired for around 10 depending on the branding of
tripod, at they have a range of cameras and equipment in which you
can hire for weeks if required for that project. At college there is equipment in which I
can use for this product this will be important in lowering the cost of the project, at
college there is a range or resources but most importantly is having access to the
camera equipment in order to capture my music video. Keeping the costs low are
important, although making sure that I get quality equipment is important in making a
good video. The video will need to have different resources in order to make it a good
video. The overall importance of managing a budget is making sure that you get your
moneys worth. Comparison is important as I can manage money effetely and by
getting the right equipment for the project in which I am creating. Accessories can
also be important in making sure the film process is efficient therefore I would like to
add a LED light to the top of the camera in order to make filming in darker
surroundings, much more easier.
Where will you edit your video? Do you need any other specialist
Facilities that I will need to edit my video is a computer which
has access to editing software as this will allow me to cut and
visually manipulate the captured clips. There are some editing
facilities with in my local area the price of these can be
dependent on the services included as many of these facilities
can come with someone whom has professional experience
within the industry of editing, this can be very valuable when
creating a video it will help to understand technically what can
be done to improve the overall quality of the video. Although
some editing facilities have this, it might be finically beneficial In
just hiring a studio, especially as I believe that I have the editing
skills in order to manipulate my capture video. I dont believe
that I will need any specialized equipment in creating my music
video because the affect which I am going for Is simplistic.
CREW: What is you team? Who is in it? What are each team members
strengths/weaknesses? When are they available? The crew for my music
video will be very simplistic, I will have camera operator and actor whom will
be in the music video, keeping a small production bass will be good for me
as it allows me to move to location quicker and keeping with the simplistic
style I am going for will create a more rustic video.
CAST: Do you need any external performers? When are they available? Cost
implications? Will you have to feed them? Transport them? I will not have
any external performers although I will have a crew of people helping me
film this will be important, in aiding the production of the music video,
therefore there will be costs especially in transportation of the crew to the
location of where the video will be filmed, as the location of my music video
will be in my home town, therefore in order to get my crew there will mean
transportation of some sort. Providing food will also be needed in order to
keep the crew happy in order to increase the efficient of the production
process in the music video. The music video process will be important in
order to create a good as well as a highly effective music video. Thr music v
Other personnel? Is anyone else helping you?
In my music video, I will be using a minimal amount of
props and costume, and the main aspect of the
costumes will be trying to create a surreal
environment, in order to try and establish a connection
between the visuals and the song itself. As the song
can be interpreted in a way where the subconscious is
a major theme therefore this is why I would like to
experiment in trying to create and surreal viewing
experience as peoples conscious is limitless. The
costume will be of ghosts in order to try and further the
connection with the song, the pricing for this will be
cheap as I will just use ghosts masks with black
clothing as this will create a more simplistic connection
to the track, the price of masks range from 3-5, and
this will be good in keeping prices low.
Basic Guide to costs

Rates TV

Rates all media

Research local production spaces for edit and post production

Local equipment hire companies have costs for camera, lenses
and kit [tripod, dolly, steadicam rigs, etc]
Travel by vehicle can be nominally charged at 40p per mile so
you need to know how far you location is from where you are!
Do you need clearance for copyrighted materials? [you will
need to contact Mechanical Copyright Protection Society-
Performing Rights Society Alliance (MCPS-PRS)]
Do you have performers external to your group performing?
They will need release forms that declare you can use footage
of them in the production.
Do you have any actors under the age of 18? You will need
parental permission forms.
Are you filming on private property? You will need written
consent PRIOR to filming. Plan in advance. This needs to be
Consider where you may need specific risk assessments and
health and safety documentation
In my music video I will not be using any external
performers to my group, as well as this in my music
video. In the music video I will be the only performer in
my video this will make The filming of the music video
may need permission therefore I will need to contact
the appropriate authorities. Risk assessments, will
need to be done in order to asset the threats, and this
is also done in order to make sure that no one gets
hurt while filming the music video. The codes of
practice are very important in reassuring the safety of
the people involved in the music video.
Using industry rates cards and researched costs of
equipment [cameras], cast, crew, props and facilities
[locations, edit rooms, etc] calculate the likely cost of your
Outline details of financial considerations of project, this
could be cost of props/costume/travel/food/etc
Explain what your overall budget is [if applicable] and how
this is to be met
How will you deal with any extra costs? Contingency fund?
What percentage of your budget should this be? [hint: add
10% on to the final cost, this should cover it!]
Do you foresee any problems? How will you manage
this/over come them?
Provide a costs table for your budget, if you have
considered more than one cost option, provide
alternative final budgets and state a preference with
justification for which option you would choose.
TASK 3.1 Visual Planning
This section is concerned with the visual planning of your
music video
You should use this section to develop the sequencing or
your video, establish the relationship between the visuals
and the track itself and create a structure for you to
follow when filming
It is important that you pre-visualise the video before
you make it; it will make filming and production a more
streamlined process
The following tasks are part of your visual planning
Pre-visualisation and concept boards
Shot list
Tool for exploring the direction and visuals
Provides inspiration and information for the look & feel
Presents key moments in your video
A means to sketch/plan ideas
Information on colour/lighting
Defining the mise-en-scene
Include as much here as you like, but keep it relevant to the
production, the following slides have been left blank for you to
approach in your own way, add more as you need to
Extension suggestion: edit a short sequence of clips that have
inspired or influenced your video [similar to this:
The idea for my music video will be that the idea that the fears
within the main actor conscious, continue to grow throughout the
music video and this will be visual represented as the ghosts
which will slowly come closer to the main actor although by the
end of the music video the fears will have been overcome, this
will be displayed visually by the use, of brighter as well as the
disappearance of the ghosts from the shots. Whilst using the
ghost related scenes during the choruses, I will also be using
shots that will create be used in order to create a distraction
within the fears going on inside the head of the actor in the music
video, these shots will consist of sports, therefore these shots will
be b-roll of what is the main focus of the video in which is the
fears. The music video will have elements in which question the
mental health and stability of the main actor. Another part within
the music video will contain different aspect of surrealism, within
the video this will contain a different ideology of ghosts.
You should also construct a 15-20second Rip-o-matic
test reel using existing footage to convey the type of
video you want to make
Breakdown your track into it basic sections [e.g. intro,
verse, chorus, verse, etc] and apply broad visual ideas
to each section
You can use this as the master template for your
production, then add more shots to each section when
you develop your full visual plan
You should create a slide showing all the sections of
the song, then add a slide for each section with
timings, lyrics, what happens and details on specific

You could storyboard and shot list each section as you

go, to break up the process.
Know, My only goal is to see, When I'm only fast asleep, it takes more than strength to
find, This peace of mind

So I'll hold, hold, hold, Hold it close to my heart, Beating with every step, Hold, hold,
hold it close

He sleeps alone, He needs no army where he's headed, 'Cause he knows, That they're
just ghosts, And they can't hurt him, if he can't see them, oh

And I may go, To places I have never been to, us to find, The deepest desires in my

We, we only know what we see, 'Cause we're always fast asleep, Is it so hard not to
believe, That we'll never know?, Oh hold, hold, hold, Hold me close, I've never been
this far from home,, Hold, hold, hold me close

He sleeps alone, He needs no army where he's headed, 'Cause he knows, That they're
just ghosts, And they can't hurt him, f he can't see them, oh

And I may go, To places I have never been to, us to find, The deepest desires in my

t's in my head, And I have said, That I must be like him now, He sleeps alone, He
sleeps alone

And one last chance, To make sense, Of what has long escaped us, He sleeps alone,
Know, My only goal is to see, When I'm only fast asleep, it takes more
than strength to find, This peace of mind
The introduction to the song starts with establishing a connection
between the main actors conscious. When getting shots I will try and
create a eerie atmosphere, as well as trying to establish the connection
between the conscious, this will important in creating a surreal
environment for my music video. The shots I will be getting will also
attempt to question reality, this will be important in have a continuous
style, throughout the music video. The shots within my music video have
been inspired from the surrealist work of Michel Gondry, this will be
creating shots that begin to question the reality, although near the end of
the song will be reviled that the whole video was created within the head
of the main actor, which will also create suspense throughout the whole
video. The introduction of the song is important in order to help begin the
style of the music video, in order to create meaning as well as the
importance of the conscious. The effects that will be used in creating the
video will be important in amplifying the significance and the illusion in
which are going to exist within the shots I get.
He sleeps alone, He needs no army where he's headed, 'Cause he knows, That
they're just ghosts, And they can't hurt him, f he can't see them, oh
The chorus of the song has connotations based around the subconscious, and
how someone has to battle their fears alone, this gives the viewer the
atmosphere relating to inner strength. The use of ghosts is important in
understanding a paranormal element within the song, this makes the person
begin to question the mental stability and understanding within the song. As
the chorus is repeated throughout the song this is important in helping to
progress the message throughout the whole song. The song in general fast
paced although the chorus is done at a tempo which is slightly faster that the
other parts of the song this creates tension therefore for the shots in which I
want to include are going to have fast paced cutting in order to try and
establish a more prominent connection with the song and the video. In the
shots I want them to have a paranormal element therefore I want to create the
illusion of ghosts as well as trying to establish a eerie and creepy environment,
in which becomes more prominent within the chorus. The chorus is so
important and I want to use a lots of shots with fast cuts, the clips will consist of
shots of sports as well as shots of nature the nature aspect will be used in order
to create the illusion that this is what is going on in the main actors head.
And I don't know, If in the morning I will be here, And if so, Let it be known, That I was
worthy, I was worthy, I was worthy, I was
The ending of the song will have shots where the fears that once controlled and
overcome the subconscious have been dealt with this will be used in order to create a
clear ending, and show the ending of the fears within the mind. The song has many
different references, relating to the subconscious therefore this is why I want to create
an atmosphere relating to this. On the lyrics I was worthy in which is repeated three
time at the end of the line there will be same shot repeated in order to make the
illusion that the whole time the video was based inside the head of the main actor in
the video. The reveal of that the whole video took place in the conscious will be done
by using a long close up shot on the face as the background changes around the main
actor this will be important in understanding the thought process in the brain and
because of the shots which are given the illusion of the inner conscious. The shots will
be done in a clear setting this will give a good contrast between the previous shots in
order show that the main actor has overcome his fears. In the final verse the words
And I dont know if in the morning I will be here this is important as it shows the
uncertainty of the future and to make the image more vivid I will be using video to
effect with dark imagery in order to create the sense of a dark reality. Let it be know
this is used in the song in order to give the viewer a sense of achievement and self
worth, as they want to be remember, therefore when implementing the effect in my
music video I will use a repeat of previous shot in order to create the effect that first,
the whole music video wasnt real.
Your storyboard should bring your idea to life
Provide an idea of the sequencing of you video
Provides a basis for production
Suggested online storyboard creators are: [very complicated] [allows you to insert your own images]

Alternatively, hand draw or photograph your storyboard and

scan or copy to insert it onto your slides
There are lots of tips collected together on Blackboard!

The first shot will show the sun

setting, this will create a more
dark setting for the music video,
which will amplified, the
atmosphere for the music video.
The music video, will try to show
the contrast between the
The majority of the shots will take place in the forest this will create a
subconscious more
and eeriethis is
atmosphere, and these types of shots will take place inimportant
different times during in
in portraying thethe day
in order to give contrasting images as well as this it willmessage.
give the viewer a clear
understanding in the contrasting images of the subconscious and the actual reality. I will
also be capturing video based around nature in order to gage keep a continuity style as
the ghosts which are mentioned in the previous style will be prominent, and in some of
these shots the ghost will displayed in the background of the shots in order to help
progress the story that I am trying to tell. The music video will have lots of cuts in order
Your shot list should contain the sequential breakdown
of what you need to shoot for your video
It should work in partnership with your storyboard
It will be your working document when you film
It should contain the shot number, scene number, shot
description, framing and action you will see
It should also have information on performers in the
scene and other props, etc
Shot list template is on Blackboard in the pre-
production folder.
TASK 3.2 Organisational
Include names, contact info, and defined roles at
difference stages of production, using a table is
Information and images of your location[s] for filming
You should have address details, clearance/premissions
for filming, recce photos and floorplans [including
camera, equipment and cast/crew layouts]
Where possible, have a plan B fallback location option
Assess each location for any issues and suggest
Risk Assess each separate filming location using the
table in the camera H&S PP on Bb as a staring point
Completing a generic filming assessment would be a
start, then you can add specialist/site specific risks as
you progress your production
Remember, a Risk Assessment is an ongoing
document, you should evaluate if anything changes in
production and when you put control measures in
You should add the table to each call sheet for each
Things go wrong
Your contingency plan is there to give you a backup or
to minimise the effect on production
You should consider the following areas: Technical,
Location, Personnel and Organisational areas [about 5
potential issues for each]
Use the form in pre-production folder on Blackboard
Provide an outline of what you will do on which days
during production
You should broadly plan to the following structure:
- 2 weeks pre-production
- 1 week filming [plan for up to 2 days]
- 2 weeks editing [essentially 2 days for every day you
I will start the music video filming on Wednesday 22 nd
March at 10:00am, at this point I will begin to get some
b-roll shot, this will consist different shots of a nature,
and this will be important in highlighting the main
subject of the music video. The filming will last for one
hour and half. I will then continue filming on the
following Thursday I will start filming again at 10:30am
and this will be of the main subject in the video, the
remaining of the filming will be done on that Saturday,
and this day will be used in order to film and combine
the previous footage filmed as well as adding new
footage to the mix. When filming these shots I will
need to hope that the weather is good as the image as
I wanted will need to be able to capture the image
without any distortion.
Any place you film and anyone you use in the filming
of your video must have a completed form
Blank forms are on Blackboard for you to complete and
insert here
TASK 4.1 Production
Keep track your filming and production work with the
camera here
You could add stills of your work with annotations
You should include any specific details about how your
filming went and what you did on set to enable you to
complete the work
You should include Call Sheets and relevant production
documents here

This links with your schedule

Complete a call sheet for each production activity
Forms are on Blackboard
Insert into Powerpoint here
TASK 4.2 Footage log
Templates on BB to insert here
Log which shots you chose to use and which ones you
did not, explain why

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