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Boards of Management

Their role in ensuring quality

Walter Patterson
Board Member, Langside College
The Act
“the Board has a statutory duty of managing
and conducting their college, and ensuring
that their college provides (either by itself
or by arrangement with any other person)
suitable and efficient further education to
students of the college”

The Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Act 1992

The Guidance
Guide for College Board Members, Scotland’s
Colleges (2006)
Ethical Standards in Public Life in Scotland, The
Standards Commission for Scotland (2007)
The SFC Financial Memorandum (current year)
Combined Code of Corporate Governance, FSA
Code of Conduct (individual to each college)
Handbook for Audit Committee Members, CIPFA
Structure of Guidance

• The Board/Principal/College MUST …

• The Board/Principal/College SHOULD …

Summary of Specific
• Students
• Equality and Diversity
• Strategic Planning
• Corporate Governance and Risk Management
• Finance, Financial Planning and Monitoring
• Audit (internal / external)
• Performance Monitoring*
Specific Responsibilities (cont)

• Quality and Standards

• Learning Environment and Estates
• Obligations as an employer
• Relationships with Third Parties
The Board and College Staff
• The Chair leads the Board
• The Principal leads the college staff

• The Board provides overall strategic

direction, involving strategic planning,
objective setting and appropriate delegation
• The Principal and senior staff are responsible
for achieving the objectives and strategies
through the day-to-day management of the
The Board and College Staff
• Staff make presentations to the Board (and its
• “Adopt a Faculty” / “Twinning”
• Board member attendance at key college
• Board member attendance at graduation
• Board member mugshots and biogs in foyer and
on website
• …… others?
The Board and Students
• Attendance at student events (prizegiving,
performance events, etc)
• Student member on the Board (and
possibly on sub-cttees)
• Board member mugshots and biogs in
foyer and on website
• And …..
The Board & Quality and Standards
• The Board must ensure that sound
arrangements are in place to ensure the
quality and standards of the college work
• The Board must monitor the quality of the
college’s performance and ensure that
appropriate action is being taken to address
areas of concern
• The Board will approve the college’s quality
improvement strategy (a condition of SFC
Quality Enhancement Framework
The Council asks each college to provide a
summary statement (clearly endorsed by the
governing body):

(i) of the college’s policies and procedures in

relation to the quality assurance and
enhancement of learning and teaching and of the
learner experience, and
(ii) of the role of the governing body in such
policies and procedures.
Baseline report (1)

• an overview of the college’s arrangements for

quality assurance and enhancement, including
self-evaluation, and of how the college
assures and enhances the quality of provision
for all learners;
• engagement with external quality agencies
(principally HMIE but also professional and
statutory bodies);
Baseline report (2)

• a brief overview of the college’s general

approach to promotion of quality enhancement
through activities such as staff development,
recognition and reward mechanisms, monitoring
of targets and key performance indicators and
the impact of planned actions;
• consideration to the student experience and
engagement with students.
Student involvement

The Council believes that the involvement of students in quality processes is

essential to maximise the effectiveness and enhance the quality of these
processes. In particular, the Council expects colleges to:
• involve students in all processes relating to enhancing the quality of
the student learning experience;
• include student representatives on appropriate college bodies and
committees including college governing bodies such as Board of
Management; and
• have a clear policy and strategy for enhancing student engagement
with quality issues.
How might a Board assure itself that the college
policies and procedures for quality assurance
and enhancement are being effectively
eg Delegation and reporting?
eg Participation in aspects of the process?
eg Engagement with staff and students through
consultation forums?

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