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Couse of Death

1. Poor Country
2. Developing Country
3. Developed Country
Poor Country
Ten Contributor of Death in low-income Country (Poor Country)
In unit Cause Spesific Mortality Rate (CSMR)
1. Lower respiratory infection (84,9)
2. Diarrhoeal disease (57,2)
3. Stroke (49,6)
4. Ischaemic heart disease (48,6)
5. HIV/AIDS (47,7)
6. Tuberculosis (34,5)
7. Malaria (34,4)
8. Preterm birth complication (32,1)
9. Birth asphyxia and birth trauma (30,5)
10.Road injuri (28,5)
Poor Country
Most contributor death is lower respiratory infection
Known as Acute Lower Respiratory Infection (ALRI)
more than 1.5 million deaths annually from respiratory infections
are attributable to the environment, especially air pollution
Its interrelated health problems affecting childern due to premature
Nutritional intervention is effect to ALRI mordibity and mortalily
1. Zinc supplement (+)
2. Breastfeeding promotion (+)
3. Iron suplementation (-)
4. Vitamin A suplementation (-)
Developing Country
Ten Contributor of Death in upper middle-income Country
(Developing Country)
In unit Cause Spesific Mortality Rate (CSMR)
1. Ischaemic heart disease (133,4)
2. Stroke (120,9)
3. Chronic obstruktive pulmonary disease (50,4)
4. Trachea, bronchus, lung cancer (33,3)
5. Lower respiratory infections (26,5)
6. Diabetes mellitus (20,6)
7. Alzheimer disease (19,5)
8. Road injury (19,5)
Developed Country
Ten Contributor of Death in high-income Country (Developing
In unit Cause Spesific Mortality Rate (CSMR)
1. Ischaemic heart disease (144,6)
2. Stroke (64,7)
3. Alzheimer disease (60,1)
4. Trachea, broncus, lung cancer (49,5)
5. Chronic obtructive pulmonary disease (42,6)
6. Lower respiratory infection (38,2)
7. Colon and rectum cancer (27,5)
8. Diabetes mellitus (22,6)
Developing and Developed Country
Ischaemic heart
disease is the
contributor of
death in
developing and
It is one of
Cardio Vascular
Disease (CVD)
The first rank in
distribution of
death cause by
Developing and Developed Country
Eight risk factors og hearth disease
Environtment and
alcohol use
behaviour are resposible
tobacco use
for this
high blood pressure
Some risks act indirectly
high body mass index
through intermediary
high cholesterol
factors. These risks
include physical inactivity, high blood glucose
alcohol, smoking or fat low fruit and vegetable
intake. intake
physical inactivity
For the most distal risk
factors, such as education
and income, less causal
The Top 10 causes of death. World Health Organization. 15 February 2017.
Palilonis, Mary A. An Introduction to Global Health and Global Health Ethics:
seven topics for students. 2015. Winston-Salem. North California.
Roth, Daniel E.; Etc. Acute lower respiratory infections in childhood:
opportunities for reducing the global burden through nutritional
interventions. 2008. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Page 365
Preventing disease through healthy environments. World Health Organization.
15 February 2017.
Global Health Risks: Mortality and burden of disease
attributable to selected major risks. World Health
Organization. 2009. Switzerland. WHO Press. Page 2.
Mendis, Shanthi.; Etc. Global Atlas on cardiovascular
disease prevention and control. World Health
Organization. 2011. Geneva. Page 4

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