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Nabilah Abd Razak
Nurul Huda Mohd Ismail
The range of processes and
procedures whereby we move from
qualitative data that have been
collected into some form of
explanation, understanding or
interpretation of the people and
situations we are investigating
(Lewin, Taylor & Gibbs, 2005)
Content analysis

A research technique used to make

replicable and valid inferences by
interpreting and coding textual material.
By systematically evaluating texts ( ex :
documents, oral communication and
graphics), qualitative data can be
converted into quantitative data.
(a) examine the data
(b) highlight important details that pertain
to the research questions.
(c) determine category or code names
(d) label the relevant sections of data with
corresponding category or code names.
Categorising the data
1. triangulate
-study the research question from at least three separate
pieces of data
2. Compare constantly
- Look through the data and keep comparing the data that
was collected earlier in the study with data collected later
in the study.
3. Categorise and sort
Set up charts, columns, outlines and ways of counting
4. Order
- Decide on a way to order the data findings such as data
chronologically by importance and by frequency.
5. Contrast
-look for what does not fit the assumption or theories
of other researchers.
6. Speculate
- Try out different hunches about what the data means
7. Restate the question.
-rewrite the questions many time and change it when
necessary to fit.
8. Visualise
-create a visual representation for what you have
9. Abstract and distill
State the assence of your findings.
10. Talk and validate
-talk with others about your research
11. Confer with pupils
-ask your pupils what the think about what you
are observing
12. Take a break
-clear your mind and give yourself a rest
-coming back to the process with a refreshed
13. State your theory
-build ideas about teaching as try out new
Coding the data
Coding is the process of examining the
words, phrases, sentences or paragraphs
in your text for pertinent information
related to your research and assign
different codes or labels. (Goh, 2012)

Coding is the process of segmenting and

labeling text to form descriptions and
broad themes in the data.
(Cresswell, 2012)
Decide which types of coding is most
Start coding
Create a start list codes
Generate categories(pattern codes)
Test these categories against new
data(start with contrasting data early
Write about categories/pattern codes in a
memo to explain their significance
Coding is cyclical

experience :
transcripts and
notes Coding is not just
labelling, it is linking
(saldana, 2013:8)
from the data to the
Active Familiarization idea and back to
experimentatio with data; time
n look for on reflection; other data
patterns, test reordering of
for fit data

Extraction of
key concepts
Different approaches to
Type of Study Starts Timing of Source of
Content With Defining Codes or
Analysis Codes or Keywords
Conventional Observation Codes are Codes are
content defined derived from
analysis during data data
Directed Theory Codes are Codes are
content defined derived from
analysis before and theory or
during data relevant
analysis research
Summative Keywords Keywords Keywords are
content are identified derived from
analysis before and interest of
during data researchers or
analysis review of
Coding concepts
1) Descriptive coding: summarizes the
primary topic of the excerpt
2) Process coding: a word or phrase that
captures action
3) In vivo coding: using the
participantsown language
4) Pattern coding: coding for patterns in
the data
5) Simultaneous coding: applying multiple
codes to the same text
Thank you

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