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Topik 14: Gerhana Matahari

dan gerhana bulan

Gerhana Matahari
Berlaku apabila bulan berada di
antara matahari dan bumi
menyebabkan bayang bulan
terpancar ke permukaan bumi.
Gerhana Matahari
Dilihat dari bumi, gerhana matahari
berlaku apabila bulan bergerak dan berada
di antara matahari dan bumi. Ketika itu,
bulan separa atau sepenuhnya
menghalang bumi (fully or partially blocks
Eclipse Paths
Figure 1-28
Eclipse Tracks
Jenis2 Gerhana matahari
b) Penuh (Total) dan
c) Annular

Jarak bulan ke
bumi berubah
kerana orbit bulan
yang elliptical.
Jadi ada ketikanya
bulan tidak
menutupi semua

b) Penuh (Total) dan
c) Annular
Gerhana matahari Annular


Total Annular Partial

Gerhana matahari penuh: Boleh nampak Korona

Solar Corona
Gerhana Bulan
Gerhana Bulan merupakan keadaan
di mana Matahari, Bumi dan Bulan
membentuk satu garis lurus di mana
sinar Matahari terhalang oleh Bumi
dan umbra terbentuk di Bulan.
Bumi terletak diantara matahari dan
bulan. Jadi bayang bumi yang
menutupi bulan
Gerhana Bulan

Earths shadow
How can we explain why
eclipses are seen so rarely by
most of us living here on

Why arent they seen every

month of the year?
Why dont eclipses happen every
At first thought, it would seem that we
should have an eclipse each month
when the moon passes between the
Sun and the Earth. Why not?

The answer lies in the slight tilt (5o)

of the Moons path in relation to the
Earths path. It is usually above or
below the direct sight line to the Sun.
Why dont eclipses happen every month?


Intersection of the ecliptic and lunar orbital planes
bulan dan
nar orbital plane is
ted 5 degrees from the
iptic plane

Only when the Line Line of Node

of Nodes
points towards the
Sun can the Moon,
Sun & Earth
be on that line
together and cause
eclipses to occur

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