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Protective Relay-

Distance Protection

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Used for HV and EHV Tx and sub Tx lines.
Measured quantity

Line length between location of relay and

point where fault has occurred.
The measuring relay in this scenario is the
distance relay. They perform high speed
fault clearance.
These relays operate under the control of
carrier signals-primary protection. Incase
of failure of carrier signal, they act as back
up protection.

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Types of Distance Relay
Z relay
Reactance relay

MHO relay

Angle Z relay

Quadrilateral relay

Elliptical and other conic section


Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Z relay

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Current produces positive or operating
Voltage produces negative or restraining

Operating Torque (T)

= K1I2-K2V2-K3; where K1,K2 and K3 are
K3 is the torque due to control spring effect.
=> T =K1I2-K2V2
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
For the operation of relay,

V 2 K1
---- < -----

I2 K2

--- < K; where K is a constant

=> Z<K
Relay operates if the measured impedance Z is less than the
given constant.

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Operating characteristic of a Z relay
on R-X diagram

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Z=K represents a circle.
Z<K represents the area within the
circle. The zone within the circle is
the operating zone of the relay.
Thus relay operation is independent
of phase angle of and is dependent
on magnitude of Z.
If a fault point is within the protected
section of the line; it will lie within
the circle. Now relay will operate and
send a tripping signal to CB.

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
If the fault point is outside protected
section of line, it will be outside the
circle=> blocking zone=>here relay
will not respond. Here the fault point
may lie in protection zone of some
other relay.
Operating time of relay is constant
irrespective of fault location within
the protected section.

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Z relay is a non-directional relay.
But it is desired that a relay should
operate for faults lying only in the
forward direction.
Thus a directional unit is included in
the protective scheme.
At any location three impedance
relays and a directional unit are

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Directional unit has straight line
characteristic. It allows impedance relay
to see only in forward direction.
Torque equation of directional unit is

is angle between V and I
is angle of maximum torque
T should be positive for relay to operate
(-)<=90 deg

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Connections of Z relay

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Z1,Z2 and Z3 are impedance relays.
T2 and T3 are contacts for timer for 2nd
and 3rd unit.
Timer is energized whenever directional
unit and Z3 operates.
After definite time delay, the timer closes
the contact T2 first and then after some
more time delay T3 closes.
If fault point lies within the characteristic
circle Z3 but outside circle Z1 and Z2, CB
trips after closure of contact T3 in time t3.

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Whenever relay operates, its flag
indicates its operation.
Once contacts of main relay are

closed and the current passes

through the trip coil; the coil of the
seal in relay is energized and its
contacts are closed.
CB auxiliary switch is NC switch.
When CB trips, auxiliary switch is
opened to prevent unnecessary
drainage of battery.
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Directional relay has two contacts:
1. One pair in series with contacts of Z
2. Other pair is connected to energize
an auxiliary relay.
No Fault: De-energized=>short
circuits the current coil of
impedance relay.
Fault in forward direction=>
contacts of auxiliary relay are

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Stepped Time Distance characteristics of Z relays:

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
A1,A2 and A3 are operating times for
I,II and III zone relays (placed at A)
B1,B2 and B3 are operating times for
I,II and III zone relays (placed at B)

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
W.k.t three units of impedance relays are
required at a particular location for three
zones of protection.
1st unit:

1. 80-90% of protected lines

2. 1st zone
3. High speed unit
4. Instantaneous about 1 to 2 cycles
5. Does not handle overreach
Note: If relay operates for a fault beyond
the protected line, it is called overreach.
This may occur due to transients during
fault condition.
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
2nd unit
1. Protects rest of the protected line
2. It reaches beyond end of line
3. Handles underreach
4. Operating time 0.2s to 0.5s
3rd unit
1. Used for backup protection of adjoining
2. Should extend beyond end of adjoining
3. Covers: protected line+ longest 2nd
line+25% of third line

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Reactance Relay

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Measures reactance of line @relay
Unaffected by variation in
Unaffected by arc resistance during
occurrence of fault.

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Operating characteristic of
reactance relay

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Reactance relay with starting unit

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
(V/I)sin< (K1/K2)
=>Zsin<K (or) X<K
Relay operates when X<K i.e. the
relay operates for negative values of
X i.e. it is non directional relay.
Also negative values of X => fault is

behind the relay location.

Sometimes under normal condition
with load of high power factor,
reactance measured by reactance
relay may be less than its setting but
may trigger the reactance relay.
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Consider P1 and P2 lying in 1st zone
of protection and 2nd zone of
protection respectively.
To avoid this kind of false tripping;
the reactance relay should be
supervised by fault-detecting unit
(i.e. starting unit).
Directional unit having a circular
characteristics is used in conjunction
with reactance relay. This acts as the
III unit and also detects the fault.
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
The I unit is a high speed unit to
protect 80-90% of the protected line.
The II unit protects up to 50% of the
adjacent line.
The III unit is a backup unit to
protect the whole of the adjacent
The time distance characteristics is
same as earlier relay.

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Mho Relay (or) Admittance (or)
Angle Admittance Relay

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Characteristic of Mho relay

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Measures |Y|@
It is a directional relay.

It has circular characteristic.

It is called so because its

characteristic is a straight line when
plotted on G-B axes.

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Ohm Relay (or) Angle Impedance

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Measures a component of Z of line at
the relay location.
Characteristic is a straight line on R-
X diagram.
Used in conjunction with other relays
eg. Used to limit area of MHO relay
on R-X diagram to make it less
sensitive to power surges. Hence this
relay is also called a blinder.
T = K1I2-K2VIcos(-)-K3

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Effect of Arc Resistance on
Distance Relays

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
An electric arc is the form of electric
discharge with the highest current
density. The maximum current through
an arc is limited only by the external
circuit, not by the arc itself. The voltage
across an arc decreases as the current
increases, giving it a dynamic
negative resistance characteristic.

Arc resistance denotes the resistance of

a material to an arc produced by an
electrical current between two electrodes.

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Flashover could occur phase-phase
(or) phase-ground.
The arc resistance is appreciable at
higher voltages.
Rarc + Zline => increases Zresultant;
Rarc + Zline + Rearth = Zresultant;
Rearth = Rtower + Rtowerfooting + earth return
Rarc + Rearth is called fault resistance;
Rarc is appreciable in Z, Mho relays
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Rarc = 29*103.l
----------- ohms
Where l=length of arc in meters
I = fault current in amperes

Rarc = 16300(1.75s +vt)

-------------------- ohms
Where s =conductor spacing in meters
V=wind velocity in km/hour
t=time in seconds and
I=fault current inProf.O.V.Gnana
amperes Swathika
Effect of Arc Resistance on
Impedance Relays

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Ideally the relay should protect a line
of impedance Z1.
If a fault occurs at F and Rarc is

introduced => relay will measure

(ZF + R); where ZF is impedance of
line up to F.
If Rarc increases => Zmeasured by relay

maybe greater than radius of circle.

Thus maximum length of line which
can be protected is OF, when arc
resistance is R.
Rarc makes relay to underreach.
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Effect of Arc Resistance on Mho

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Characteristic angle of relay =
Characteristic angle of line.
For fault @ F; actual line impedance
is ZF but impedance measured by
relay is (ZF+R)<<<Z1.
i.e. arc resistance causes

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
1. Reactance Relay
Unaffected by Rarc.
Preferred for ground fault relaying.
Also preferred for phase fault relaying in
short line.
More affected by power surges.

2. Conductance Relay
More tolerant to moderate arc resistance.
Applicable to distribution lines, overhead
lines and cables.
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
3. Mho relay:
Less affected by power surges.
Suitable for long lines against phase
More affected by arc resistance.

4. Elliptical or Quadrilateral relay:

Suitable for very long lines.

5. Elliptical or Quadrilateral relay:

Suitable for medium lines.
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
MHO relay with blinders

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Suitable for long lines but not for
ELD since its area on R-X diagram
maybe too large to trip under
power swing condition => further
reduction in MHO characteristic is
Thus 2 blinders have been used.
These blinders are angle Z relays
which are connected in series with
MHO relay to see only in a
particular direction.

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Quadrilateral Relay

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Elliptical Relay

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Less affected by power surges since
less area on R-X diagram
3 I/P amplitude comparator with
Inputs (V-IZr), (V-IKZr) and MI;
where M =Zr + KZr
For operation of relay:

|V-IZr| + |V-IKZr|<|I(Zr+KZr)|
-------- --------- ------------- =>
|R| |R| |R|
|V-IZr| + |V-IKZr|<|I(Zr+KZr)|=>
|Z-Zr| + |Z-KZr|<|Zr+KZr|
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Restricted Mho Relay

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
=180- = 90-
Zr=diameter of the MHO circle

Zr=chord of restricted MHO

= Zrcosec
= angle of Zr

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Restricted OFFSET Mho Relay

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Restricted Z Relay

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Restricted Directional Relay

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Restricted Reactance Relay

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Swivelling characteristics

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika
Reactance relay -> short lines
MHO relay -> long lines

Let ZL -> line impedance

ZS-> source impedance

Fault resistance increases with ZS

Better to have relay characteristics

that change with ZS/ZL. This is
called swivelling char as shown in fig.

Prof.O.V.Gnana Swathika

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