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Alvaro Fdez
Ismael Madroo
1 seccion
Venus is the second planet from
theSunand the sixth largest.
Venus' orbit is the most nearly circular of

that of any planet.

It has a diameter of 12.103,6 km
The distance from the Sun is

108.200.000 kilometres.
Venus has no satellites
Theatmosphere of Venusis the layer

ofgasessurroundingVenus. It is composed
primarily of carbon dioxideand is much
denser and hotter thanthat of Earth
The other main
component of its
The temperature at the surface is 467C
The planet is so named probably because it

is thebrightest of the planets, and Venus is

the goddess of love and beauty.
It is the brightest object in the sky except

for the Sun and the Moon.

Venus has no magnetic field, perhaps

because of its slow rotation.

Venus is a rocky planet
Venus has some similar characteristics

with the Earth:

It is slightly smaller than the Earth (95% of Earths
diameter and 80% of Earths mass)
It has few craters
Their densities and chemical compositions are
Venus has gravity (it is about 90% of the
gravity here on Earth)
Venus is usuallyvisible with the eyes from
the Earth. Sometimes referred to as the
"morning star" or the "evening star

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