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Indian Value System And


Presented By:
Anshul Bansal
MBA General
UBS 2014-16
Value System
A coherent set ofvaluesadopted or
evolved by aperson,organization , or
society as astandardto guide
itsbehaviorin preferences in all situations.
A value is a shared idea about how
something is ranked in terms of desirability,
worth or goodness.
Types Of Values
Values can be classified into two broad

Individual values:
These are the values which are related with the
development of human personality or individual norms of
recognition and protection of the human personality such
as honesty, loyalty, veracity and honour.

Collective values:
Values connected with the solidarity of the community or
collective norms of equality, justice, solidarity and
sociable are known as collective values.
Importance And Functions Of Values

Values are general principles to regulate our day-to-

day behavior.
They give direction to our behavior .
Values deal not so much with what is, but with what
ought to be.
They are the expression of the ultimate ends, goals or
purposes of social action.
Values are the basis of our judgments about what is
desirable, beautiful, proper, correct, important,
worthwhile and good as well as what is undesirable,
ugly, incorrect, improper and bad.

Irrespective of the cultural or social

diversity, a common value system is
one of the binding ingredients that
give Indians a common identity.
Features Of Indian Value System

Indians have laid high stress on values

Peaceful co-existence
Deference to elders
Recourse to nature
Artistic expression
Seeking prosperity
Strong family ties
Respecting even the tools of your trade
Joyousness and hospitality
Role Of Elders

Old have always been taken care of at

It is generally the eldest who makes
important decisions for the family.
Financial matters.
Relationship and marriage decisions
Some Other
Most celebrations and happy occasions
are bright and colourful.
Most Indians are very close to aunts,
uncles, cousins and grandparents
Holidays are usually spent together
There is little formality in relationships.
Individualism is more of a western
Indian society has always focused more on
paying your debt to society and being
responsible for one's family and rather
than breaking away to pursue your own
individual desire

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