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Interdisciplinary Science


Jhony Arias Vivas

Project Leader

Is it true that???

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Purpose of Project

Teachers want students to realize

that real research is interdisciplinary.
Working with a collaborative group is
an important skill.

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Science Project
The emphasis of this project is on the process of a
scientific investigation.
Emphasis is on interdisciplinary cooperation and
collaboration each discipline brings a special
perspective and expertise to the group.

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Project Requirements
Demonstrate ICT (Information and Communication
and Technology) skills
Address moral, ethical, social, economic, and
environmental implications of using science and
Show how the different disciplines all relate to a
single scientific issue
Show you can use the processes of the scientific
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Day 1Time: 9 period Homeroom

Intial meetiing (What is the Ingterdisciplinary Science Project about?)
Day 2Time: 4: 10- 5:10 p.m 3D
Students meet to decide the topic and plan the experiment
Day 3: 9 period Group supervisor
Students submit form for approval of the group 4 project topic and list of materials
Days 4-6:
Students will carry out experiments, prepare poster and video.
Day 7: 9 period Students will present their projects to 10th grade pre-IB class.

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Planning Stage 2 hrs
After selecting a focused topic, the activities to be carried
out must be clearly defined before moving to action
Action Stage 6 hrs
Evaluation Stage 2 hrs
Powerpoints, videos, scale models etc. will be presented
in an after-school symposium at the end of the present

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Planning Stage
Planning Stage

Teachers divide students into groups

Teachers supply topic(s) First Meeting
Students choose focused topic (define the problem) and
develop action plan
Data base research (ICT)
Contact People & Organizations (ICT)
Experiment or scale model (ICT)
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Planning Stage Action Plan
Second Meeting

Brainstorm on possible factors and approaches

What are the issues for biology, chemistry, physics?
Narrow this down to specific issue(s) to be investigated
Who will do what? By when? With what help?

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Students must select a myth and plan how they will prove it
scientifically. They must state the myth as a research question
The final product of the investigation must be a video and a
Each group must discuss with the asssigned teacher whether
the planning is possible or not.

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Some Examples

Physics, Chemistry and Biology help to solve the question.

Myth: Can you actually slip on a banana

peel? Or is just a cartoon thing?

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Myth: is plastic wrapping a safe way to preserve fruits in the

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This stage should last around six hours and may be carried out over one
or two weeks in normal scheduled class time. Alternatively, a whole day
could be set aside if, for example, the project involves fieldwork.
Students should investigate the topic in mixed subject groups as
distributed later in this presentation.
There should be collaboration during the action stage; findings of
investigations should be shared with other students within the mixed
subject group. During this stage, in any practically based activity, it is
important to pay attention to safety, ethical and environmental

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Initially students will present their work to the assigned teacher,
who will later select the best group/project in that class.
The selected groups will present their work to 10th grade
students. The emphasis during this stage, for which two hours is
probably necessary, is on students sharing their findings, both
successes and failures, with 10th grade students.

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Scientific poster
Poster is mandatory

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- Title
- Author(s)
- Introduction
- Hypothesis and objective
- Methodology
- Results

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To sum up:
The poster must:
Introduce the most relevant aspects of the
The title should convey the issue and needs to
attract the passerby and should be one or two line at
the most.
Materials and methods should be simple and to the
Limit the numbe of tables and figures to only the
most critical to bring out selected points

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To sum up:
Use few words. The audience should know what you
did, why you did it and what you found by examining
your poster.

Be brief, clear and exact.

You must keep in mind is like a short version of

an article".

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Teacher 1

Student 1 - Biology
Student 2- Physics
Student 3- Chemistry

Student 4- Biology
Student 5- Physics
Student 6- Chemistry

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Teacher 2

Student 7- Biology
Student 8- Physics
Student 9- Chemistry

Student 10 - Physics
Student 11- Biology
Student 12- Chemistry

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Teacher 3

Student 13- Chemistry

Student 14 Biology
Students 15- Physics

Student 16- Chemistry

Student 17- Biology
Student 18- Physics

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