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Heat & Temperature

How hot or cold something is.
What make something hot?
Particles that me up matter are in constant motion
They have kinetic energy
When you heat something the particles move
Temperature measures average KE

Temperature measures average KE

Thermal Equilibrium and the Zeroth
Law of Thermodynamics
Two objects placed in thermal contact
will eventually come to the same
temperature. When they do, we say
they are in thermal equilibrium.
The zeroth law of thermodynamics says
that if two objects are each in
equilibrium with a third object, they are
also in thermal equilibrium with each
Zeroth law of thermodynamics:
If object A and B are separately in thermal
equilibrium with a third object C (thermometer),
then objects A and B are in thermal equilibrium.
13-1 Atomic Theory of Matter
Brownian motion is the jittery motion
of tiny flecks in water; these are the
result of collisions with individual
water molecules.
Temperature Scales

Three different ones get used

Fahrenheit- the one we use
Celsius- metric standard
Kelvin- starts at absolute zero but same degree size
as Celsius
Fahrenheit (1686-1736) established
three fixed points on his
0 degrees:
temperature of an ice, water, and salt
32 degrees:
water-ice combination stabilized at "the
thirty-second degree."
98 degrees:
Celsius (1701-1744) established two
fixed points on his thermometer.

0C: representing the freezing point of


100C: the boiling point of water.

Kelvin (1834-1907) used the same
gradation as Celsius but set his zero
point at absolute zero (All molecular
motion ceases at absolute zero).
0C 32F 273 K
100C 212F 373 K

0C 32F 273 K
100C 212F 373 K

0C 32F 273 K

- -492F 0K

e way of
how hot
an object
Converting Temperature
F = 9 C + 32
K = C + 273
Water freezes at 32F, what is this in
In Kevin?
Water boils at 100C. What is this in
In Kelvin?
Conversion Practice
Body temperature is 98.6F, what is this in
Celsius? In Kelvin?
Methanol boils at 75C, what is this in
Fahrenheit?, in Kelvin?
Lead melts at 600 K, what is this in Celsius? In
T3 273.16 K
The triple point of water
In this section we will define the temperature on the
Kelvin scale. Then we calibrate a thermoscope and
thus convert it into a thermometer. Although the
temperature of a body does not have an upper limit,
it does have a lower limit which we define it to be
the zero of the Kelvin scale.

To set up a temperature scale we pick a respoducible thermal phenomenon and

arbitrarily assign a Kelvin temperature to its environment. Examples are the
freesing point and the boiling point of water at atmospheric pressure. It turns
out that the tripple point of water is easier to reproduce and is thus chosen
to define the Kelvin scale. The tripple point of water is defined as the
coexistance of solid, liquid and gaseous forms of water at a certain
temperature and pressure. the temperature at this point is taken to be
T3 273.16 K
Thermometers are instruments
designed to measure temperature. In
order to do this, they take advantage
of some property of matter that
changes with temperature.
Most materials expand when heated.
That is how most thermometers work
Liquid thermometers have a large bulb hooked to
a narrow tube.
When the liquid expands it rises up the tube.
Wont work if too hot or cold
(18 5)

The constant volume gas thermometer

In the figure is shown a constant volume gas thermometer.
It consists of a glass bulb containing a gas. The bulb is
connected to a mercury manometer. The temperature T
of the bath surrounding the bulb is measured as follows:
The mercury reservoir is raised or lowered so that the
mercury level is at mark A. This insures that the volume
of the gas is cosntant. The gas pressure p is given by
the equation: p po gh. Here is the density
of mercury and h is the height difference between
point A and the mercury surface in the open end of the
Metals expand when heated
Different metals expand different amounts
Hook two metals together to make a
thermometer that turns
Bimetallic Thermometers


Bimetallic thermometers are used in thermostats

Digital thermometers use the fact that electricity
conducts differently at different temperatures.

As the temperature get lower the molecules move

Kinetic energy goes down
Lowest possible temperature would be when
molecules stop moving
Absolute zero
Temperature tells you direction
That energy will move.
Always moves from high temperature to low
Faster molecules (high temperature) hit slower
molecules (low temperature) and speed them up
Touching objects exchange thermal energy
Microscopically, energy flows both ways
On average, energy flows one way
Temperature predicts energy flow direction
Energy flows from hotter to colder
No flow thermal equilibrium same temp
Temperature turns out to be
average thermal kinetic energy per particle
More on heat in another Chapter
Heat As Energy Transfer
We often speak of heat as though it were a
material that flows from one object to
another; it is not. Rather, it is a form of
Unit of heat: calorie (cal)
1 cal is the amount of heat necessary to raise
the temperature of 1 g of water by 1 Celsius
Dont be fooled the calories on our food
labels are really kilocalories (kcal or Calories),
the heat necessary to raise 1 kg of water by 1
Heat As Energy Transfer
If heat is a form of energy, it ought to be
possible to equate it to other forms. The
experiment below found the mechanical
equivalent of heat by using the falling weight
to heat the water:
Heat As Energy Transfer
Definition of heat:
Heat is energy transferred from one
object to another because of a
difference in temperature.
Remember that the temperature of a
gas is a measure of the kinetic
energy of its molecules.
Internal Energy
The sum total of all the energy of all the
molecules in a substance is its internal (or
thermal) energy.
Temperature: measurement of molecules
average translational kinetic energy
Internal energy: total energy of all molecules
Heat: transfer of energy due to difference in
Internal Energy

Internal energy of an ideal (atomic) gas:

But since we know the average kinetic

energy in terms of the temperature,
we can write:
Internal Energy

If the gas is
molecular rather than
atomic, rotational
and vibrational
kinetic energy needs
to be taken into
account as well.
Specific Heat

Some materials heat up easily

Others require a large amount of energy to change their
Specific heat measures the amount of energy required to
raise the temperature 1 kg of a substance by 1 Kelvin

Table on next slide mT
Specific Heat

The specific heat, c, is

characteristic of the
material. Some values
are listed at right.
Its units is J kg1 K1
Specific Heat

Sometime we usually count into the

mass of the object, and heat capacity,
C is used.
C mc

It is the amount of heat required to

raise the temperature of the object
through 1 Kelvin.
its units is J kg-1
Specific Heat
Specific heats of gases are more
complicated, and are generally
measured at constant pressure (cP) or
constant volume (cV).
Some sample
Specific Heat
Water has a high specific heat 4200 J/kg K
Metals have a low specific heat
Iron 450 J/kg K

How much heat does it take to change the temperature of 3 kg of

water by 75 K?
How much heat to change the heat of 5 kg of iron by 75 K?
Calorimetry Solving Problems
The instrument to the
right is a calorimeter,
which makes quantitative
measurements of heat
exchange. A sample is
heated to a well-
measured high
temperature, plunged
into the water, and the
equilibrium temperature
measured. This gives the
specific heat of the
Specific Heat
1. Sources of heat energy
Higher temperature object
Electrical appliance
Transformation of energy (kinetic energy , gravitational
potential energy, elastic potential energy, etc)
Work done
Specific Heat
1. Sources of heat energy
Higher temperature object
Total energy changed in the whole system is zero.

Q 0
Q1 Q2 Q3 ........ 0
m1c1T1 m2 c2 T2 m3c3 T3 ........ 0
Specific Heat
What is the final temperature of the mixture if
100g of water at 70 C is added to 200 g of cold
water at 10 C and well stirred?
Q 0
m1c1T1 m2 c2 T2 0
0.1cw ( 70) 0.2cw ( 10) 0
( 70) 2( 10) 0
3 90
30 (C)
Specific Heat
A bath contains 150 kg of water at 50 C. Hot
water at 60 C flows into the bath at the rate of
20kg per minute and at the same time cold water
at 10 C flows into the bath at a rate of 35 kg per
minute. Assuming no heat loss or gain from the
surrounding, find the time taken for the water in
the bath to become 30 C. Assume the water in
the bath is uniform in temperature.
Q 0
m1c1T1 m2 c2 T2 m3c3 T3 0
Specific Heat
m1c1T1 m2 c2 T2 m3c3T3 0
150cw (30 50) 20t cw (30 60) 35t cw (30 10) 0

3000 600t 700t 0

t 30 (min)
Specific Heat
Equal masses of three liquids A, B, and C with
specific heat capacities c1, c2, c3 and at
temperatures of 1, 2 and 3 respectively are
mixed thoroughly. If there is no change of state
and the mixture is thermally isolated, what is its
final temperature? Q 0
m1c1T1 m2 c2 T2 m3c3T3 0
mc1 ( f 1 ) mc2 ( f 2 ) mc3 ( f 3 ) 0
(c1 c2 c3 ) f (c11 c2 2 c3 3 ) 0
c11 c2 2 c3 3
c1 c2 c3
Specific Heat
1. Sources of heat energy
Electrical appliance

Q Pt VIt I 2 RT t
Specific Heat
A 12 kW drilling machine is used to drill a hole in a
metal block of mass 10 kg. Assuming that 25%
power is lost in the machine, calculate the rise in
temperature of the block in 2 minutes. Specific heat
capacity of the metal is 0.4 J kg-1 K-1.
Q (1 25%) Pt
mcT 0.75 Pt
0.75 Pt
0.75 2000 (2 60)
10 0.4
270 (C)
Specific Heat
An electric kettle has a heating coil of 48ohms
resistance. What is the rise in temperature of 1.2
kg of water in the kettle after the latter has been
plugged to a 240 V power supply for 42 seconds?
V 2
240 2 42
Q Pt t T
R 48 1.2 4200
10 (C)
mcT t
V 2t
Specific Heat
1. Sources of heat energy
Transformation of energy (kinetic energy , gravitational
potential energy, elastic potential energy, etc)

1 2 1 2
Q mv mgh kx
2 2
Specific Heat
A bullet travelling at 200 m s1 hits a sand bag.
The temperature of the bullet rises by 50 C.
Assuming that all the kinetic energy of the bullet
is converted into heat energy which heats up the
bullet, calculate the specific heat capacity of the
1 2 1
Q mv m 200 2
c 2
1 m 50
mcT mv 2

2 400 (J kg -1
K -1
1 2
c 2
Specific Heat
The water temperature at the top of a 200 m high
waterfall is 20 C. What is the water temperature
at the bottom of the waterfall? Take g = 10 m s2.

Q mgh 10 200
f 20
mc( f i ) mgh
20.48 (C)
f i
Specific Heat
According to the theory of specific heat of solids
at very low temperatures (close to absolute zero),
the specific heat of a solid varies with absolute
temperature T as
c = kT 3
where k is a constant depends upon the material. Find the heat
energy required to raise the temperature of 200 g of he solid
from 1 K to 4 K.
dQ mcdT mkT 3dT 1
Q 0.2 k[4 4 14 ]
4 T 4 4
Q mkT 3 dT [ mk ]14 12.75k (J)
1 4
Q mk[4 4 14 ]
Heat Capacity.
If an object whose initial temperature is Ti absorbes an amount Q
of heat, its temperature increases to a value T f according to the equation:
Q C T C T f Ti . The proportionality constant C is known as the
object's "heat capacity".
Specific Heat.
The heat capacity C of an object is proportional to its mass m.
Thus the equation above can be written as: Q mc T f Ti . The constant c
is known as the "specific heat" and it depends on the material out of which the
object is made.
Molar Specific Heat.
If we measure the heat capacity that corresponds to one
mole of a substance, this is knwon as "molar specific heat". It is a convenient
parameter because 1 mole of any substance contains the same number (6.02 10 23
of atoms or molecules.
Latent Heat:

Solids have definite shape and volume

Fixed and tight
Cannot be compressed into smaller objects
When solids are heated they expand
When solids are cooled they contract
Latent Heat:
Liquids have definite volume but no shape
Flow as a cloud
Cannot be compressed (meaning if I have 1 litre of
coke, I cannot make it fit into a pop can)
When liquids are heated they expand
When liquids are cooled they contract
Latent Heat:
Gases have no definite shape or size
Move randomly with high speed
Can be compressed
When heated, gases expand
When cooled, gases - contract
Latent Heat
Energy is required for a material to
change phase, even though its
temperature is not changing.
Latent Heat
Heat of fusion, LF: heat required to change
1.0 kg of material from solid to liquid
Heat of vaporization, LV: heat required to
change 1.0kg of material from liquid to

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