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Statement Of Cash Flow

Content & Preparation

Definition Purpose Usefullness
Format Overview

Intermediate Accounting
IFRS 2nd Edition
Kieso, Weygandt, and Warfield
Definition of the Statement of Cash
Laporan arus kas adalah laporan keuangan yang menyajikan

secara sistematis penerimaan dan pengeluaran kas yang terdiri

dari aktivitas operasi, investasi, dan pendanaan pada periode

tertentu.(PSAK 2)
An important element of the objective of financial reporting is

assessing the amounts, timing, and

uncertainty of cash flows.
Purpose of the Statement of Cash
Primary Purpose: To provide relevant information about the
cash receipts and cash payments of an enterprise during a

Statement provides answers to the following questions:

1. Where did the cash come from?

2. What was the cash used for?

3. What was the change in the cash balance?

Usefullness of the Statement of Cash

Without cash, a company will not survive.

Cash flow from Operations:

High amount - able to generate sufficient cash from
operations to pay its bills without further borrowing.
Low or negative amount - may have to
borrow or
issue equity securities.
Usefulness of Statement of Cash Flows
1. Financial Liquidity

Net Cash Provided by Operating

Current Cash Activities
Debt Coverage =
Ratio Average Current Liabilities

Ratio indicates the ability to pay off current liabilities from

Ratio near 1:1 is good.
Usefulness of Statement of Cash Flows
2. Financial Flexibilty

Net Cash Provided by Operating

Cash Debt Activities
Coverage Ratio =
Average Total Liabilities

Ratio indicates the ability to repay liabilities from net cash

provided by operating activities, without having to liquidate
assets employed in operations.
Usefulness of Statement of Cash Flows
3. Free Cash Flow

Indicates the amount of discretionary cash flow available.

Content and Format of the Statement
of Cash Flows

Operating Investing Financing

Activities Activities Activities

Transactions that Making and Transactions

enter into the collecting loans involving
determination of and acquiring and liability and
net income disposing of equity items
investments and
property, plant,
and equipment
Content and Format of the Statement
of Cash Flows
Metode Pelaporan Aktivitas Operasi

Terdapat dua metode yaitu sebagai berikut

1. Direct Method
Menyajikan Aktivitas Operasi berdasarkan kelompok utama dari
penerimaan kas bruto dan pengeluaran kas bruto.

2. Indirect Method
Menyajikan Aktivitas Operasi berdasarkan laba atau rugi neto yang
disesuaikan pengaruh transaksi non-kas,penangguhan atau akrual dari
penerimaan dan pembayaran kas untuk pembayaran operasi masa lalu dan
masa depan,dan unsur penghasilan atau beban yang terkait arus investasi
atau pendanaan.
Metode Pelaporan Aktivitas Operasi

Formula Metode Pelaporan

Formula Direct Method
a. Cash Receipt From Customer
Revenue from sales, (-) increase A/R, (+) decreease A/R
b. Cash Payment to Supplier
Cost Of Good Sold, (+) increase inventory, (-) decrease
inventory, (+) decrease A/P, (-) increase A/P
c. Cash Payment for Operating Expense
Operating Expense, (+) increase prepaid expense and decrease
accrued expense payable, (-) decrease prepaid expense and
oncrease acrrued expense payable.
Preparation of the Statement of Cash

Sources of Information
Information obtained from several sources:
1. comparative statements of financial position,

2. current income statement, and

3. selected transaction data.

Preparation of Statement of Cash Flows

Illustration: On January 1, 2015, in its first year of operations,

Telemarketing Inc. issued 50,000 ordinary shares of $1 par
value for $50,000 cash. The company rented its office space,
furniture, and telecommunications equipment and performed
marketing services throughout the first year. In June 2015, the
company purchased land for $15,000.

Illustration 5-20 shows the companys comparative statements

of financial position at the beginning and end of 2015.
Preparation of Statement of Cash Flows
Preparing the Statement of Cash Flows


1. Net cash provided by (or used in) operating activities.

2. Net cash provided by (or used in) investing and financing


3. Determine the change (increase or decrease) in cash during

the period.

4. Reconcile the change in cash with the beginning and the

ending cash balances.
Preparation of Statement of Cash Flows
Net cash provided by operating activities
Excess of cash receipts over cash payments from operating
Determined by converting net income on an accrual basis
to a cash basis.
Add to or deduct from net income those items in the
income statement that do not affect cash.
Requires an analysis of the current years income
statement, comparative statements of financial position and
selected transaction data.

Increase in accounts receivable

reflects a non-cash increase of
$41,000 in revenues.

Cash provided by operating activities ILLUSTRATION 5-22

LO 6

Increase in accounts payable

reflects a non-cash increase of
$12,000 in expenses.

Cash provided by operating activities ILLUSTRATION 5-22

LO 6
Preparation of Statement of Cash Flows
Telemarketing Inc.s investing and financing activities.
Purchased land for $15,000.
Issued ordinary shares for $50,000.
Paid $14,000 in dividends.


Issued ordinary
shares for

LO 6


Purchased land
for $15,000

LO 6


Paid $14,000 in

LO 6
Preparation of Statement of Cash Flows

BE 5-12: Keyser Beverage Company reported the following

items in the most recent year.
Net income $40,000 Operating
Dividends paid 5,000 Financing
Increase in accounts receivable 10,000 Operating
Increase in accounts payable 7,000 Operating
Purchase of equipment 8,000 Investing
Depreciation expense 4,000 Operating
Issue of notes payable 20,000 Financing

Required: Determine if each item should be classified as an

operating, investing, or financing activity.

LO 6
BE 5-12 Net income of $40,000

LO 6
BE 5-12 Dividends paid $5,000

LO 6
BE 5-12 Increase in accounts receivable of $10,000

LO 6
BE 5-12 Purchase equipment for $8,000

LO 6
BE 5-12 Increase in accounts payable of $7,000

LO 6
BE 5-12 Proceeds from notes payable of $20,000

LO 6
BE 5-12 Depreciation expense of $4,000

LO 6
BE 5-12

LO 6
Preparation of Statement of Cash Flows
Significant Non-Cash Activities
Reported in a separate note to the financial statements.

Examples include:
Issuance of ordinary shares to purchase assets.
Conversion of bonds into ordinary shares.
Issuance of debt to purchase assets.
Exchanges on long-lived assets.
of Cash Flows

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