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International Business

Machines (IBM)
International Business Machines, or IBM nicknamed Big Blue, is a
multinational computer technology and IT consulting corporation headquartered in
Armonk, New York, United States. The company is one of the few information
technology companies with a continuous history dating back in 19 th century. IBM
manufactures and sells computer hardware and software (with a focus on the later),
and offers infrastructure services, hosting services, and consulting services in areas
ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology Ginni Rometty is the
president, chairman and CEO of the IBM.

IBM has been well known through most of its recent history as one of the world's
largest computer companies and systems integrators. With over 400,000 employees
worldwide as of 2014,IBM holds more patents than any other U.S. based. s
technology company and has twelve research laboratories world wide. The company
has scientists, engineers, consultants, and sales professionals in over 175 countries
IBM employees have earned fiveNobel Prizes, fourTuring Awards, fiveNational
Medals of Technology, and fiveNational Medals of Science.
Brief History of IBM
In 1911 IBM was first incorporated in New York as the Computing-Tabulating-Recoding
Company. The companys history, however, can be traced back to 1890, when the United
States was receiving waves of immigrants. To meet the needs of measuring population the
US Census Bureau sponsored a contest to find the most efficient means of tabulating census
data. The contest was won by German immigrant and Census Bureau statistician, Herman
Hollerith. Hollerith formed the Punch Card Tabulating Machine Co. in 1896.In 1911 Holleriths
company merged with Computing Scale Co. of America and International Time Recording Co.
to form Computing-Tabulating-Recording Co. The company manufactured and sold products
ranging from commercial scales and industrial time recorder to meat and cheese slicers,
tabulators and punch cards. In the beginning the company operated in New York City only.
Within a short period of time, however, it quickly expanded its office and plants to other parts
of New York State, Washington, DC, Ohio, Michigan and Toronto, Canada. In 1914 Thomas
J. Watson joined the company and became the president of the company within eleven
months. Under his leadership the company continued to expand its products and services. At
that time the company focused on producing large scales custom built tabulating solutions for
businesses. Within ten years Watson had expanded the companys business operations to
Europe, South America, Asia and Australia and in 1924 the company was renamed
International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) to reflect the firms worldwide expansion.

Charles Ranlett Flint

Charles Ranlett Flint was an American and was the founder of the
Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company which later became IBM.
For his financial dealings he earned the moniker "Father of Trusts" In
1868, Charles Flint graduated from theNew York University - Tandon
School of Engineering (then Polytechnic University of New
York)inBrooklyn and in 1871 entered the shipping business as a
partner in Gilchrest, Flint & Co., and laterW.R. Grace & Co.after
amerger.1876 to 1879, he served as the Chilean consul at New York
City. He also served as consul general to the United States for
Nicaragua and Costa Rica.In 1892, heconsolidatedseveral
companies to formU.S. Rubber.In 1899 he repeated the same
withAdams Chewing Gum,Chiclets,Dentyne, andBeemansto
formAmerican Chicle. He was also responsible for the formation
ofAmerican Woolenin 1899.In 1911 he consolidated four companies
to form theComputing-Tabulating-Recording Company.In 1924, the
company was re-christened as International Business Machines. Flint
served on the board of directors of IBM until 1930 when he
retired.He died on February 26, 1934 inWashington, D.C..

punch clock or clock card machine

Atime clock, sometimes known as aclock card machineorpunch
clockortime recorder, is a mechanical (or
electronic)timepieceused to assist in tracking thehours worked by
an employee of a company.
Atypewriteris a mechanical or electromechanical machine for
writing in characters similar to those produced by
printer'smovable typeby means of keyboard-operated types
striking a ribbon to transfer ink or carbon impressions onto paper.
Typically one character is printed on each keypress. The machine
prints characters by making ink impressions of type elements
similar to thesorts used inmovable type letterpress printing. At
the end of the nineteenth century the termtypewriterwas also
applied to a person who used such a machine.
Acomputeris a device that can beinstructed to carry
out an arbitrary set ofarithmetic orlogical operations
automatically. The ability of computers to follow a
sequence of operations, called aprogram, make
computers very flexible and useful. Such computers are
used ascontrol systems for a very wide variety
ofindustrial andconsumer devices.
IBM is launching a new business unit focused on block chain
technology and other emerging areas and putting its global
business services chief, Bridget van Kralingen, in charge.The unit,
dubbed Industry Platforms, will initially emphasize Watson
Financial Services, block chain technology and strategic
partnerships. Van Kralingen, senior vice president for IBM Global
Business Services, will run the unit and report to CEO Ginny
Rometty. IBM has been pushing block chain technologies and
working to make it more open to enterprises. A block chain is a
data structure that makes it possible to create a digital ledger of
transactions and share it in a distributed network. Block chain
became popular with the rise of bitcoin digital currency. As for the
global business services unit, former Accenture exec Mark Foster
will take over. IBM has hired a bevy of new executives to run the
Internet of things, Watson and Watson Healthcare units.
Van Kralingen joined IBM in 2014 as a managing
partner for the financial services sector. IBM has been
investing heavily in block chain research and
development. IBM said van Kralingen will also oversee
strategic partnerships with the likes of Apple, SAP,
Workday and Box. In an employee memo, IBM said that
the industry platforms business is designed to focus on
"radically optimized processes and marketplaces that
leverage Watson, IBM Cloud, IBM Systems, block chain,
deep domain expertise and ecosystems of partners and
developers." Financial services is IBM's largest vertical
and block chain technology directly applies. IBM's plan
is to broaden block chain usage to other industries.

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