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Writing Narrative

To narrate is to tell a story that

explains what happened, when it happened,
and who was involved.

The stories told in order to teach a

lesson, illustrate an idea, or make someone
laugh, cry, or get involved.
The writer begins a narrative paragraph
with a topic sentence that tells or sets up
the point of the narrative.
The body of a narrative paragraph is
developed according to time, or
chronological, order.*
That is, the writer explains the narrative
the entire
incidentas a series of small events or
actions in the order in which they occurred.
By keeping to strict chronological order, the
writer helps the reader
follow the story more easily and avoids
interrupting the narrative with,
But I forgot to mention that before this
Note that all of the events occur in
chronological order.
The conclusion provides a strong and
thought-provoking ending.
Finally, the specific details of certain
events make the narrative more vivid.
Generic Structure
: it introduces the setting of the story. It
included the participants, the time and the
It shows a problem arises followed by other
: it contains the solution of the problem
Transitional Expressions
Because narrative paragraphs tell a story in
chronological or time order, transitional
expressions that indicate time can be
Suggested Topics for Narrative
1. Your best (or worst) job interview
2. A risk that paid of
3. An important family story or story
someone told you
4. A turning point (personal, academic, or
5. An episode in a courtroom, ER, or other
interesting place
6. How you developed a career skill (in
customer service, computers, attitude,
and so on)
7. A breakthrough (emotional, physical, or
9. An incident that provoked an intense
emotion (such as rage, grief, pride,
or joy)
10. A triumphant (or embarrassing) moment
11. The first time you encountered a role
model or important friend
12. A serious choice or decision
13. An encounter with prejudice
14. Interview a person you admire and tell,
in short form, his or her story
15. Writers
choice: .......................................................

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