Math LP PP

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Comparing area vs. perimeter
What do you scholars already understand about perimeter? Area?
Count out 24 paper clips & loop them together
As I read the following scenario I will pause for you to create the loops
using your paper clips
Grandpa brings chickens and the materials to make
a 24 foot long chicken coop to Jalen, Alexis, and
Jasmine. The first coop they make is a 9 X 3 coop.
Please create this using the paper clips in front of
you. How many square feet do the chickens have to
roam inside this chicken coop? How do we know?
The next day they make it a little wider, and the
coop is now 8 X 4. Please create this using the paper
clips in front of you. How many square feet do the
chickens have to roam inside this chicken coop? How
do we know? Although this coop is wider, the
chickens are too close to the garden and get wet
when the garden is watered. Jalen, Alexis, and
Jasmine move the coop up the hill and build it to be 6
X 6. Please create this using the paper clips in front
of you. How many square feet do the chickens have
to roam inside the chicken coop? How do we know?
This coop has much more room, but it is too far up
the hill. The children finally settle on a triangular
coop that measures 8 feet on each side to fit under
the apple tree near the house. Please create this
using the paper clips in front of you. How many
square feet do the chickens have to roam inside the
chicken coop? How do we know ?
1. What stayed the same throughout the
2. What changed throughout the story?
3. What math concept are we performing
during this activity? Why?
Add 12 more paper clips to your loops
How many do you have now?
Grid paper
Directions for the following scenario:
Model each possible pen with the paper clip loop
Record the pen on grid paper
Label each pens perimeter (add length of each four sides)
Label each pens area (L X W)
Work in your table groups
Find every possible way to make 36: You should have a total of 9 ways.

Ebonys mom agreed to adopt

a new puppy for the family.
Before Ebony can bring Pugsy
home, she need to build an
exercise pin for him in the
backyard. Lily has 36 feet of
fencing. Find all of the
rectangular pens that Lily can
How many different pens can Ebony make?
How can we be sure?
What is one dimension of the pen that your group
found? What is the area? Perimeter? Continue
until all 9 are found.
What is true about the perimeters of all the pens?
How do we know? (we used all 36 of the paper
clips in the fencing each time)
What is true about the areas of each of the pens?
What do you notice about the area
measurements? (Areas become larger as the
rectangle resembles a square)
Discuss items in the backyard
Which pen should Ebony choose from the dimensions you guys found from
before? Why?
Share with your table groups
Voting for each pen
Is this pen a good fit? Why or why not?
What is the difference between area and perimeter?
Sticky note
Suppose Ebony had 20 feet of
fencing. Find the dimensions one
pen she could make, the area,
and the perimeter. Record this on
your sticky note. When you are
done raise it in the air and I will
come collect it. Draw a picture
and explain yourself
May do: Find all dimensions of
the pen, the area, and the
perimeter. Record these in your

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