Bill of Rights Bracket

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Bill of Rights

Description of Amendments (print and
Amendment 1 give out)
The people are allowed to practice any religion, press, speak freely, assembly, and petition.
Amendment 2
You can bare arms.
Amendment 3
Soldiers can not stay in people house's without their consent.
Amendment 4
The government cannot just come into people's house and search and take their belongings without a search warrant.
Amendment 5
Sets out rules for how people are sentenced for the crime by the Grand Jury. Due process of law-going through the steps of legal
proceedings. Prohibits double jeopardy- you cant be tried twice for the same crime until there is new evidence.
Amendment 6
In all criminal trials, you have the right to a speedy and impartial trial. And the criminal should be informed about their charges. You
have the right to obtain witnesses. You have the right to get a lawyer even if you cannot afford it.
Amendment 7
Trial by jury in certain civil cases (non-criminal cases).
Amendment 8
Prohibits excessive fines or bans. Prohibits cruel and unusual punishment.
Amendment 9
the rights not specifically granted to the people in the Bill of Rights, still belong to the people.
Amendment 10
limits the powers of the federal government to those powers listed in the Constitution.
1). Nominate top 8 Amendments (take 10 minutes, nominate and second process)
2). Bracket is made by the order nominated not by the order of Amendment (1-8)
3). The bracket discussion is a series of mini-discussions. Overall, students must
follow the discussion rubric and respond, effectively, with their own personal
examples and information through current events. Through discussion and
argumentation, we will learn the most important amendments. Students will spend
no more than 10 minutes on each bracket (40 minutes first round, 20second round
and 10 minutes for the final round). All analysis should be comparative
4). Phones may only be out if fact checking and data to support an argument is
used. Disengagement is not allowed.
Bracket: (to be filled out on front

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